Just in case you haven't seen this rage inducing video yet, here is a black lives matter activist taking over a vigil for the victims of the Orlando shooting.
Just in case you haven't seen this rage inducing video yet...
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Check em?
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
It's like watching two spoiled children competing for daddy's attention.
Does it remind anyone else of Kayne interrupting at that award show?
"LGBT folks, I'mma let you finish, but black people murdered by cops is one of the highest death tolls of all time. OF ALL TIME!"
we could probably exploit this on twitter and tumblr to make the black people and gay people eat each other alive.
Simply epin
Nevermind that blacks murder blacks at an insane rateāmuch higher than that of cops killing blacks.
Ah, but I guess BLM*
*only when they're killed by cops
They can't bear the attention being taken away from them for even a second.
What I want to know is why do BLM only get pissed when a black guy is killed by a white guy. They don't seem to give a fuck when a black guy kills another black guy.
Wew lad
it seems you have mads :DDD
If niggers would be able to use logic, they wouldn't be niggers.
They did the same shit after Paris too
Waaah, why are people more interested in 150 people dying unjustly in one night than 400 people is merely potentially unjust circumstances per year
'it's awesome that there is so many people here today but it's like... who are you really here for'
In defense of BLM, upper-middle class white people have been very openly trying to shift most favored oppressed status from blacks to LGBT in recent years.
The black urban population has been dropping in the decade. Its being sold as blacks moving to the suburbs but most are moving down south to find jobs or to get away from the shitty neighborhoods Democratic policies created. Furthermore Democratic politicians don't want to let go of drug laws that hurt blacks, even locally, cause they know it keeps the crime in these failed neighborhoods at bay and far from their upper-middle class hip white spots.They know full well they failed to integrate blacks and want to slowly push them out of the cities. However protection of the oppressed is a major ideological component of the lefts ideology. Its a major networking and career opportunity as well, not just for politicians, but teachers, HR departments, consultants, etc. Bullshit jobs liberals excel at.
And thus we see the new preferred minority, the gays, who don't fuck up neighborhoods and how are overwhelming culturally white and feminized already. BLM is smart enough to see this happening, or whatever white guy runs it. They have to emphasize to the left that THEY are the reason identity politics and the world its created exists. Its leftist civil war and it great.
Good point.
Why do white bois get triggered so easily?
>The black urban population has been dropping in the decade.
You don't know much about gays if you think we tweet and eat.
Wait for it...
>1 post by this ID
It's like "1 post by this ID" is the new flag of the shitposter
you realise there are still urban populations in the south? The decline in urban population is because blacks are moving up the economic ladder.
whats she tryna say
Answer my question, white boi
these fucks sit here and applaud when a BLM protester took over the mic at their event.
The police then come and escort the white people out for doing nothing other than speaking at a public forum
God we are so fucked
>because blacks are moving up the economic ladder.
Thats the narrative. Blacks moving to the suburb. But the future planned by left-wing people and major corporations and governments are megacities and high speed rails to get people away from the countryside. This seems counterproductive.
>2 posts by this ID
You're not the 1 post troll. You're the white "gonna act like a nigger" troll baiting for summer fags. My mistake. Carry on
to be fair, niggers hate gays.
Which is weird since they both try to fuck me over with their bafflingly stupid bull-shit.
she speaks like she's on xanax, dumb slurt
Niggers and fags... let them kill each other.
>a black lives matter activist taking over a vigil for the victims of the Orlando shooting
>rage inducing
All smiles here OP
yeah libs fucking love pushing ~urban living~. it's fucking idiotic. like people want to have ot use a bus that smells like piss every day lol. They want people moving into these little shithole urban apartments and living in their little anthill lives so the powers that be can control them much easier.
~they~ don't want you to own a car, or your own land, or your own water rights or oil rights.