Why do Jews have several independent sects dedicated to waging jihad on nonbelievers?
>inb4 another "well pol?" Thread
Well pol?
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>implying there is something wrong with being a Nazi
I am a jew
I love jews, hard working people
Jews are lovely and beatifull people
do i sound like a nazi le /pole/ ?
new test, replace the word jews with muslims and then ask do I sound nazi..
no, I still sound like a dumb retarded bitch...
braise gek
>Jews commit terrorist attacks at a much higher rate than other demographics, therefore we will be suspending immigration from countries who support Jewish extremism until we can properly vet immigrants
I see no problem
How stupid. Replace "pizza" with "shit".
"I love eating shit! I feed shit to my kids once a week!"
replace 'jew' with 'german'
And if we're talking about 1947 Jews in Palestine, an entirely accurate statement. The British abandoned the land to Jewish terrorism. They would not have done so if the problem of Jewish terrorism was in Britain itself. That is the position Americans are in with the problem of Islamic terrorism.
You are not replacing a lot mate, feeding your kids with fastfood is basically feeding them with trash.
replace german for communist, fucking pinko
I'm pretty sure Muslims hate Jews, fags, Christians, niggers, etc.
The world has become so fucked up that conservatism has become the last hope of the liberal ideology, because they're ALL IN for Muslims now, who want to eradicate all the progress America has made. Very sad.
Eh, actually wasn't. Computer is fucked but I saw this shot on fb and wanted opinions
>inb4 jewbook
Why do Jews kill their daughters for honor reasons?
>The radical Jews flew a plane into the World Trade Center.
Hmm... not exactly like a Nazi but you may be onto something.
Yeah, user, but JEWS arent trying to take over the world!
....oh wait.
>"Muslims are a religion of pedophiles bent on taking over the world."
>"Jews are a religion of pedophiles bent on taking over the world."
both of these sentences make sense
It's more than sad, it's clearly planned
>A Jew just killed 49 people and injured 50 more.
I know! That's the joke, works either way.
>Why do Jews hate Muslims and want to take their Holy Land?
>Why to Jews want to subvert Western values and civilization?
And thanks, hard to browse cataloge from phone
Well Sup Forums?
Meant to include this
Islam is incompatible with western civilization
>that's why they always ask why he doesn't say "radical Islamic terrorist" not "Muslims general" did X
I ALWAYS hear that distinction
>New test: replace the word "Muslims" with "Jews" and then ask yourself "Was Hitler right all along?"
If we attack the enemy, they win!
In the words of a younger generation. YOLO come at me bro.
I'm not censoring my speech.
I'm not giving up my rights.
Terrorist attacks are a small price to pay for being free. If our government did it's job we wouldn't have these attacks.
Molon Labe
>Jewery is incompatible with Western civilization
Fucking Tunisia, I thought they were one of the better ones...
>why do so many young Jews justify suicide bombings?
Muslims have seen how easily Westerners crumble whenever the Holocaust is brought up. By equating themselves with the holocausted Jews they tap into all that delicious Western guilt about imaginary anti-semitism.
Completely ignoring the fact that, y'know, muslims have never been oppressed by anyone, and have spent the last thousand years killing and raping and stealing. Liberals are just that stupid that they would defend the most backward ideology on the planet, just because some Muslims make puppy eyes and call them Nazis.
>Lets try and not give them more free advertising in their industry of death thing
What the fuck
No seriously
You should see the people praising his post
ITT jews admit they are subhuman trash along with muzzies
That's what I don't get, they rip on "backwards" southerners/rural/Christian/whatever (I'm not even any of those) but defend a religion/group that's is on AVERAGE far more intolerant in every regard. When did southern Baptists, at the urging of a church, throw gays of roofs? Or stone adulterers? Or Westboro lay roadside ieds at a funeral? When did Mormons preform honor killings? Or Jehovas witnesses behead those who left?
>inb4 that's why no exJW