Why didn't the South negotiate a surrender with the condition that all negros were sent back to Africa in less than a year?
Why didn't the South negotiate a surrender with the condition that all negros were sent back to Africa in less than a...
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because abraham lincoln didn't give a shit about slavery
With what leverage?
>With what leverage?
asks the eternal anglo
Because of the massive costs of hauling all those niggers over the atlantic ocean to send them back to africa.
uh... cause the entire economy was based on plantation slavery and that was the entire purpose of the war.
wouldve cost too much, the war cost a lot of money. also lincoln was a kike
Well as you can see in the state america is now, it would be very cost effective.
>Negotiate when you are losing
In school, we learned it didn't cost much to chain them all together and then push them off of a ship so they'd all cause each other to drown in the ocean.
Was that profitable, or just that niggers can't swim?
They unconditionally surrendered.
ITT: no one knows about Liberia
Niggers aren't crazy, would rather milk the system than die in a "black paradise"
No. General Lee committed high treason because he was an aristocratic Yankee lover.
They had an ebola outbreak there, no?
It's like a hanging fungus you just can't get rid of.
>Well as you can see in the state america is now, it would be very cost effective.
They could not have known it would turn out this way.
>In school, we learned it didn't cost much to chain them all together and then push them off of a ship so they'd all cause each other to drown in the ocean.
Cute, but unrelated to the thread, we are talking about realistic surrender conditions, this is not one.
Wasn't Lincoln going to send them back anyway and be more welcoming to the south coming back into the union, or was that just bullshit?
Because Lincoln WANTED to send the black back. Or at least to a new colony in central America. But the retarded Southerner shot him and allowed the radical republicans (this is what they were called) to dictate reconstruction.
Also, it was the armies of the South that surrendered and thus the ability of the country to act as one was done. The country didnt dictate a surrender because the North didnt recognize the South AS a country to dictate surrender. If they did, that means they would have recognized their status as a sovereign state, which is exactly what they tried to avoid by issues the emanicipation proclamation to keep Europe out of it.
No, seriously. If niggers are for economic benefit, why would you dump them out of your ship in the middle of the Atlantic just because they became inconvenient?
The shipping industry does not look kindly on this kind of wastefulness.
Why the fuck would they want to negotiate away all their cheap labor?
I'm not saying it as some condemnation of the South. I think they were right, and I only wish we'd supported them in more than just an economic capacity. But the union were always going to win that war, since they were an industrial power fighting an agrarian one. That's a match-up that can only go one way. Any demands the South made, Lincoln could just go "no, fuck you" and kept killing them.
That is true. He did not see a future where the former slave and master could exist together.
I know about Liberia, but my point is that it should have been mandatory, sent every negro to Liberia, provide support for 10 years and then let them eat each other.
It would be much more cheaper to do that than the cost of having a tumor growing for 100 years in your country, thats is recently reaching lethal levels.
>They could not have known it would turn out this way.
Yeah because they had no clear examples of what negros did to countries and continents... of wait...
Democrat's wanted them to pick metal up north instead of a plant
Because they were going to lose anyway, at least make a good thing out of it.
>Yeah because they had no clear examples of what negros did to countries and continents... of wait...
Maybe they believed they could civilize them.
>No, seriously. If niggers are for economic benefit, why would you dump them out of your ship in the middle of the Atlantic just because they became inconvenient?
If you do that, who do you use for cheap labor and as manpower to fight wars?
I don't know if it was really Lincoln sitting on the dictator's chair like a Roman god or something.
No matter which side, it was pretty fucking horrible. Other countries, as well as our own country, should take notice of what we'll do if push comes to shove.
>who do you use for cheap labor and as manpower to fight wars?
Illegal immigrants.
Oh shit son. Am I repeating history just now?
By shooting themselves in the foot? The economy of the South was dependent on cheap labor. The war didn't change that. If they got rid of the cheap labor the South would have collapsed completely
The northern banks, rather. But Lincoln was their proxy, he gave a legitimate face to their little repossession, he'd be the one telling the south to jump off a duck. And neither he nor his masters gave a solitary shit about the lives lost on either side, anything less than an unconditional surrender would be unacceptable to them.
Incidentally to the thread, Lincoln did want to deport the slaves back to Africa. The only reason it didn't happen was that Booth received intelligence late, and shot him while believing the war was still on and he'd won it for the confederacy by cutting the head off the snake. With Abe out of the way, the banks and their replacement proxy quietly brushed his intentions under the carpet and instead used the freed slaves as a new underclass to punish the white southerners for daring to defy them.
That's the key thing. To a large extent that's why we finally got mad enough to start shooting the redcoats so we could run our own country.
We never really won that war. It's a sad, sad thing when 1 2 3 4 what the hell are we fighting for, and it's not against the Jewish Menace. How many fucking Jews came all the way over here in the first place and made this country what it is? Did somebody by the name of "Klein" or "Rosenbaum" have enough of a spine to sign his name at the bottom of any of our founding documents?
Share cropping aka slavery 2.0
>Illegal immigrants.
So you replace a problem with another problem...
What could possibly go wrong? It is not like those illegal imigrants will fuck your women, outbreed you and cost millions of dollars in taxpayers money in the form of welfare.
You might as well have kept the slaves if you were going to maintain an inefective system like that.
I didn't do shit. I upboated decent regular black people when it was uncool do to that as a whitey. I denounced what is sometimes called "immigration replacement" in academic circles when this whole stupid shit with crashing in muslims with no survivors first started.
Learn from our mistakes, Brazil. Watch, write it down in books, and learn.
Because they knew they could pretty much keep them as slaves after the war anyway
>Learn from our mistakes, Brazil. Watch, write it down in books, and learn.
What would you say my country should do to fix its political corruption and violence problems?
First of all, don't look up to us like we're so special. Be honest about the problems you have, and we can share our respective problems and potential solutions. Can't give you specifics if you all just pretend to be nice, although we do appreciate very much a polite society.
Furthermore, I think Brazil is doing well in terms of diversification along many dimensions of its assets. For instance, it's a good trick to simultaneously be against the dollar and be developing a good relationship with the US.
But most of all be honest. Either we'll manage to gas our Jews or you'll be fucked anyway.
>Be honest about the problems you have
Our problem is that every single politician in the country is a corrupted bastard that is only worried about stealing taxpayers money.
>every single politician in the country is a corrupted bastard
Hey, what do you know. Maybe we're more the same than different.
But ever after the Spanish-American War from about 100 years ago, you're in what we call the New World. So our tacit agreement with the British Empire (shitish empire?) is that we run this side of the world and they run that side of the world.
I think you'd better get your shit together in case you have to go it alone, but, for the time being, we have a certain degree of interest in keeping things mildly stable.
Or, as Dr. Henry Kissinger used to say, "low-intensity conflict." at best. Faggot Jew bastard war criminal, free popcorn for all when the war crimes tribunals have him up at the stand. He's about as intelligent as Strokeout Hillary these days.
And who gives power to the politicans?
The North had every intention to destroy the South. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 was made law in the US a year after the war to and gave blacks citizenship. Then in 1870 the 15th amendment was passed to give blacks the vote. Unlike in Europe the Jacobins won in America. The Republican party was the Jacobin party and in many cases they were literally Jacobins that lost from the 1850s migration from Germany and Ireland. These people weren't just pushing for the blacks to vote they were pushing for equality, women to vote, divorce, free love and socialism
>Because Lincoln WANTED to send the black back.
Hm, that's implying that Lincoln wanted to cripple the south's peculiar institution of slavery rather than keeping the states together despite ideological differences. If that's the case, the idea that Lincoln wanted to sent Southern slaves back makes him look traitorous to southerners. Lincoln already announced Emancipation proclamation. Did he expect blacks to go back on a ship to Africa? That's too much of a hassle for freed slaves who can move anywhere they want after the civil war was over.
Lincoln only made slavery a thing to rally troops, and get black troops. stupid fucking nigger.
This. I never get when people say he started the war to end slavery, especially when the emancipation proclamation was made 3 YEARS into the war as a means of moral fagging the troops with some morale.
Never trust Jews. It's just that easy.
>rich people exploiting cheap labor
>ever willing to give up said labor willingly
>But the retarded Southerner shot him
no we didnt he was killed by a northerner you are an idiot
Both sides made slavery an issue. In the North it's more complicated because a large part of the population didn't care about slavery but there was a highly motivated part that did. The South was more straight forward about slavery slavery was the issue to rally around as a final defence against federal encroachment. The South was well aware that if the blacks were freed from slavery that they would be given the vote and in several states slaves outnumbered the whites.
>and shot him while believing the war was still on
Booth shot Lincoln believing that Lincoln was a tyrant. He placed Maryland under habeas corpus during the civil war which Booth disagreed with.
"Sic semper tyrannis" was one of the things he shouted as he fled the scene of the crime.
The south were the ones who wanted niggers in america.
Sherman did nothing wrong.
Unconditional surrender. You don't get to negotiate when you're a traitor to the country.
>was a highly motivated part that did.
Abolitionists were like the radical left of today. The rest of the northerners literally didn't concern themselves with slavery issues because it was never a problem for them. However, it was a problem for Congress because the US wanted to expand to newer territories and those territories had to be either a slave or non-slave state.
Lincoln didn't care, wouldn't have been a good bargaining chip. Only way South could stay alive is if they somehow captured DC. This would force Lincoln to move the capital to Philadelphia and make the war more unpopular then ever, hopefully causing people to vote him out of office in favor of an anti war president.
>Only way South could stay alive is if they somehow captured DC.
The southerners were really close to the capital during the first manasas, but they decided to pull out rather than push forward.
Idk, the civil war is great. It was considered a gentlemen's war despite their differences with slavery and territories. Sad how politics got brothers and relatives to fight each other.
because crackers dont know how to farm
Niggers: Africa confirmed for not farming, getting taken over by chinks instead
Jew: Confirmed for not farming, have to compete with chinks to exploit using false """money""" and then complaining we wouldn't let them farm.
>because crackers dont know how to farm
Listen nigger... getting beaten, eating dog food, and picking cotton all day doesn't make you a farmer. It makes you a fucking piece of farm equipment.
Niggers still can't even subsistence farm in Africa to this day.
In fact they threw all the white farmers out of africa and now they are begging them to return.
Is there no fucking depth to the stupidity flaunted by niggers? If we drop a rock down into the well of nigger stupidity will we EVER hear it hit bottom? My money is on no.