Tell me Sup Forums how do we solve the southern question? The South is responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of whites and importing millions of niggers into America, they are also heavily inbred as cousin fucking is very common and most Southerners today have a small percentage of black blood in them we should not consider Southerners to be white, remember they call us Yankees for we are like cattle to them
Beware the seditious Southerner
>1 Post By This ID
Will no one else has posted till now asshole. But I see the Seditious Southerner is so quick to respond. Where do you live? Virginia? Texas?
Bump to raise awareness about the seditious Southerner
Hillbillies were hell raisers and untameable roughnecks back in the British Isles as King Billy's boys. The south was their containment zone. They are good cannon fodder come wartime, but haven't contributed a speck to science or innovation in the country. HL Mencken had the south pegged 100 years ago.
> A certain notable spaciousness was in the ancient Southern
scheme of things. The
had leisure. He liked to toy
with ideas. He was hospitable and tolerant. He had the vague
thing that we call culture.
But consider the condition of his late empire today. The pic-
ture gives one the creeps. It is as if the Civil > War stamped out every last bearer of the torch, and left only a mob of peasants
on the field.
Thank you for the reading material. It is also no coincidence that southern states do the worst academically this is even considering the high black population.
D&C shill thread
Hello Seditious Southerner.
The South is full of shitskins and low iq whites. I can't wait for their next failed uprising, so we can nuke them off the map
If only Sherman had nukes
The 600,000 dead yank faggots deserved their early grave.
>killing hundreds of thousands of whites
Actually the Yankees sort of walked into that one. The South needed their soldiers more than the north so Southern military leadership was forced to fight better.
>importing millions of niggers into America
In fact most of the slave ships were owned by New Englanders who imported the slaves. Southern slave markets were one cog in a larger Atlantic trade.
>have a small percentage of black blood
Aside from vestigial traces from an ancient era, I'm going to need a citation on this one.
Bide your time, Sir. I shall await your response.
But they make up a majority of the military and most bases are named after Confederate generals
Reading Mencken makes me think I belong back in the early 1900s or late 1800s. You could be red-pilled about race but still like culture and arts without being called a fag by "conservatives". There wasn't this false dichotomy between racialism and progress. Mencken knew blacks couldn't hack it in civilized society, but saw white southern plebs left over from the Civil War as shit. The only time the South was moving and shaking was in Washington, Madison and Jefferson's time, and up to the Civil War. Now it's a laughing stock. Comparing anything built in Antebellum times with today's shit is laughable. New Orleans, Charleston and Savannah are "gems" of the South - only for the parts built before the war. The rest of the southern cities are sprawling dumps where you need a pickup truck to move anywhere. Most towns don't even believe in sidewalks.
Not saying other American towns are any better. Most towns looks like shit after the 1950s. Strip malls, oversized yards, smog, road rage, and a general a sense of detachment from your fellow man. The south probably just had the misfortune of having most of its cities built in this period. A prime example of this period is Las Vegas. It is almost entirely post 50s development.
Are you out of your mind? The South ran Washington from the late 19th century through the 80's when all the Southern Democrats died or retired. The Southern strategy for governance was to send the regions best political talent to the nation's capital and keep them their for life accruing seniority through the decades. This meant that southerners ran most committees until a major rule change in the 80's which denied Jamie Whitten of MS the chairmanship of the powerful and prestigious Appropriations Committee.
Lyndon Johnson himself said that the South produced more proper statesmen than any other region but that they were kept from high office because of their required support for Jim Crow laws. He said Richard Russell of GA, LBJ's political mentor, should have been President instead of himself.
The banks tried to reclaim the South and we told them to fuck off.
Texas is its own nation. We have no responsibility for those inbred fucks in Alabama.
What New Orleans, Charleston and Savannah have in common is a majority black population. Majority black cities elsewhere in the US aren't gems either. That the progress that we tried to resist but it was imposed by the supreme court banning segregation.
Johnson, Clinton, and Carter are smooth talking stooges for the NWO. It would have been infinitely better for Kennedy to have stayed in office for 8 years than LBJ. Cuba would probably be a state by now with Kennedy.
I was talking about architectural gems with a sense of character and style. Blacks didn't design the French Quarter or old Charleston. They did get sold as slaves there though.
New Orleans is rotting because blacks took over. The town used to be the favorite of Jefferson Davis.
>Cuba would probably be a state by now with Kennedy.
I'm glad he was shot dead, then.
That's a late 20th century development though. Johnson only got in because of JFK. Carter was more of an aberration only made possible broadly by the civil rights legislation of the 60's ameliorating the race issue and narrowly by the Watergate scandal. Clinton is simply a once-in-a-generation political talent that was aided by his party's relative weakness in Presidential contests (80, 84, 88 had all been won by the GOP in landslides) plus most prominent Dems staying out of the 92 race due to Bush Sr's popularity after the Gulf War.
In the grand sweep of things, Southerners had been kept out of the White House since Polk in 1844. Sure there was Wilson, but he came by way of NJ. Southerners actually ran Washington from Reconstruction through the 1980's though.
Yeah, I look at Detroit street view and try to imagine a town full of whites in the 30s or 40s. It looks like a bombed out shell of its former self. Same story with every other black town.
But even in segregation times, the architecture and general feel of the south looks inferior to the glorious Antebellum time period when the south had a real patrician class. The old southern upper class had some form of curiosity about life and was willing to experiment with new things. After the war, everything became utilitarian, parochial and borderline barbaric.
You'd rather have a commie dictator flood immigrant refugees into Florida than have a larger union? Okay.
I'm related to James Polk. He's the brother of my 5th great grandmother.
He was a total douche. But he got it all done though. Very shrewd and capable. We could use more like him today.
> the civil war stamped out all but the bottom of barrel of white Southerners.
Spot on. All the wealthy planters (slave owners) were killed. The only ones left were sharecroppers and paeans which is what made the initial reconstruction (that stripped Southern whites of suffrage) particularly harsh. Had Lincoln not been assassinated by the more radical Republicans, the nation would have healed a long time ago. There never would have been a KKK or Democratic party.
Even if you grant Southern democrats some political power, most of the drastic changes of the 20th century came about because of northerners and westerners, with few exceptions, mostly in the area of playwriting, music, and literature
> Mark Twain
> DW Griffith
> William Faulkner
> Tennessee Williams
> Elvis Presley
> Hank Williams
> Jerry Lee Lewis
I can't think of many industrial innovations or scientific breakthroughs that came from the south. Take out the transplants like Wernher von Braun and the pickings are really slim.
You're absolutely right about all of that. As far as science...I suppose higher education in the South focused mostly on the classics, philosophy, law, and politics. I'm not sure why.
Never have I read a thread steeped in such ridiculous retardation. You should congratulate (or better yet, flagellate) yourselves.
It's not even that you fucking shill it's just that any attempt to shill oldies or non retards fails Everytime. You are just a nuisance brought on by horrible mods.
Southerners in denial are like Jews who wonder why they have been persecuted all these centuries. They don't see that their own behavior is off-putting to the civilized world. What's worse is most southern whites have intellectual capacity to be civilized but they would rather tear down yankee civilization brick by brick from their rural strongholds.
There's plenty of Southerners of good stock. Many are just conditioned to hide their heritage and assimilate into the general American culture. There's a meme that every Southerner is a redneck. Some rednecks are Southerners but not every redneck is a Southerner. If the South had won the war we'd put up Pennslyvanian rednecks on television or working class northeast heroin addicts and point to them as symbolic of yankeedom.That way we could destroy your humanity by painting you subhuman before we physically annihilate you.
Only man that comes to mind and not sure how important he was.
>We wuz game theorists
At the moment, Yankee civilization is bringing nothing but faggotry and leftist ideology to the table.
True, even men like Mencken would be marginalized in today's toxic northern "culture". America is pretty shitty all around. World Wars served as a distraction for the PC anti-white takeover.