How do we stop man children, Sup Forums?

How do we stop man children, Sup Forums?

The more and more I stay on the internet, the more I see cringey babies who think they know better because they read a post on lebbit about how bad republicans are.

Is the future that fucked up? Will they ever grow up?

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>he more and more I stay on the internet, the more I see cringey babies
That's because you're on Sup Forums.

The west should embrace Islam.

a war and then a draft. they could be killed off or turned into men

Jonah Hill has been pretty successful after this picture was taken

Ban the internet from all home use.

no exceptions

pakistan should embrace not having 70% of their marriages be between first cousins
pakies are responsible for 3% of child births in Britain but 33% of the births of children with genetic birth defects
How shitty do you feel about being the most inbred country in the world?

Also this is not a [insert political stance here] issue, it's apolitical and technological

there's no stopping it without banning and restricting technologies

How do you feel about being the gayest country in the world, fagtron?

Cousins produce more children than non-cousin marriage. Best cousin marriage is second cousins.

shut up, arranged marriage is actually a great thing, and would eliminate the number of manchildren quickly since they all have to raise a family.

Glory thr fuck outa adulthood again. Telling kids being an adult sucks is counter productive.

We don't. We let them fall out of the gene pool.

pretty fucking pissed off dad

Being an adult does suck tho.

You're delusional if you think Sup Forums is any less of an echo chamber than reddit.

>hetalia roleplaying

I've given up on reality. I just spend what limited free time I have outside of school to be a complete degenerate instead of taking the normal progression through life stages.

when i'm through school and actually start making a reasonable amount of money, i'm going all in on degeneracy and just extracting as much feel good out of life while the world sinks from the myriad of problems its facing for decades to come.

>Made into men
War has the opposite effect; its very counter-Darwinian, i.e. cowards survive.

We kill off all Barneyfags. Plain and simple.

This user gets it. Enjoy it while you're here.

Are you the real barneyfag?

We just need to get rid of the "Christians" first

go bin your butterknife and pay your tv license you crooked-toothed cocksucker

You gotta help meemaw first.

You dog

I don't have a TV and all my knives are plastic, 2015boy.

Also homosexuality is haram.

>this person still exists

Quads confirm, you're the biggest shitposter on the site and Sup Forums hates you. Keep up the good work.

Shitty solution, but I've come to expect this from Sup Forums. Manchildren are product of overpopulation and luxury provided by the industrial revolution coupled with a shitty economy that makes many salivate over a phony Jew like Bernie Sanders.

I'm a Trump-supporting manchild and there's literally NOTHING you can do or say to stop me.

I didn't confirm jackshit with that.

He's happier than me.

But still more degenerate.

I mean, at least you don't worship Barneyshit.

but will you actually vote you degenerate piece of shit.

Really, just kill them all.

Make them all die, really.

Fuck you, faggot

Make winterchan threads on their board

(how the fuck do i link to another board?)


>complaining about people who think they know better after reading their favorite meme site
>on fucking Sup Forums

Well, that's the site's mindset for you.

As it will always be.

I really do hate these degenerates.

>How do we stop man children, Sup Forums?
Close down Sup Forums.

Someone official should just do it already.

No one wants your sliding

But then again, no one does anyway.

I really do hate them all.

Fuck them all up

kill them

make them die

When their parents money dries up they will be forced to grow up.

all you fucks need jesus.

>1 post by this ID

cwc is going to survive the happening like a fucking cockroach, and somehow manage to keep getting more and more pathetic by the day.

It's simple.

We just get the show cancelled, and all of them will either an hero or man up.

I used to work in a deli. I once had a man child, probably about 30, come in with his parents. He was wearing a fedora, beard, e while outfit. He asked his mom to buy him chicken tendies and macaroni and cheese. Not even joking.

Liking MLP or anime does not make one a manchild.

but that's wrong you fucking retard

no more internet and games

send help



By sending them to jail, just like nick bate who got 40 years for fappin with poo

>1 post by this ID

1 post by this ID

Are you sure you're not the shill?

Reported :^]

>1 post by this ID

I don't get this new meme

Man children exist because closing yourself off from society is more attractive than participating in it. You are crazy to be involved with the modern woman that is more interested in partying, celebrity fads and gossip, and having casual sex. Theyre all on tinder, they're all moving from guy to guy fucking them all. What is the incentive to participate, there are no morals. You can't preach about someones lifestyle while you live a shitty one yourself. The fat, ugly, and socially retarded know that they have no chance in society, so why try?

Also, the destruction of marriage is another cause. Getting married changes people into responsible, productive citizens. Pushing marriage until later in life and making it extremely unattractive to marry is shutting men off from society and promoting women sleeping around.

Do not bump or reply to threads where the OP is not responding, it's most likely a bot, this threads have been posted before.

Sliding threads.

Its all about moderation. Its about letting something be apart of your life, and not letting that thing define said life.

Do kids shows and anime entertain me? Yes. Can I go to a convention? Maybe for shit and/or giggles.

Do I jot down "Brony" in the religion box of the census? No. I put down "Jedi."

lol JK. But really, moderation is the key.

alright, thank you esé

>le evil womyn puttin me down

Oh my god. There are people out there with opinions and hobbies! And some of them aren't the same as my opinions and hobbies! Whatever shall I do????

Just a hint... they aren't the ones who need to grow up mate.

Everyday I go to work I think of how great it would be to be a NEET, I really hope this is all worth it.

Its not women putting me down, I'm saying manchildren have no reason or incentive to participate and women have a lot of incentives to sleep around. Its two behaviors caused by marriage being trashed and people having no morals.

Found the horse fucker

Nah I've just learnt over the years that whatever floats peoples boat, live and let live.

It's pretty well worth it.

Make them all die, really


make more threads encouraging exercise well being and wellness also intellectual marksmanship with like reading threads and stuff.
If you want to make our movement look better just do those things on Sup Forums if you want to do as little contribution as possible.

oyyyyy veyyyy anime is redpilled japs are honorary whites
