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Right wing death squads
>1 Post By This ID
>Post yfw when king chimp gets BTFO.
wow it really makes me think, thank you for posting
They will never take my nugget!
I need my assult rifle for reasons!
they're idiots
you filibuster to stop legislation, not pass it.
wow they're perverting Judge Scalia's language to benefit their agenda now that he's dead and can't comment. fucking sick people. I honestly believe they killed him.
Its a gambit.
They are biding time to try to take the majority they think they have to pressure the hold outs until they have the votes to pass it.
Its all according to kaku
Does this bill make gun shows illegal?
I don't even know what the fuck they're trying to do. They're trying to pass legislation which is almost identical to exactly what we have now - or so they claim.
What they're actually probably trying to do are slide in some wording that bans semi automatic rifles or something like that.
I've been listening for over the past hour and they are literally just throwing a temper tantrum like little children who can't get their way. They won't shut the fuck up. They keep having these emotional melodramatic pleas, it's so pathetic and manipulative.
One democrat even started going through the Bill of Rights trying to subvert the language of other amendments, it gives you insight into what their end game is.
Republicans don't care because they know if they give the Dems an inch they'll take a mile. It's a little bit today, a little bit tomorrow, then in 5 years we only have single shot bolt action rifles.
They also keep lying by saying Conservatives and gun owners and NRA is on their side. They are scum liars and subverting our constitution.
Fucking kikes can't help but comb through every inch of the constitution for stupid loopholes.
Don't they realize it was written to protect us from them? All they are doing is decreasing the freedom of America. Now we are only ironically the "land of the free."
Every now and then between their emotional conniving rants you can hear them make a slip of the tongue. First they were saying "oh we love the second amendment" then a recent slip this congressman just said was "the second amendment right is not absolute! it comes with responsibility!"
Has this idiot ever heard of Pearl Harbor?
Has a filibuster ever accomplished anything? Ever? It didn't work for Rand Paul; it didn't work for El Rato; it's not going to work now.
heres video
How can this debate be shut down? All they're doing is emotional pandering.
>All they're doing is emotional pandering.
to themselves and us, no one else is actually watching more than 5mins of this shit, norms have the attention span of goldfishies
Shit's still trending on Twitter -- of course, Twitter could be manipulating that.
Also, checked.
Wow another slide thread
It can only work if the republicans are spineless enough for it to work, but even they understand that guns are an issue they can't fold on if they want to still have jobs.
If Obama couldn't get federal gun control passed standing on the graves of 20 children right after his reelection he's not getting it as a lame duck after Abu Goatfuck shot up a gay bar.
It does come with responsibility, a moral one, not a legal one.
The distinction is necessary.
But it was clever of him to jump categories, it only works in his case because we have no set morality anymore thus any appeal to responsibility must be an appeal to legal responsibility.
It runs far deeper than you or I know.
Is there actually a risk of an AWB? I'm saving for a five-seven, but if shit is happening I need an AR before anything.
>inb4 meme gun
not until january
but if the republicans lose the senate and the presidency, it'll happen for sure.
>Is there actually a risk of an AWB?
No. I wouldn't even bet on is if a Hillary presidency happens; she knows what happened to Bill when he did that shit.
Good to know. Makes me sick to have to worry about this shit again.
Just buy a stripped lower, or a couple 80% lowers you can finish whenever.
Serialized part would be taken care of, plenty of modular part spares everywhere.
bumping with FREEDOM
Sten MK2 anyone?
Mac-10/Mac-11 lower
how about muslim control instead
i guarantee when the founding fathers were writing the constitution, they didn't have in mind mass importation of hostile muslims to replace the white christian population
Is this live? it's 1 in the morning
Can I just say this to bring some clarity? I bet you, that back when both san bernadino, and sandy hook happened, this place was filled with happening threads, THEY'RE GONNA TAKE UR GUNS threads, and a whole lot of other shit. They shouted for tighter gun control, it didn't happen. And even if, they banned the AR 15 from production, sale, or even distribution, here comes the AS-17 rifle, same shit, different look.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it more or less impossible to restrict guns in the united states? At least on the federal level?
They are the largest weapons manufacturer on the planet, and banning guns would either involve removing the second amendment, adding another, or the states themselves introducing their own legislature.
oyyy veyy!
The very first war the US congress waged was against Muslim terrorists. They were kidnapping American shipping boat crews on their way to Europe for trade.
The kebab demanded payment to cross the waters, congress obliged long enough to build the nation's first Navy and then proceded to assfuck them with the help of Switzerland who was also in the same situation.
They beat them all the way back inland and could have kept going, but they eventually completed their objective.
Pretty sure there are even examples of Congress's thoughts on muslims at the time, most likely stuff Sup Forums would love.
Too lazy to google it.
barbary wars, i forgot about that. i'll have to remember to read up on them again in the morning.
It's scary to think that the common ideology on the left is to ban guns. So, it is only a matter of time 'til guns are banned, and then it will be the first amendment that is put on the chopping block. Well, guys, I am seriously freaked out about the future. I don't want to live under a tyranny, dammit!
>it's trending
It won't be next week. The attention span of the public is incredibly short. Remember how buttblasted everyone got when that dentist shot a lion?
It's not for norms. It's supposed to bore the opposing side until they give up.
>mfw I want an AR-15 because I want a gun that's legal to own now but can be made full auto should the government ever go full totalitarian, but I've only started my post college career a few months ago and I don't have enough money saved up yet to feel comfortable spending that much
>tfw I've been planning on getting one in like a year but it might be too late by then
>holding up legislation during the final months of obama's administration
>pushing more discussion toward god-emperor trump's reign
Have you ever heard of financing?
Get a credit card, and eat the interest if you're that worried about it.
Whoever told you it's easy to convert it to full auto lied.
It's intentionally taking a long time.
If you're that worried and strapped for cash, just buy a lower receiver now and worry about the rest later.
>tfw going to be living in Texas
>want to get into /k/ shit, I have 0 experience
>University apartment I'm living in doesn't allow firearms.
Fuck universities and their liberal nonsense.
Congress passed a law where all members of congress can conceal carry.
In a state where no citizen can even OWN a firearm.
Please stop posting this now before it gets mainstream and becomes part of legislation