Let's settle this, what kind of board is Sup Forums, fascist or libertarian?
Let's settle this, what kind of board is Sup Forums, fascist or libertarian?
Not this shit again...
>It's another Sup Forums is one person episode
Nationalism is required for libertarianism, but even then the usury Jew will kill you.
Both and neither, faggot
It's neither. Pol is a common sense board
Paleolibertarian tbqh
Sup Forums is anarcho-fascist.
Either, Sup Forums is not completely hive-minded.
Neither. Sup Forums is a big tent so long as you're not completely stupid
I think most people feel pretty libertarian on domestic policy/trade, but authoritarian on immigration, split of foreign policy
That is to say, I think most people realise libertarianism is a pipe-dream unless you're willing to get rid of people who don't care about freedom or your countries' values
Can we be fiscally libertarian,but socially fascist?
/pol is free speech
It has both but Sup Forums as a whole is does not subscribe to one political ideology.
I'm fascist but /pol isn't one person also.
Nazis are only good for memes
its gommunist
germany dont be a cuck
On the right wing at various points of extremism.
Daily reminder that Libertarianism is a jewish plot by kike ayn rand etc to destroy the white race.
Is there a name for libertarianism without tons of non-whites and degeneracy?
You can be nationalistic and libertarian.
Militant Moderate.
Daily reminder that the irish were too incompetant to feed themselves, moved and settled into the repsectable life of crime in order to send money back to their "mam and dad"
You can't really label me with one ideology. I really agree and identify with many of Bernie's economic views while having a strong sense of nationalism, secure borders that align with Trump's ideology. So I guess I'm a bit of a nationalist and a socialist.
I agree, that's why libertarianism is a dead end. This thread is about making newfags realize that.
>implying this board is any less of a groupthink safe space than the SJWs they hate
Islamic Gommunist reporting in
Fascism is a meme word. I'm more of a racist who wants a sensible government.
Lel its amazing how many bullshit stories people can come up with from one event
also, >unironically defending kikes
I love Sup Forums
>5. Technocracy
You're welcome
It is sickeningly fascist.
Provide some arguments for an alternate ideology and we'll listen.
>materialistic ideologies
take a greenpill or leave pls
Why are you in favor of more Gibs me dats? Is it a personal need, or are you a fucking retard?
Truthist bitch
Reminder that Libertarianism is a jew-created tool that play's off the white man's skepticism of federal power but instead contributes to mass globalization and the death of his people.
5. Magocracy.
Get your robes and hat nigga.
you would like to label us, wouldn't you?
is only joke
Slide thread.
Report and DNR
This is the only way we will get the mods to work.
>muh spiritualism
Alright, I'll play. Tell me why do you support traditionalism and reactionary ideologies in general, like natsoc?
But don't try to lie to me, tell me the truth, what REALLY makes you go for the socially repressive ideologies? Why are you so afraid that women fuck more compared to 100 years ago?
the only people that benefit from the free market are tech kikes and oil niggers
why do people actually believe we are gonna go back to 1951 the minute we go libertarian it will be closer to 1984
OK man I'm sorry :(
>The famine was a watershed in the history of Ireland.[1] Its effects permanently changed the island's demographic, political, and cultural landscape. For both the native Irish and those in the resulting diaspora, the famine entered folk memory[fn 1] and became a rallying point for various Irish Home Rule and United Ireland movements, as the whole island was then part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
>irish people are literally so retarded they think not being able to feed themselves means they should be an independant state
>irish people were literally so retarded they had another famine a generation later
>irish people are literally so incompetant they lost half of their land and sing about how they could take it back if only they'd stop beating their wives and drinking
>irish sport includes the elegant "sport" of hurling where you can smash somebody in the face with wooden clubs because the irish never evolved past caremen
>ireland has 9 universites across the entire country
>ireland is so filled with drunk retards they literally produced 90% of the whisky at one time
OP must be a democrat. Want everyone to be the same. But cant put down the politics of division crack pipe.
I love how this meme is so popular, yet never applied to anything else on this board.
>all Jews are part of grand conspiracy
>all blacks are criminals
>all Muslims are part of scheme to take over the world
>all liberals are stupid
What a fucking joke that you "critical thinkers" are so willing to point out that Sup Forums consists of many different people with all kinds of backgrounds/beliefs, but when it comes to one of the infinite kike/nigger/mudslime/libcuck hate threads, this point is nowhere to be seen. Fucking incredible
Let's see:
anti totalitarian, anti globalist, anti multiculturalist, anti immigration, patriarchal/anti feminist, fascist aesthetics, racist, isolationist
Anarcho-fascist? Maybe proto-fascist or tribalist?
>there are still lolbergs on Sup Forums
you gotta be a retarded faggot to believe in a totalitarian ideology
I'm NatSoc but think most libertarians here are fine. Particularly those that are anti-degeneration but just don't think that the issue should be adressed by the State.
Sup Forums is against socialism including national socialism.
Sup Forums is MGTOW, so it's more libertarian than anything else.
Isn't it the beauty of not being PC with freedom of speech. All those movements do the exact same thing.
Fascist. Sup Forums is one person.
>anti globalist
You'd have to buy the anti-free market leftist cuck meme to be against globalization.
Kiwis know.
gibs aren't bad in a high trust society, I'm personally in favor of subsidizing education significantly, when someone isn't trying to better themselves it becomes cancerous.
>why support traditionalism/reactionary
I believe that traditional values are local attractors for stable societies, and that the reason so many distinct societies developed similar values is because when a society deviated significantly from those values, they collapsed or were conquered.
Multicultural societies have lower trust than monocultural ones. Multicultural societies have each subculture competing amongst each other for power, and thus lose efficiency and cohesion.
There are metaphysical reasons as well, but if you disagree with my axioms we won't get anywhere.
>socially repressive
Sorry that believing the family is the basis for the continuation of society is socially repressive.
you gotta be older than 18 to post here.
Eh, isn't leftism globalist by nature? I mean, they call themselves internationalists for a reason with their one world utopia.
A couple of years ago it used to be 50/50, right now fascism has nearly two thirds
Well yeah, the free market is the tool of the globalist capitalist kikes
No it isn't, or at the very least it's a very good sliide thread.
As a part of the British empire the famine was actually a failure on the part of colonialism. There was plenty of food on the island that was shipped off to england, and the type of help the english saw fit to provide was to sell aid at ridiculous prices such that the Irish could not afford it. Then the audacity was had to suggest that they couldnt afford it because the Irish were lazy and did not want to work, though the reality is that the english created an economic system there that completely marginalized the catholic native irish, thereby reducing them to living in appalling conditions. The english then used this image as an affirmation to the 'savage' nature of the irish. In short the english absolutely ravaged the people and the culture to the extent of almost wiping out the entire language (and by extension irreclaimable vast reserves of oral poetry and folklore). Personally I don't have anything against modern brits, it's not their fault their ancestors were something slightly short of vile. But it always amazes me how the extent of which ye will go to ignore the hard fact of what may be construed as cultural genocide.
My grapes are not sour, they are fresh and plump if you must know.
and you have to be white to be a Nazi
your point?
Libertarian. That's why we can voice politically incorrectly here. Hence the name of the board.
great image man, got any more?
I consider myself a supporter of authoritative libertarianism
No. Liberalization of the global market is the main force of globalization. Leftists want to stop this because the free market leads to exploitation of the third world. It's libertarians that have kept the globalization train running in spite of all the wto-protesting hippies.
>I mean, they call themselves internationalists for a reason
I've never heard this
And the libertarians, ya know, the people that make up half of this board.
I'm neither fascist not libertarian, both are shit tier modernist philosophies devised by horrible academics with no faith and no life experience.
I'm a Christian traditionalist in the burkean sense.
No one is smarter than everyone and no one is smarter than God.
>Implying all those threads don't have arguments within them
>Implying some of those threads aren't just filled to the brim with memes and shitposts
>Implying Sup Forums is one person
user please. Go look at a political compass thread to see the variety of Sup Forums
Sure a majority are right leaning, but there is definitely a leftist presence, and a divide between Libertarianism and Authoritarianism.
Also, Nationalist Libertarianism is the only correct solution :^)
National Populism
>authoritative libertarianism
>Christian traditionalist
This is an oxymoron.
Almost as good as anarcho-monarchism
Globalization is a scam. GDP is a meme.
Jingoists :P
Sure, that's true.
But the problem in your proposition of wasting resources on repressing the social evolution because it's easier to maintain a predictable society that obeys simple morals, is that it wastes resources on stability we don't actually need.
Quite literally, the countries you would classify as "unstable", such as the "decadent" US or EU, happen to be the most stable states in the world, far more stable than their opposites (Islamic Ultra-Conservative States, Russia's moderate conservatism, and even China's radical conservatism). And even if that stability is already available to them, you desire to dedicate yet more of their resources for more of it. Why?
Why not go with my proposition instead - a technologically-focused government which dedicates most of its resources for technological progress, which is extremely important in this century of all, and simply leave the natural social evolution take care of the social part of society, and evolve on its own instead of trying to control it inefficiently, and waste resources doing so?
The truth is that you don't desire a stable family structure to ensure somehow that the state is stable, you want it so the social side of your tribe is predictable, so you can more easily fit in it. It's currently very unpredictable to you and the bar for entry is way too high, with you having to actually put some effort into practicing socializing, so you desire to lower the bar by reverting the recent step in evolution of social life, the one everyone on Sup Forums loves to classify as "degeneracy", by enforcing a certain law(s), to make it more accessible and not challenging.
Because it's way easier to recite a memorized poem to a girl and gift her some flowers to ensure access to her sexual side than having to develop a high social status, hobbies, humor, financial security, etc.
Leftists are for "alter-globalization"
Basically it's the same as globalization except you give poor people all your shit and invite them to destroy your country out of idiocy rather than greed.
Leftists are the moral strongarm of globalism. Someone needs cheap labor, you bet your ass you find some spastic open borders fanatics with "refugees welcome" signs or similiar drivel. They welcome the whole world and have no loyalty, just like the stereotypical capitalist, so they're a good team in getting the globalist train rolling, even if they're superficially against exploitation.
>I've never heard this
The left wing anthem is even called "The Internationale"
There is nothing wrong with usury you fucking retard. Put down Mein Kampf and The Jews and their Lies for a while and attempt to understand how borrowing/lending works.
some kikes think its both
Just look up zombie debt in USA or college debt. Or Hospital debt. Financial fees. Usury unchecked is a problem.
>There is nothing wrong with usury
t. Eternal Anglo
when is summer over
>>Implying all those threads don't have arguments within them
Nothing to do with what I'm saying as I'm talking about a specific type of argument that ought to in those threads but isn't.
>>Implying Sup Forums is one person
Didn't imply this, i.e. straw man
Also, nothing to do with my argument
>Sure a majority are right leaning, but there is definitely a leftist presence
Nothing to do with my argument
>a divide between Libertarianism and Authoritarianism
Nothing to do with my argument
Do you know how to read? I said there are a lot of people on Sup Forums who are willing to point out that Sup Forums is not one person, but those same people don't go to nigger hate and same the same thing there.
neither, it's a free speech board
>There is nothing wrong with usury
Are you stupid or what?
I love Marx and his critiques of capitalism, but this quote is one of the things he was wrong about
ignore what i just said. it's a libertarian board. libertarianism is what gives you the right to support fascism.
Being Fiscally libertarian and socially fascist? That's called a republican.
>zombie debt
pic related
I'm actually an Ashkenazi Jew, but I realise that doesn't exactly help my case.