Mizzou couldn't even wait until the corpses were cold until they raped them.
BLM interrupts Orlando vigil
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Where is your king kike fag Milo now?
Not a single fucking tweet about this. I was really hoping to see him tear BLM dindus to bits.
If you're not currently giving blacks dem programs or money or sinecure jobs or letting them rape or kill you BLM isn't happy.
That's pretty much an exhaustive list of their demands
>niggers shitting on faggots
And I should be upset because... why? In an ideal world, both groups would be genocided.
fucking shoot it up again
banned from twitter.
This better be fucking satire.
"I'm tired of dividing everything in our community into color and race."
>Proceeds to make a vigil about anti-gay terrorist attack about whites oppressing blacks
yes, yes, you can write very good troll comments.
What utter bullshit.
I've never used reddit before...posted it in the BLM subreddit but it's not getting much traction.
Anything having to do with Mizzery is complete AIDZ.
These dumb BLM niggers
More for Trump.
>has turned against us
Cunt, I'm homo and I was never fucking with you. Blacks, and your beloved Arabs, are BY FAR the most homophobic and violent people to be around. You're a net negative on society. At least we work.
topkek user
>I was scared to get up here because there's a lot of white people in the crowd
Yeah they might give you a job application or give you tips on your golf swing
>5 minute video
nice try fggt
give me the tldr
The horror.
Nigger bullshit
You know what's funny
There was an 8 hour line to give blood
Now the funny part here is that gay people can't give blood
My hate for niggers has grown substantially in the past year and more people are starting to wake up. How the fuck don't whites yell at this bitch? When I was in college, if they tired to do anything like this, they would have been booed and pulled off the damn stage
I'd love to boo her and become a martyr.
Fuck this mindset hard
I thought he was back on already?
Stay classy niggers
They can now
blm are even more divorced from reality than feminists at this point.I bet you this year will mark the end of the "movement".
Fags hate women and blacks more than anyone.
In an ideal world, their degeneracy is pretty much self-contained. But they could be extremely useful in destroying the feminist narrative.
Don't drive them into the arms of feminism. Those bitchy homos are great soldiers and are everywhere in the media. They could be our ally.
What year is it? Where have I been?
Look what happens to the two white gays at the end. Most white and black people actually agree that we are playing by a different set of rules, it's just that these blm idiots have deluded themselves into thinking slavery is back.
Black people are allowed to make scenes like this because people expect it of them, when a white person does it it has to be stopped because it's unsightly and unbecoming of a civilized human being.
theyre talking gay stuff
someone goes up and starts talking BLM stuff
gays get upset, and rightfully so, this has nothing to do with BLM and the BLM speaker was using race-baiting tactics to rile up the crowd
then the gays get spoken to by police and accused of being the racist ones
>that poor sister is so nervous up there
Uh... what the fuck is she nervous about? Does she think some white guy is going to walk up on stage and give her a golf lesson?
I seriously can't believe these kinds of people exist, like how can someone be that heartless?
I bet you she is just socially awkward and self-centered, and has channeled that into hating white folks in order to make herself feel normal.
I think I remember reading that the restrictions on MSM giving blood was temporarily lifted in the orlando area because there was such a shortage
normally, you can only give blood if you have been abstinent for at least a year if you are a MSM
>Uh... what the fuck is she nervous about?
She had a slavery flashback and was afraid some white dude was going to check her teeth and smack her ass.
I couldn't last 15 seconds.
I'm so fucking angry right now, why am i being so autistic about this video Sup Forums?
This needs to stop, these fuckers are ruining work us blacks have accomplished the past 30 years. Seriously why haven't one of us grabbed these protesters and knocked some sense into them? If I see a BLM protester I'm fuckin suplexing them, and I'm a fuckin black guy
That nigger needs to get curbstomped
He's been busy today, lad.
Just like my japanese cartoons
>these fuckers are ruining work us blacks have accomplished the past 30 years.
>work us blacks have accomplished the past 30 years
Someone has
>affirmative action allows marxist jew instructors easier access to stupid niggers
>Fags hate blacks
Let me tell you about BBC
Crap, I watched this video 10 min ago and I'm still freaking pissed. If I was there I would seriously go out, buy a tomato, and go throw it at her while on stage.
its in the first 10 seconds ya dipshit
All to make her drop her guard
>I was really nervous to get up here today...
Maybe because you have idiotic things to say
Milo has been reinstated on Twitter for at least 8 hours. He's busying whoring himself and his apparel.
Daddy didn't hold her enough. Any reason why her perpetual victimhood isn't receiving more attention doesn't compute in her head.
"Wow, I wish we had the same amount of people come to our rallies. Yall come out in droves because 50 gays got lit up, but no one gives a shit when we tell people someone called us a nigger while driving by one day or leaves a poop swatstika in a bafroom. Fuck you honkies"
*mostly white crowd cheers*
Niggers > faggots.
Sorry fags, just as you are the top of the SJW totem pole,you are the bottom of the /pol / pole
jesus. look how utterly dumbfounded the crowd are...
these people want to get doxxed and more attention. that last doxxed girl who burnt the flag was a professional protestor. They get paid by soros and friends.
i love how the other woman on stage is like WOW OW WO when someone gets upset. Like, what do you expect? you hijacked a fucking murder vigil with you bullshit.
Traditional male homosexuals, yes. What we are seeing is a destruction of the gay community in favor of this phase of SJW "queer" culture based around race and made up gender identity.
>Daddy didn't hold her enough
>Implying she knows who her dad is
He's the best option but he's not going to fix everything
Best we'll get is a wall, less illegals, and maybe limited immigration.
There's only so much he can do, and a lot of what needs to be done Trump won't do
I don't get the people like Common Filth who hate him because "He doesn't share my opinion that all fags are going to burn in hell" Yeah well he's a fucking politician he can't very well say that shit.
>Daddy didn't hold her enough.
Mommy also didn't know who Daddy was, either.
You wanna get liberal young women with pets to get redpilled on Islam? Tell them about how Muslims hate dogs and believe they're unclean. Show them how they torture dogs with acid.
I'm a 'mo that lives in NYC
let me tell you about BBC
it's a myth and a fetish that only a very small minority of gays indulge in
Black gays are the least desired racial group among gay men other than asians
Black gays are liars, cheaters, whores, thieves, attention seeking, jealous, gossipy, bitchy, cunts
Most gays want nothing to do with them
The liberal ideological hierarchy favors race and and apparently the confusion between race and religion, over sexual orientation and at this point, the right to life.
Daily reminder that BLM thinks it's racist for you to call the police on them if they stand on your front lawn playing music and drinking in the middle of the night.
>going to a candle vigil
>going to a candle vigil for a bunch of faggots
>going to a candle vigil for a bunch of faggots when the sun is still up
It's really pathetic that BLM needs to make everything about them.
>legalize trespassing
Because what the fuck are property laws?
This so much. I have no idea why the audience actually fucking applauded them.
Exactly. I'm black and have noticed how much the Jews use my race to attain their goals. I'm voting for Trump because I don't want to be a useful idiot for Moshe and Schlomo.
I wish we would drop the alcohol ban.
Keep the laws on public drunkeness but allow me to have a beer outside.
They want the puppers to suffer. Mudslimes are cruel bastards.
funny, as i work in the ghetto, niggers think fags are sub human.
The dude plegded allegiance to both Hezbollah and ISIS. He wasn't a serious Muslim. He was just a faggot turning 30 who decided to suicide in a particularly narcissistic way.
The bureau of Land Management has no class.
One sandnigger ventilating a bunch of fudgepackers doesn't change the fact that faggots are AIDS infested.
Ben "Pulling Triggers on Niggers" Garrison is sick of their bullshit.
also gay blacks have the most aids
It's because that's all blacks have. Race is the only thing they have.
he can pay their hospital bills too
These chimping dindus don't have the brain cells to realize they're Soros' pawns.
>tfw you're liberal and sick of liberals
Christ, liberalism has really gone down hill. It doesn't surprise me that these retards nominated Shillary
Omfg is this real? I was amused until I got to "spitting" and just pictured a trespassing, loitering, weed smoking, drunk, disorderly black person, playing loud music, turning around to look at me, and then spitting...
That part sounds ok though
the only correct answer
There are some things on that list I would call someone a faggot for calling the police about. But a lot of this just seems to be excusing nigerdom
you wish
blacks are the best at cooning
throw in women have the instinct to attention whore and cant shut the fuck up and you got yourself one hell of a combination
i love how she tries to bate everyone into laughing and fails completely. When the person on the stage with her laughs to bail her out she goes, "annddd that wasn't a joke"
Amen brother, my grandpa was black and I bet he'd be hella fucking pissed over what these faggots are doing. Honestly if they don't understand how this is just divide and conquering the West for the elites ambitions then they should go start a village in fucking Africa and take their racist bullshit there.
2 gay (I think) white guys said something and then walked off but the rest of the white cucks sat there and cheered her on. I've never been this disgusted with my own race. it's like we're begging niggers to shit on us.
So the left is really just dropping its spaghetti
The fags are fighting with the muds and the blacks in one week span