Bump this thread. They're taking the guns.
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fuck these crooks, list these names and get these shitheads out of congress
they're pushing for an American holocaust
Going to post this in every thread,
The fact that gun owners are so defensive over this is HILARIOUS. How does not having an assault rifle negatively impact your life at all.
You have never needed it and will never need it. You are just acting like petulant children
muhh guuuunss. Lmao it's pathetic desu
The jew has had it's fun in America, it will now move to China to suck their blood. This nightmare wont end until we kill every single one of them and their slaves the politicians.
wow, im sue you.
I cant not't stop thinking! :'(!
Isn't this the part where you Americans go shoot down the government?
You lot are always so zealous about the idea.
>How does not having an assault rifle negatively impact your life at all.
you'll find out when the holocaust hits you fucking dumbass
>How does not having an assault rifle negatively impact your life at all.
I don't even own one, but the fact that you can't grasp the concept of a tyrannical government is. Sad!
in their minds, gun = penis
>You have never needed it and will never need it.
Every dictator in history disarmed the populace.
Probably the same way you can't live without that .05 cents added to your Shilling account
Some Black guy is mumbling a story.
>Senators have debated gun violence for 10 hours
Yikes. But there's not very many people there.
Are they just filibustering and showboating, or are they debating an actual bill?
gungrabbers are curiously obsessed with gun owners' penises
since they talk about them all the time, i'm going with some kind of oral fixation
If u don't think a totalitarian government can exist today I'd have you know North Korea currently exists
muh terrorists
In a filibuster, the people can leave.
i love watching c-span with my Sup Forums bros
i know most of you have the channel on your tv
so why even bother with a shitty stream?
anyway, maximum comfy time
It's not going to happen.
They're well aware that they have no fucking clue how many weapons are actually in the states. (Figures always given as "more than", yea, a fuggin lot more than)
They're also aware of the consequences of trying to rip salt rifles away
>cold, dead hands
Calm down.
what? they know that
this is just a show to cause the sales of various guns including the mentioned rifle to surge
sales go up
stock goes up
everyone gets a little bit of money for doing the scary show about banning them
50 round fully automatic armor piercing cop killer clips!
>mfw democraps use the filibuster, after how many times of ridiculing republicans for filibustering?
Now, THAT sounds about right.
Based level headed user.
The left praised Rand Paul for it recently to be fair
Filibuster is for defeating a bill, these idiots are just preventing random bills from being voted on, so its literally a congressional version of virtue signaling.
Introduce a bill and the Republican will filibuster it oit of existence, which is the proper way to use a filibuster.
Once again, liberals prove just how dumb they are.
>1 post
Grown men own guns. You want your mommy Obama to take them away from everyone including you because you're a fucking spoiled toddler that can't be trusted with the real scissors.
It's literally fucking impossible to spin being a defenseless pussy into some kind of macho stance.
This. I've heard Obama owns stock in Smith and Wesson.
Technically a filibuster is to prevent a bill from being voted on. This is a sort of reverse filibuster in that they are trying to get a gun control bill passed by whining and yammering for hours on end.
you are the enemy
They can't even reply to your comment coherently
top kek
>They're taking the guns.
They arent, its against the constitution
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
What part did you misunderstand?
Hell no we will still get our guns
What gun control bill?
>he doesnt understand freedom of anything
>You have never needed it and will never need it.
Can I get all the state lotto numbers mr. savant?
So kill them with your guns before they can take them.
It's the exact opposite of complicated.
Tyranny, how does it work?
So if an AWB gets passed, would that mean anyone who bought one in the past has to go turn theirs in? Or just that no new ones can be sold?
Probably banning AR-15, Sigsauer MCX, and anything else that looks sufficiently frightening to libtards.
I'll tell you one thing, I'm going to go buy an AR15, then I'll buy another one privately out of state and keep it stored in the woods, this time next year my home will be bursting with weapons
It starts with disarming the people
these democrats need to go, typically people who do this get ousted from congress, thats our job, let's get them removed
i wish i could own a badass gun
then they stomp around and shoot you for breaking rules
I haven't been watching it all day, but my guess is that they are pushing for the assault weapons ban to be reinstated or the No Fly List = No Gunz List thing that was talked about not too long ago.
Thanks for the link
>that chat
Holy shit.
>owning an electric jew
Its the principle that really matters. The lefts stated goal is to take guns away, they will not stop at this ban if successful. Give an inch and they will take everything. Can not let them get their foot in the door here.
And this ban doesnt accomplish anything, people can still get whatever they want for a mass shooting illegally. Its only the law abiding citizens that suffer.
No bill. They're filibustering nothing so they can wax poetic about the efficaccies of an "assault weapons" ban.
The NRA will win again. You should see the CSPAN Facebook comments about the filibuster. No one thinks the democucks are right. Don't blame the democrats though, they're just pandering to their base like the republicans do when they talk about JEWdeo-Christian morality.
That being said. Come and take it
>wanting to stream the various news channels through our shitty american internet
user pls
If you're white you're welcome to join us my syrupy shitposting friend.
>my son is severely autistic
That doesn't surprise me holy fuck! Fuck this stupid cunt!
I can't watch the stream, somebody tell me what's going on
>It's literally fucking impossible to spin being a defenseless pussy into some kind of macho stance.
They stood and cried on the graves of dead white school couldn't and couldn't get Jack shit passed.
What makes Orlando special?
>assault rifle
You already need a license for an actual "assault rifle." Since I can only presume you mean a semi-automatic rifle, you can go fuck yourself.
oh it's cute, you are paranoid and delusional lmao
She looks so happy and smug despite talking about dozens of innocents getting killed.
Highlights so far.
>No ammendment is absolute! You can't yell fire in a crowded theatre! Fuck due process and scary looking guns.
>Let's try and be consistent here, there have to be limitations. A lot of senators will protest due process but don't care about due process when it comes to other ammendments. That's hyprocrisy. I'm saying we need to disregard due process altogether /wholesale/
>your right to own a gun is absolutely not absolute
>Republicans are so inconsistent, I haven't seen any come and protest for these terrorists to be allowed on planes. What is a 'right'?
Mainly tell me if anything is actually happening.
Because they are trying to deflect from the fact they were killed in the name of allah desu.
I can't watch vids right now
Can someone explain whats happening
taking guns is not a happening
get a fucking grip you fuckfacehole
the part where you and most of pol thinks the government is trying to put you into slavery after they take away your shitty rifle lmao
>She looks so happy and smug despite talking about dozens of i
she is literally smiling and almost laughed a moment ago.
>No bill.
Ah, well that's reassuring. It's good to know we can count on the Democrats to do just as much as the Republicans: absolutely nothing but talk.
They're trying to take our guns.
Plain and simple.
Due process is going out of the window
This country is fucked.
>grown men own guns
So do children in third world countries. So does 16 year old Jamal in South side Chicago
You are a fucking child who only feels defended while he hides behind a rifle.
>stalker bill
any womyn would be able to tale your guns away
Just wait a little while. The libtards will lose this battle and AR prices will go back down and then you can buy one at a fair price. Right now the gun manufacturers and retailers are making hand over fist on semi auto, scary black GUNZ with big magz. Those profits will go to the ILA who swings it's big, meaty, litigious cock around Washington beating weak democrat faggot senators like Chris Murphy into the ground.
>liberals say trump is hitler
>citizens shouldn't have guns
>trump wins
Then what liberals?
"A man without a sword is a slave"
Law of the Ancients still apply, save our swords are semi-auto 55.6.
blah blah muh gun show loop hole thats never been exploited blah blah
Because its a right not a g_d damn want.
Why because they made it harder for Ahmed to get a rifle?
Lmao Hillbilly jim strikes again
Oh look a neckbeard. LMAO
assualt rifle vs drones
so buy revolver and shotgun and wait to buy semi auto rifle? gun question,
do these ARs take pre ban high mag clips or are you fucked there if you get one depending on your state?
When is Rand going to show up to defend our God-given rights?
>the government doesn't want to control you!
Stay in the south you subhuman trash