Brand new Ben Garrison. No editing needed.
Brand new Ben Garrison. No editing needed
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Don't the lolbertarians like him believe that the gubment does terrorist attacks or American foreign policy is responsible for them?
>Comparing the numbers Muslims have killed in mass shootings to the numver Whites have in the US
>Not being a lobotomized retard
>Muzzies dindu NUFFIN!!!
>DEY wuz driven ta do it by dat White SUPREME-A-CY
>Tfw based Ben is literally Sup Forums incarnate.
It's... so beautiful.
Bumping for Based Ben!
The dude's on fire lately, I'm really digging his new stuff.
fucking rectum
>ben garrison pretending he gives even half a shit about some durka shooting up faggots
baka desu senpai
The flag lapel pin is upside down--nice touch.
Islam is a violent religion that has oppressed millions worldwide, if you defend it you might be braindead
Jesus fuck what have we meme'd?
The absolute madman!
Zyklon Ben has an eye for detail. It's how he found all those escaped kikes for the Nazis
Anyone got the original?
Kill yourself
An unedited version would have very high potential though...
Nah, it needs le merchant peeking out from behind obama.
Fucking based as shit. I want to buy this man a beer.
>upside down American flag
This one doesn't need any 'editing.'
Its retarded religion that needs to die but we are overblowing it. Compare the number of Muslim mass shootings to non-Muslim mass shootings in the states.
>Implying you haven't edited the man to be Muslim and changed Israel to ISIS
Fucking Beautiful
pretty much this
who here feeling /devilish/?
Muslims are 1% of the US population. Niggers shoot each other in staggering numbers. If we were to take out every racial group except whites in the US, we would have a crime rate like Sweden precuck
Holy shit, this is A. Wyatt Mann tier.
This somehow makes Islam not responsible for terrorist attacks.
Are you including the mass bombings?
I mean its both.
If your kid rattles a hornet's nest you're disappointing in your kid for being fucking retarded, but you still feel bad for him and hate wasps for being such shitty fucked up creatures.
Where is the original?
On reddit.
Ben Garrison keeps getting funnier and funnier. I can't wait for his next comic
Not really. Modern Libertarianism is mostly an economic view where in simple terms the government is not as effective or efficient in producing goods and services as the people's own actions could in a market place. However, I wouldn't be surprised if anti-government proponents would adopt this view simply because it fits with their agendas for less government.
If we look at all the terrorist attacks that occurred in America between 1980 and 2005 we see that roughly 6% of them were committed by Muslims. During this time, Muslims made up about .45% of the American population, implying that Muslims are about 13 times more likely than non-Muslims to commit a terrorist attack.
It we look at the number of people killed by terrorism, the numbers become even more striking. If you start counting after 9/11, the majority of people killed in the US due to terrorism were killed by Muslims. If you include the death totals from 9/11 in such a calculation, then there have been around 62 people killed in the United States by Islamic extremists for every one American killed by a right wing terrorist.
Muslims are not a race, it's a religious following. You can only be Muslim if you follow Quran, otherwise you're just some closet homo trying to pose as one.
No edits, ya asses. He's got it right. Just post the original.
>newfag thinks 'doing it for the lulz' is reddit material
You'd probably fit in there.
what are you defining as terrorism? an angsty white boy shooting up his school or a shopping mall rarely gets classified as such
Ben's finest work yet!
>it's the NRA's fault sandniggers kill people
He's very talented.
He was an American citizen who received no training from ISIS whatsoever.
The Orlando shooter was a the Orlando shooter was a gay, heterosexually married Muslim Democrat who was also an extreme homophobe, racist, wife-beater, and legal gun owner who dreamed of being in the NYPD and pledged allegiance to three terrorist groups ( Hezbollah, ISIS, and Al-Qaeda) that are enemies actually at war with each other.
Oh course, it was really filthy Pakistan behind it all!
>blah blah blah more excuses
Isis is zionist
He always gets it right. The edits aren't about discrediting him, nobody who cares is likely to see them anyway, they're just funny. If we're going to hold off because he's right now, what the hell have we been doing all these years?
I'm still in disbelief about how hard we redpilled him
>you're a redditor for using a meme that has been on Sup Forums since 2007
Yes, things that aren't terrorism rarely get classified as terrorism. What point are you even trying to make?
Ben "the one man Klan" Garrison strikes again.
Haha, very funny now post the un-edited one.
this, bombing and then importing them is a really fucking stupid idea
t. ancap
Needs a merchant added in to be good
>mass shootings
Why not compare it to the number of all gun deaths in th-
Ah yeah, I see, that wouldn't work.
OPs version is slightly edited user. Found the original.
I love how obama is litterally a cuck
Mass shooting /=/ terrorist attack.
Why don't we combine both mass shootings and the terrorist attacks to compare while we're at it?
Welp, that alone killed more Americans than every mass shooting in America's history.
Ben "kebab killer" Garrison strikes again!
nobody believes your lies Mr Sotero
>what the hell have we been doing all these years?
Fucking with a libertarian for missing the forest for the trees with his BLM shit for example.
Now that he's white and right, we're targeting Horsey.
Just look at his Brexit cartoon.
Ben is becoming the man we need him to be.
Muslims all deserve to be gassed.
Every single one of them.
They have a choice, fuck off or get fucked.
We've awoken the demon.
Bumping for Ben.
Is it possible for him to get anymore based?
top kek
He pledged allegiance to ISIS. The moment he does that he forfeits his U.S. citizenship as he is a traitor to the American citizenry.
Kill yourself.
It ain't Anglo and Germanic Americans doing terrorist attacks I tell you what.
>ficke ficke
>burhka girls on the windows
Or a Jew who wants to import it into the West to destroy both.
I'm confused. Why can't the NRA be blamed for allowing this guy to get a gun?
The edits meme was started by a Jew who wanted to discredit Libertarians, he's in jail now
oh just wait my friend, if the liberals get their way there will plenty more killing by islamaniacs in the US
I actually followed Based Ben on Twitter because of his new cartoons... If he keeps it up he'll be getting some cash from me. His best still is the EU ship. I would fucking FRAME that and hang it in my office.
This guy wasn't even on the no-fly list and there are plenty of organizations that hate the no-fly list. Between 2000-2006 pretty much all mainstream leftists hated the no-fly list.
because how can you blame an organization that protects a constitutional right for some murders a whacked out muzzie commits? By your logic the ACLU should be blamed whenever someone calls a nigger and nigger.
You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Welcome home, Ben. We saved a seat for you.
because the real blame lies at the feet of politicians who allow the NRA (a lobbyist group for the gun manufacturers) to use their braindead moron members as political sway in a society where 70 something % of gun owners think there should be universal background checks.
the real fault lies in your government senpai. the ones who allow themselves to be swayed by big money instead of popular opinion.
t. gun owner who is in favor of background checks because fuck any faggot who cant stay out of trouble (not beat their wives).
he sells originals
If he's a wife-beater, why was she willingly helping him case the joint?
Thanks for the disinformation.
Post the original.
Here you go
stockhom syndrome, nigger.
its not like its unheard of... battered wives protecting their man has been going on since forfuckingever.
whether that point in this case is true or not you cannt take away the fact that dumb bitches with black eyes have been standing by their man for centuries... fuckin sjw faggot.
>The terrorist was from Afghanistan
>Garrison uses pakistani flag to symbolize terrorism despite the fact that very few of terrorists in the west are pakistani
Proof that Americans have no knowledge of the middle-east at all
I made one, too. Any good?
looks saudi green to me
Yeah, pretty much pic related leafbro
That's the stuff.
It's Islamic. The Paki one has a random white stripe for no reason.
add canda but with fire, and make the guy holding the bible wear a rainbow shirt for the lolz
>Ficki Ficki
Old memes define Reddit.
Haha came for this.
everyone always forget all the attempted shooting and bombings, there have been dozens that no one talks about because the fails.
They have been trying to get bombs on planes, what other group does that?
>one of the wealthiest people on earth
I know this meme, but can you give a fucking source