This isn't helping my anxiety

This isn't helping my anxiety.

>muh anxiety
get over yourself faggot

stay noided


this IS helping my full blown schizophrenia.

haha why the man have tiddies X-DDDDDD


This was made to worsen

Ignorant post baka -_-

i hope your "anxiety" manifests itself into a noose around your neck

Then stop listening to pop music made for edgy teenagers

If you went thru my anxiety you'd cry like a bitch

hahahahaha okay

Nice attempt at deflection

your "anxiety" is all in your head lmao get over yourself

I know most of what I worry about isn't likely to happen, but mental illness isn't logical.

People that accesorize supposed mental problems for snowflake points are faggots

when you come out your shit is gone

you're a mental midget if you think anxiety is anything more than you being a little child and fearing illogical things.

did anyone ever say it would

I don't do anything like that, I just try to live with it and not appear crazy to people I meet.

Now you're making me ADD...

the decade is almost over and this STILL hasn't been topped, what the fuck.....

er yea it has

good luck with your ocd or hypochondria or whatever, Dr schlomo has a whole assortment of pills for it

Aha! I knew it! You're just a Sup Forumstard who uses cynicism to mask your fear and insecurity! I worked it out of you, you're a nutcase!


you must be a female, I recommend a site like tumblr because you obviously dont belong here. Take your "anxiety" with you

Lol and all this time I thought I was the crazy one... kek

hahaha i bet you half self diagnosed depression and like twenty one pilots too

Start telling me about your dad already

All faggots say that to my face irl Ill tickle ya mums nutsack silly ya lil stupid arse bitch
