Where did she go?
Where did she go?
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bump wtf
Add another one to the Hillary kill list?
dey took her
Nice going Obama
What was that about trying 100%
what's funny is that Sup Forums is mad at her because she knew what her husband was doing and she dindu nuffin
Why did they let her go?
Scary version?
She was the accomplice and she's now off the grid plotting God only knows what.
Wrong shitlord. She was an angry confused lesbian. This had nothing to do with terrorists.
inb4 she fled to join ISIS
How much liberal butthurt would ensue if she went full blown snackbar and shot up another gay club?
Oh man the tears would be delicious.
what about the babby? won't anyone think of the babby?
How long until the dad disappears?
That's probably where the smart money is.
That or she just ran off to Chechnya to go have a pity-party with the Tsarnayevs' mom.
She's a crisis actor heading to the next crisis.
How long until the baby disappears?
>Mom goes into hiding
>Comes out of hiding for a second attack
>Is stopped short by a citizen with conceal carry
Her life is probably ruined by all the media and public attention. Everyone around her already thinks she's a terrorist and she's probably fearing for her life. Probably went into hiding or left the country.
How the fuck did they lose someone in custody?
>inb4 this.
Ah the poor terrorist
God I fucking hope
And that person is then sentenced to death for first degree murder / hate crime because they were an evil CC gun lover.
Am i rite ?
They need to keep narrative going.
Well, the most simple explanation is that somebody let her leave.
Reminder that the shooter's father met Clinton way before the attack.
I wear everyday and live close by. Here's to hoping I get a fresh snack bar hash on my barrel.
Why wasn't she in jail Obama?
Nice catch.
You got Sippenhaft in your country?
Nobody likes women already. Everybody is turning homosex after this shooting. You honestly think homos give a fuck about ppl like you? If she did this nobody would touch an Easily Duped Eve, ever again. Just use em for surrogates
Doubles and Kek wills it
if she got abducted / killed / tortured by anti-muslimes that would drive muslimes towards more serious attacks that would quickly end in trump turning the middle east into a crater, either starting ww3 or resolved world piece depending on wether or not people cared at all
then who let her out of the box?
Everyone calm down.
She was taken for rendition and questioning about what else she knew if course. Who Omar hung out with at the mosque, who he listened to.
Who he saw in Saudi Arabia. It's all valuable intel.
Now the kicker is, she wasn't nabbed by US forces. She was taken by ISIL with the help if the Muslim Brotherhood.
And that's the truth and she will never be seen again.
Would you just sit there when you literally are an accomplice to a mass shooting?
who ever it was is probably patting themselves on the back for not being racist
Obama is obviously part of this.
I Killed her
Been goosed
pretty interesting there is no serious news source on this but a bunch of bullshit stuff. also pretty interesting that the police were talking to her, have been considering charging her, yet you think they just let her wander off to go fly to syria.
she is probably at home or in interrogation.
>if she got abducted
yea, i'm sure she got fucking abducted by trump supporters..
in the witness protection program.
or dead
maybe she didnt want to play along with the hoax
You think this is a motherfucking game.
It is no game. She is right now as we speak being interrogated for information. But not by Obama's people lol they didn't even assign officers to guard her. Obama was never ready for this.
So ISIL took her. What I say it the truth.
Let's dispel this myth that she didn't know what her husband was doing; she knew exactly what he was doing.
That's the most ignorant thing pol has said all week.
Nope. See ya
Nice, are they taking her back to Isis?
Worse, Gamergaters.
Has anyone actually seen the babby?
top kek
Back to isis land.
Well you can think why you like but the administration had no resources watching her.
Not even a patrol car parked out front of her house. And the administration does not do renditions on US citizens from US soil.
Plausible, it could be she knew a lot more than was claimed. Probably won't hear anything more until the weekend.
This administration?
We won't hear a single peep out of them about it. Full damage control.
She will be interrogated and then quietly killed, her body easily disposed of.
I doubt they even took her out of Florida.
really good question
So the one person who was most likely to have the best intel on omar just up and flew away.
I am having a really hard time reconciling how the U.S. is so stupid as to let her disappear.She must have been renditioned, she had to have been.
Yeah, but at least nobody called them racist.
Here is a photo of Seddique Mateen, Taliban supporter and father of Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen, at the State Department sometime before the attack. That's all I have to say on the matter.
This administration does not do that to US citizens on US soil.
They didn't even have assets watching her. Obama has been too busy lambasting Trump like a rank amateur.
It's ALL about November now. This one is for all the marbles.
She's on the run back to Afghanistan.
who is this roleplaying faggot pretending he has some super secret intel replying to everybodys posts right now
Pure coincidence
i'm nobody from nowhere
in fact, i'm not even posting right now
Which one
our dimension is not ready for meme magics of that magnitude
I hope her sexy ass shows up here and needs some big white cock
Also: the father wouldn't have any contact with his sons mother (except for honor killing her) if hadn't still be together until he went on the killing spree.
Plus the arrogance he trolls the police. This is a well plotted story
If this administration had wanted to interrogate her they would have taken her in immediately. ASAP
They did not. They let he go back to her community with no escort or resources observing.
And it was only a matter of time until the Muslim Brotherhood contacted ISIL and got together a plan to dissappear her before the Administration got their shit together, or some nosy reporter showed up to ask bad questions.
Like who he knew best at the mosque and which Imam he liked best. And what he did and who he met with in Saudi Arabia.
This is the last anyone will ever see of her, she is probably already dead as I type this.
Last time that Chechnya was a good place to hide for terrorists was 16 years ago.
The feds screwed up with Omar and now they've screwed up with his wife. They'll screw up with Hillary next and she's going to become president.
Meme tickets
She got eaten by Disney Gator
Don't forget this thread
Praise kek, let this happen.
If doubles, the CC'er has an "assault" rifle, for double irony.
Oh its much, much worse than that.
FBI, DHS are not even allowed to use certain terms in their reporting or analysis right now.
Terrorist is out. Jihad is out. Enemy is out.
I am not joking, their very nomenclature has been scrubbed clean of anything which could be offensive to or directed at Islam.
Analysts and agents are completely hogtied.
This is why we have the absurd battle over 'radical Islam' right now. It's been deemed inappropriate.
It's pretty obvious at this point that upper levels of government have been compromised.
Wait wtf does the mean exactly..
>inb4 she was paid off by the Clinton foundation to keep quiet and was moved out of the states
The entire thing is an event.
The orchestra for all this is complex. They want to cause a civil war leading to martial law before the election happens. They can't have Trump possibly win. Hundred years of scumfuckery is at stake.
This is what happens when you put sociologists and anthropologists in charge of major government decisions.
When you outsource all your information on something you have so outsourced your decision making ability.
I say again for clarity. When you go to others for all your information about something you are also going to them for all your decisions.
That is going off the deep end, if they(other terrorists or DoJ) aced her right now it would raise too many questions. Likely witness protection and a tight leash for now if it is the govt' and if it is the terrorists she will be made an example. Of course it could be made to make it look like terrorists took her.
Mossad handling operative getting the fuck out.
Two things are unchangeable at this point in time. We have entered a bottleneck of possible outcomes.
1. Hillary Rodham Clinton will not be elected as the next President of the United States of America.
2. If Donald J. Trump is elected, he will be the last President the United States will ever have.
oh my
wow that's fucking twilight zone shit nigga