Refute this Sup Forums, oh wait, you can't.
Refute this Sup Forums, oh wait, you can't
I would need more to go on
>Maybe we should censor free speech
Yea, no.
Men are literally better in any profession, except prostitution. So technically women are only good for their bodies.
Prove wrong Mexicunt.
>1 Post By This ID
It's literally an opinion. I could say that we should go kill all the jews, but it's a meaningless statement because it's opinions.
I was actually planning on making a video dealing with the subject myself. It's a integral aspect of our worldview and I don't think it has received the justification that it deserves. Given the influx of the sort of rational, nihilistic, and materialistic "normies" entering our sphere, I think it would be advantageous to address and vindicate these issues and ideas that don't have an seemingly immediate justification. I feel I have a few robust ideas to offer on the subject and I would love to participate in the discussion, should we choose to have it.
Why would any man take advice on women from a literal faggot?
>male prostitutes on average get paid more than women
Shill/slider. Ignore or sage.
>amerilard intelectuals
>when u a robot and raidin pol but then u get brd and gb2 trollin are nine kay but 4get u still on pol
>Maybe we shouldn't assume a woman's purpose is to fulfill a man's preferences
OR, maybe women shouldn't assume men have to date outside of their preferences. Fucking shit, take some responsibility for your actions and quit acting like you're oppressed.
This. That is their ultimate goal.
stop hitting him, he's dead already ffs
>Refute this Sup Forums,
New phrase to add to my filter.
Maybe. But earning capacity would still be less as a female can see more customers in a day.
I regret having read this post.
Fat people are gross and used up slits are disgusting
Tyler Oakley is gay and find women's vaginas icky, There I refuted it. Wheres your rebuttal?
If a woman doesn't suit my preference then she is irrelevant to me. If she wants to become relevant to me she has to suit my preferences. That's called having standards which apparently make me evil to the left.
report and hide threads that have minimal to no posts by the OP
That really depends on marketing, really. Males could see just as many as females if they are okay with being penetrated.
Out out out!
You need to go back, Pablo.
>waah report what I don't like guise!!!1