If the media is run by jews then why do they defend muslims so much if muslims hate jews more than anyone else?
Cheq m8 /polio/
If the media is run by jews then why do they defend muslims so much if muslims hate jews more than anyone else?
Cheq m8 /polio/
>1 Post By This ID
This is le slide thread xD
Proof im not sliding
You fags didn't even give me a chance to reply
to piss off white people and get them to fight the muslims for them.
Because they wanna flood white countries with them. If everyone was red pilled no one would want them
divide and conquer. Muzzies breed quickly and make for good early settlers in a future global communist system.
to destroy western society
Afghan Anchor Baby Muslim kills a bunch of faggots
Shlomo: "Disarm white people now!!!!"
> 2 posts by this ID
> bring muslims to land where they can prosper
> they start outnumbering jews a million to one
> this is a good plan for jews
they dont push islam in israel
they push it in white countries to dismantle their culture and make them easier to control
but to answer your question the jews want to use european and america soldiers to fight conquest wars in the middle east while at the same time reducing europeans to a 90 IQ mixbreed slave race that can easily be incorporated into the greater israel
since Muslims don't have money they take loans from banks with interest. fastest way to get cuckold. I'm Muslim myself and we don't deal with interest tho ;)
It's convenient for them to flood white countries and for white culture to disappear in favour of degenerate Islam.
But goy Israel needs borders to keep jewish culture!
The world is so fucked idk what could prevent their goal from happening.
As long as they don't touch the Zionist haven, Israel, domestic terrorism only helps them in their quest for world power.
Increasing anti-Semitism in the West serves the Jews very well.
jews are crafty as fuck.
>use your enemies to destroy your enemy
>once one of your enemies is gone
>destroy the other
Chaos among those of the lower classes. Bring in people with radically different cultures, discourage them from assimilating, and they'll squabble and focus on each other.
Control: The addition of society destroying savages creates huge separations of wealth. Jews are able to maintain their power at the top through nepotism and manipulation. All they have to do is side with and give handouts to the lower classes, and they'll be happy being ruled by jews. Any anger they have will be focuses on the other savages.
Security of power. Savage cultures destroy cities, and force wealthy people (jews) into high priced cities. The cities are protected from savages, while the rest of the people are forced to live in the conditions created by the savage cultures. With savages destroying everything not in the Elite cities, nobody but the elite is able to advance. Everyone eventually becomes dependent on working for the elite.
Finally, there's the removal of all rights. This country was built around northern europeans. Our laws and rights require a certain self control and respect. Savages have none. Give a savage a gun and he'll kill the first person he gets mad at. This is an excuse to take away rights from the civilized people. It's pretty easy to get savages to act savages, and to say that because they can't handle rights, nobody can.
Late to this post, but the answer is quite simple.
For the Jews to maintain control of govts./societies/etc. they must continue to paint themselves as the victims. There is no greater opposition to the Jews, than Muslims. By allowing the spread of Islam, Jews are able to maintain the facade of the oppressed minority, on a global scale. Without Islam, Jews have nothing to complain about. When they have nothing to complain about, they lose their "victim" status.
It's literally that simple. Islam is nothing more than controlled opposition.
But "victimization" is a concept cultivated by jews and the only ones who buy it are european cultures because they have such a tight hold on them. When Muslims outnumber whites in their own countries, that won't slide anymore.
At least from what I can tell. Why would it go any differently?
When popular opinion no longer favors the Jews, world war breaks out, and the cycle starts anew. This is exactly what happened in WW2. All it took was a few concentration camps to ensure that Jews would be official "persecuted race" of the world for the next 100yrs. Letting anti-semitism fester is a part of their game plan. It's how they insure that they stay the victim.
The enemy of my enemy is my tool.
Rollin' for Aspecia
rollin 4 7
Golden Age of Jewish culture. Look it up.
The only things Jews and Muslims disagree on is Israel. Many Jews in the West are Marxists thus also oppose Israel. Jews and Muslims are basically the same and happily unite against Western civilisation.
Whites are a bigger threat to Jewish domination of the West
Lower class muds are easier to control than lower class whites