Orthodox Jew Sup Forums AMA

Someone asked about Kabbalah and sincerely wanted a response, here is what I wrote:

Kabbalah is the esoteric interpretations of Judaism.

For more info:vintagefrumteens.blogspot.com/search/label/MISC-----kabalah and nistar

Kabbalah center is a cult, stay away from them. Authentic Kabbalists do not teach gentiles or secular Jews. They hide the fact they study Kabbalah. If you an Israelite, visit the link kollel on Robertson and Saturn, and say hi to me!

how come you guys never dye those braided hair pigtails fun colors? also what is the best dish to try?

have you bulldozed any homes today?

well will you teach us about it?

also, do you believe other cultures have valid forms of mysticism?

i'm sure you've probably been asked this before, but what's your sincere opinion on israel?




That's forbidden, I think because its a feminine practice

oh you like getting cucked by Achmed I see. Go dirka dirka yourself

No, its forbidden to teach Kabbalah publicly and to non-Torah observant people.

However, you can ask Rabbis stuff like "what is the deeper meaning behind such-and-such mitzvah" and they will teach you something Kabbalaistic. Its all a game of riddles and parables dude, that's how it works.

It should never have been created, and now we are stuck, The best thing to do is to evacuate that country and come to America.

I know stuff, yeah

bump, sorry I keep getting sidetracked

What is your opinion of genesis? Jews believe in genesis right? Do you think the world was made in 6 days?

why do you Jews promote the idea that all intelligence is not biological?

the jews that theorize that its genetic are so few!

>It should never have been created, and now we are stuck, The best thing to do is to evacuate that country
>and come to America.
pls dont

What do you think of nihilism and moral nihilism in particular?

ultimate blue pill, on the same level of feminism and biblical critcism


Well, you can learn a lot with an average IQ, many people always tell me how smart I am but I just remember things easily I doubt I'm a genius or very smart, to be honest I'm horrible at math and other courses like that.
At the same time you see some people with high IQ who have autism, so it depends on exactly what you mean by intelligent do you mean they know a lot or have a high IQ?
I understand what you're saying though

Is being Jewish mean being part of a racial or ethnic group? Do you consider Jewish converts to be Jews?

>the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless.
Even if you're an atheist why would you believe that having no morals is a good thing just because you believe life is meaningless? Is it meaningless if someone gets raped or murdered?

i mean to say IQ.

Do goys repulse you, do you see as us sub humans?

I am a moral skeptic.

I have tried to find an objective standard of morality that does not engage ins circular reasoning, but it seems impossible.

Rape and murder cause harm, but why does that make it wrong? Even if it was wrong, objectively, why should anyone care?

It's undeniable some groups of people have higher or lower IQ's, I do think though it's a little unfair to compare Africans to Europeans, it would be more fair to compare blacks from America with them. The environment most Africans grew up in just isn't compatible with our standards of smartness, to them there's no reason to know trigonometry for example.
Europeans are obviously smarter, but all Africans aren't mentally retarded, less intelligent yes but IQ tests show them as on average being considered legally retarded which seems unlikely.

Genesis is for sure literal, a day in genesis is 24 hours, like it says in all of the medieval sources (Rashi to Chagiga 12a, also brought in the kuzari, ramban, rashbam, and others) and so the universe is 6000 years old.

Dude, Judaism is not cultural Marxism. People like you just make Sup Forums look retarded, like more retarded than Alex Jones even

neither, its a religion. Jews are just one of the tribes of Israel, and a goy can convert to being an Israelite.

You need to contact a Torah sage and ask him your questions, that answer is a whole seminar.

Degenerates are repulsive, and the typical gentile is a degenerate.

I guess it's hard for me to see that point of view because I'm a Christian, to me it's just common sense why they're wrong.
Maybe you just see it as an outsider which is why you don't care but if it became a personal thing would you still not care? I would be absolutely crushed if it happened to a family member for example

Is this a common belief with Orthodox Jews? I live in an orthodox Jewish neighbourhood so sometimes I wonder where our opinions differ and where they're the same.
For me if I tell someone I take the bible literally even Christians react extremely negatively, so I sometimes wonder how Jews feel about it.

What do you think of the Nazis? (not today's Nazis)

U have never met an Aussiie girl IRL so u don't know fuk they are the best not like your ugly

Reform jew. fite me.

what is your ethnicity?
have you gotten your dna tested?

I've heard that it's more pronounced in Hebrew but there's an implied break during the genealogy of Enoch, so many Jewish scholars think that the earth is a few thousand years older than 6,000, but still only like ~8,000ish. Have you ever heard of that?

How much money (Sheckles) Do you have?

This is our mesorah (Torah tradition) from Mount Sinai.

People who cant take the Bible literally pervert the truth of G-d's work and are attatched to Satanic forces. They are weak in faith and they will face certain penalties from Hashem for turning other's from the truth.

But Jews, even orthodox Jews are no better. Just listen to charadi Rabbis (not Chabad, identifyingchabad.org)

My parents are from Iran. Ive never got my DNA tested.

That is incorrect.

Hardly any, I'm trying to get autismbux

He is a 49 year old manlet lives at home with momma no shekels

Who will you vote for in the US election?

You kIke taking money from the autists u kuk