Explain why expanding ISISs recruitment pot by outcasting all Muslims and making them hate Americans will help our...

Explain why expanding ISISs recruitment pot by outcasting all Muslims and making them hate Americans will help our country.

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less sandpeople shitting up our country

it's pretty easy to kill terrorists when they're not in your country

It doesn't matter if they hate our country....

If they can't get in it.

> 1

No thanks bro, I don't wanna die.



Because between the clusterfucks that we've made of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria, it's way too late to start kissing their asses and telling them they're people.

nigger nigger nigger

report that back to whoever op

If that's so why are we still in the Middle East?

First question OP.
Are you a shill?

because islam is incompible with western values and does not belong in America. muslims are foolish cowards who worship a dead pimp/mass murderer/pedophile

>if you say anything bad about muslims they will kill people
>muslims are peaceful
You ever apply critical thinking? Do that. They have to go back.


If they can be so easily provoked to violence against innocents then it's good that they are being drawn out into the open.

hahaha Muslims are ungrateful shits that need to leave. Freedom of religion means a secular government. If you don't like it, you can fucking go back to the hell hole you were shit out of where the Quran is the final judgement.

>Don't defend yourself, or they'll kill you.


It sorts out the military targets. If more are radicalized then it's easier to spot and kill them. If they're living in our society and hold radical beliefs but are relatively sedate at the time then we can't target and kill them

Kill sandniggers who would never comply with our laws or culture to begin with.


If they're that easily radicalized then it was only a matter of time anyway.

To solve the ISIS problem, you must ask yourself, "Why do they hate the west in the first place?"

Most believe that, for some reason, radical Islam is upset with us because we have freedom. This couldn't be further from the truth.
The reason they are upset with us is because we are over there and we support Israel, plain and simple. Leave the area and the problem is solved, for the west anyway.

If you're so extreme and nuts that being prevented from entering a country actually makes you want to randomly murder people in that country, then they were right to keep you out.

>The reason they are upset with us is because we are over there and we support Israel, plain and simple.

This is not true. You are right, they don't hate us because we are free. ISIS hates us because we are a powerful nation with HUGE resources and influence that is not Muslim.

This is the essence of terrorism.

>people will attack us if we make them upset
>better be very nice to them and do what they want instead

This is literally how the terrorism is supposed to work. The other side is provoking us into reactions that are not well thought-out such as Iraq war, admitted, but still.

Even more interesting, I can flip your argument around and say:

>Muslim attacks are used as an argument by liberals to treat Muslims better so they don't attack us
>This means that muslim attacks lead to muslims being treated better
>This means that liberals' response to the attacks is an incentive for further attacks, or at least to maintain the same low level of attacks and fear

It's the same way liberals respond to every threat, by trying to please and appease. But if the attacker does so in order to get you to do your appeasing act, you're actually encouraging them by appeasing them.

shillbot get ye gone

it's pretty easy to kill terrorists when they're not in your country

And there's three posts by yours. Is it your first day here?

You operate under the assumption that they need to be oppressed, alienated or disenfrsnchised to be recruited.

They don't.

See Western Europe and Australia.

They already hate you for being a fucking infidel, you dumb fuck.
All your dick sucking will do is get you call a faggot, a slut, and hopefully shot at a fag club or thrown from the roof tops.

>If we don't give into muslims' every demand, we piss them off

Because they'll show their true colors, get too angry to keep the Taqiyya/deception up, go bonkers and start killing people, fracture the liberal/ SJW anti-white/west/male coalition, push the general population back towards conservatism and logic/racial awareness, and get themselves a one way ticket home.

Nice maymay.

Are you implying that every Muslim is a terrorist if you insult his religion?

Because the opinions ISIS holds are actually how sandniggers think. They just play the nice peaceful role until their numbers are large enough then they try to take over.

ISIS is doing us a favor because it puts the spotlight on these people.

If people disliking your barbaric culture makes you go on a killing spree then you're not a moderate.

They already feel this way about us. We'd like to get it out in the open so the rest of society can see them for the liars they are

>Muslims are so crazy that they'll turn to terrorists if we insult them
Good riddance.

The KKK is trying to recruit american christians
lets paint them as evil racists as much as we can
oh wait, we already do that and they don't join.

gee whats the difference?

If temporarily banning Muslim immigration is enough reason for them to join ISIS and kill Americans than we shouldn't want them here in the first place.

>if you fight the terrorists they'll win!
Gr8 b8 m8, waste of an 88!


>These folks can't insult Islam, I'm a muslim and this isn't true about my faith.
>How can I stop people from thinking this about my religion?
>I know, I'll kill them!

Why don't they just say "Don't anger the Muslims because they have no impulse control"?

It doesn't matter because they don't do shit to help anyway. Half of them know terrorist and they never report it so whatever.

ill never understand the left. "they will hate u and want u to die XD-redditor"

Yeah, but what the fuck can they do outside the wall?

>making them

Because the majority of muslims in America that I have met hate Americans and want their culture and way of life to be the dominant one instead of peacefully integrating into America and coexisting with other people. They can all go europe and take over those places.

I fucking hate Hillary just saying

> 1 post by this ID

I've worked for American born Muslims who were New Yorker immigrants to my state of Texas. Not cunts at all.

Hillarys a Fuckin war criminal dude.

Piss off kebab
kebab joins ISIS
blow up ISIS
repeat until all kebab is removed

I don't see anything wrong with this strategy.

I would probably say the only reason I've not had a bad experience with a Muslim is because I'm not a cuck to propagandist media driven phobic bullshit

Did you know that if you're not a dick to people, they have a higher chance of reconsidering their prejudices?

That's taqiya.

It's not about their every demand, it's about the pussies demonizing, vilifying, and ostracizing the ones who do no harm to anyone, then play victim when we consistently blow their children's heads apart with missiles from above.

Those missiles were sent by a Nobel peace prize winner, thank you very much! Those dead kids should be grateful they were caught as collateral when our great leader authorized those strategic precision strikes.

I'm not even a fuckin liberal; but what I have found recently in my experiences are that we here are just as vulnerable as they there. The only difference is how we have it so comfortably, laughing about cucks and frolicking around with our uncut penises throbbing to Loli and dick girls while they're seeing blood shed every single day.. If you talk to one like they're a human being they have a high likelyhood of responding back. They believe they're defending themselves too. Not ny religious standards, but simply by war standards.

I'm glad you're more at odds with the president; they feel the exact same way about him.

Reducing Islamist recruitment requires a strategy of assimilation and secularization. I'm not going to lie, we are hindering assimilation and promoting extremism when we refuse to place societal expectations on our Muslim population.

You don't convert people to a faith by being nice or having a good idea. You convert them by building a community. This is something that isn't well known. And as long as Muslims identify themselves in their ghetto rather than secular society, Islamism will dominate. We can be as cruel or as nice as we want. But the REAL front involves, again, getting people to identify OUTSIDE of Islam, rather than trying to be NICE to Islam.

because israel cries about their neighbors all day

Thats not how Islamic terrorist organization recruiting works

I know a lot of Muslims and there is no moderate. The people of ISIS do not represent Islam, they just claim to be. I talked with a real Muslim , who was in shock and awe that an American would actually show him some humanity. Interacting, reaching out personally, lending a hand, explaining that no, not every American is an Athiest who wants all Muslims dead as their fascist media portrays, it a turn on the lock to open the gates to a more peaceful relationship between America and this religion THAT IS NOT GOING AWAY

Anyone that unstable is too primitive to live here.

If a "religion of peace" can be so easily turned into terrorists because we were mean to them, they probably weren't very peaceful to begin with.

Christian here and it doesn't have to be secular, Islam teaches in favor of freedom of religion believe it or not. Just as Christianity teaches to not mistreat foreigners in their land.

> Better not say mean things or they'll kill us all!

> Meanwhile let's insult every white gun owner in America with impunity, we've learned from experience that if we call them small-dicked, racist, bigoted, rednecked, homophobic, paranoid, insance, backward, ignorant, uneducated, violent, right-wing terroristic white nationalist religious nutbag shitlords, not one of the heavily-armed millions of them will do anything about it.

It's exactly how an organization fueled by hatred works.

White gun owner here, try again you assumptive fuck.

One of the reasons why I still side with pol is that the Globalists aren't smart enough to figure out that Sunni Islam, by definition, is both a religion and a form of government. In the 2020s, this will, quite painfully, become apparent as Islam begins making demands according to Sharia.

Don't get me wrong. There is also a 'vulnerable' compenent where men with no prospects in life gravitate toward these organizations. But even 'Moderate' Islam is theocratic in nature and doesn't really resolve the problem.

Appeasement does not work.


This is a quality post and the reason why Gun Control will fail. You need the support of Gun Owners to make these kinds of sweeping changes. And. In order to pander the base, Dems did the opposite (Trump Style.)

Wanna see an Islamist flip his shit? Convince a bunch of Arabs to break Ramadan for pork sandwiches. That'll absolutely derail terrorist recruitment in no time.

Slide thread detected.

there is nothing in Islam’s teachings about taking over the law of the land. The Quran, instructs that absolute justice, not religion, must be the ruling government’s guiding principle, irrespective of different faiths, races, etc.

Absolutely not,
Hillary Clinton is a plague.

It will help this country if by outcast you mean export.

It's like having a landmine in your house. It's there, you know where it is, and it will only ever explode if you step on it. Seems okay right? Now picture the kike media as well as the landmine caliphate overseas telling this landmine that it is a good idea to blow up anyway. And now picture this landmine as an easily influenced adolescent landmine.

Would you want this landmine in your house?

Well then we'll just have to wait and see. Meanwhile, you can talk to frustrated Middle Eastern rulers themselves about large groups of Sunnis attempting theocracy. Like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt or ISIS in Syria.

I'm pretty sure you are wrong, however, time will be the judge.


Enter Dylan Klebold and Eric Harriss who may have gotten it worse than most Muslim highschool kids. On one hand you have a clock, then you have a school shooting. Land mines?

Omg it's fucking sharia law he banned an ad on the fucking subway run for your lives!!!!!

Yeah, Muslims in America are just like landmines. They might not do anything to harm you if you don't tread on them, but at the same time, you need to be REALLY careful not to touch them. You loose a part of your house which now becomes the landmine's segregated area. The Landmine is also in all respects useless and servers no purpose. The landmine can, however, be picked up and moved.

So what you're saying is, American Muslims are one feeling away from joining ISIS? Who's the islamophobe now bitch boy?

>cowardice and supplication is a strategy


The muzzies will kill us because they want to kill us because killing us is part of their culture

>clusterfucks that we've made of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria,

All of those places were always clusterfucks

>useless and serves no purpose

I was taught machining by a Muslim who introduced me to the field. I was educated by a Muslim highschool teacher. I see many Muslims being productive in society, even in this majorly intolerant Texas society... I think your perspective just comes from living in that desert island of Great Britain rejects.

They already hate you, bringing reality into the light is the right thing to do always. Purely by making this argument you admit that they are likely sympathetic to ISIS position of wanting us all dead which makes your whole argument boil down to, maybe if we appease them they'll behave for now. You're a coward

how well did leaving them alone work last time?
there may have been a point where this would have worked but we are well past that line now

once isis is down for good, we will have to make sure that no one will try and take their place, otherwise it will all have been for nothing

Why do kikes respond to muslim violence by telling white people to hate their children?

That's not at all what this meme entails, it displays how you're likely to increase ISIS recruitment by "sending them back where they came from"

you have NUKEs
They dont

Because they won't fucking be here.

Anyone who is capable of thinking "Wow! Listen to that rhetoric! I'm now going to kill as many of them as fucking possible in a suicide mission!" aren't sane, rational people. We don't want them as US citizens and we don't want then in our country as guests either. People hear hateful shit every day in this country. It's a side effect of the first amendment.

op is too fucking stupid to understand that when you punish people for something you get less of it and when you don't you get more of it

This is the deep sickness of the liberal mind in action

But how is absolute justice defined but by god's will? Especially in a faith that defines itself as the one true faith and all others as heathens and apostates? It's like a religion of beholders.

And even if we assume your statement is completely true, how does that stop groups like ISIS? Why should they care whether you're actually right or not?

What a lame intuition. I don't sympathize with ISIS, I have a friend in the Iraqi army who's fighting ISIS directly. Very Americanized type of person, still Muslim. Talks about killing ISIS cocksuckers every day.

Sweet. I don't give a fuck if they join ISIS if they aren't here.

Well obviously Americas next step would be to supply a small cell in Gaza with weapons.

kill them all, let Allah sort them out

You're too stupid to realize nothing you said contradicts the person you responded to

By getting rid of people who will commit treason for petty reasons

>Great Britian

We are objectively superior now.

Also your anecdote do not phase me. Right now America vets it's immigrants. You will be getting a lot more useful refugees than they get in Europe. However the problem here is the Islamic ideology.

The landmine is that ideology. It can be triggered unlike any other to commit atrocities. A landmine is a tool. Consider other religions to be screwdrivers and wrenches. Those tools can be used to kill people with enough effort, any tool, or religion, can facilitate or aid in murder of giving a great push.

Islam is the landmine, however, because it is designed to kill. It doesn't take much for it to start murdering.

I might consider real talk soon. This started as a food-for-thought shitpost.

>Talks about killing ISIS cocksuckers every day.

Sounds like bullshitting, given the ineffectiveness of the Iraqi Army

>implying m Judaism and Christianity do not do the exact same fucking thing