Politico finds that a stunning 90% of Trump's followers on twitters are reliable voters; 11% of which have never voted before.
Politico finds that a stunning 90% of Trump's followers on twitters are reliable voters; 11% of which have never voted...
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How can you tell if a voter is reliable if he's never voted before?
We are the 90%
no it's not you dumb argentine nigger
Because they voted in the primaries you idiot.
So voting in one election makes them reliable?
sorry for trying to bring you guys good news
voting in a primary is one of the highest indicators of voting in the general
90% + 11% = 111%
> american education
>they're STILL talking about the taco bowl tweet
>german comprehension
>German education
It's 101% if you added it together, and the statement means 11% of the 90% ahmed.
Yes. How often do you think someone goes through the trouble of voting during the primaries, has their desired candidate win the nomination, and then proceeds to not vote for their candidate in the generals? Fucking think before posting next time.
>voting in a primary is one of the highest indicators of voting in the general
That doesn't turn one data point into multiple data points.
>90% + 11% = 111%
This adds up
>one data point
There are numerous historical data points that suggest people who vote during the primaries much more reliably vote during the general election.
Oh my god lol you retard
Since when did 90 plus 11 equal 100?
>What in the world is sarcasm, and where has it gone?
>argentine nigger
Isn't that an oxymoron?
I really hope you're just being wrong ironically. 11% of 90% is 9.9% of the original population.
It's 11% of the 90%, the 90% being reliable voters (Having voted in the primaries) and 11% of those people haven't voted before, new voters.
Hope this helps b0ng.
The article doesn't say that the 11% is a part of the 90%.
In fact, the study doesn't use the term "reliable" at all.
>100% Hispanic
Literally not white according to the US census
>11% of 90% is 9.9%
I can see where I went wrong, but I'm not sure what happened with you, sorry.
100/90 = 90% = 1.11
11% of 1.11 = 1.11/11 = 0.1
Jesus fucking Christ. The 90% and the 11% are different groups. They aren't mutually exclusive.
>45% of all pens have blue ink
>90% of all pens are made of plastic
The dumb fucking study doesn't even say 90% of Trump voters are reliable. This is the most retarded thread I've ever witnessed.
>The 90% and the 11% are different groups.
Don't you mean the same group? The 11 is derived from the 90. Anyway, I already knew that, but how the fuck did the other guy get 9.9%?
>Don't you mean the same group? The 11 is derived from the 90.
No, I mean different groups, because the 11% is NOT derived from the 90%.
The 11% is not part of the 90%?
So 11 + 90 = wtf?
I'm confused. Are you saying that the two are not related, that there is item A and item B, fire and water, eggs and rice?
Did OP make a typo? Shit. I might go to bed soon.
>Did OP make a typo?
Yes. The article states that 90% of Trump's Twitter followers are reliable voters and 11% are first-time voters. It does NOT say that 11% of the 90% of reliable voters are first-time voters.
In any case it would imply that at least 1% of Trump's Twitter followers are both reliable and first-time voters, which is nonsensical.
Of course, big surprise, journalists can't read. The study never uses the term "reliable" and in fact the stat that I assume they used to come up with the 90% states the opposite. It says:
>50.44% are regular voters
>38.53% are irregular voters
>11.03% are new voters
These are mutually exclusive categories, so it adds up to 100%. But how are irregular voters "reliable" voters?