What does Sup Forums know about the Bible?

Is it the ultimate red pill?

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Will the shilling ever end?

Can the people from this list be proven? bibleblender.com/2014/biblical-lessons/biblical-history/complete-list-of-major-minor-characters-in-bible

I thought Sup Forums was a Christian board, no?

Yes, accepting Jesus in your life will make it better trust me when I say this I can say without question that my life has only gotten better since I've lived a wholesome life and accepted Jesus into it.

Don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again.

Yes, it's the ultimate pill
Also that's post you were responding to is a shill attempting damage control

How do you accept Jesus in your life?

What makes it so red pilled?

I've put all my trust into him, I know that no matter what nothing wrong can happen because I believe Jesus and he is always there for me and for everyone else who puts their faith into him.
Life has become more meaningful and absolutely much better since he's become a part of my life.

Following the bible and having faith in Jesus will allow you to live forever in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Receiving the Gospel and putting your trust in Christ is the red pill, the bible guides the Redpilled

What differences have you noticed?
Is Jesus with you, spiritually and in the present, 24/7? Like is he in the room with you now

Repent (change mind)
And put your trust in Christ
Read John 3

How do you know for certain?

He's in paradise, but the Holy Spirit is always in you

Can't stop sinning.

It's a red slide thread

Romans 1
John 3

Personal experience
Historical and archaeological evidence

>The ultimate red pill

How do I bring that out?

have you been saved?

It's a pretty boring read and most of the stories are dumb as fuck. I wouldn't recommend it. Try The Moon is a Harsh Mistress or The Door Into Summer instead.
You thought wrong. This isn't or something.

>mfw shills try raising shill alarm to stop us talking about JESUS CHRIST, who is GOD.

Are you saved?


>there is a God
>the Jews were His chosen people
>they fucked it all up and crucified Jesus
>now they are in diaspora and will work with Satan to steal your soul
>it's all good Jesus has your back

Can't think of a bigger red pill

He's not an invisible spirit sitting in the room with you, but he's always watching over you.
For me personally everything feels better, it's hard to explain but accepting Jesus into my life and following the teachings in the bible and living a wholesome life has just made everything much better for me.
One example I can give is if something doesn't go right, normally id have been angry but I know now maybe jesus intended something else for me and it's true something positive always happens very soon after.
When people get angry because things don't go right I tell them Jesus has a different plan, don't be upset just be happy there will be a new opportunity soon.

It's not a red pill. It's not even a blue pill... but you're swallowing something if you're a Christian.

If the Christian dogmas of a revengeful God, universal sinfulness, election by divine grace and the danger of eternal damnation were true, it would be a sign of weak-mindedness and lack of character not to become a priest, apostle or hermit and, in fear and trembling, to work solely on one's own salvation; it would be senseless to lose sight of ones eternal advantage for the sake of temporal comfort. If we may assume that these things are at any rate believed true, then the everyday Christian cuts a miserable figure; he is a man who really cannot count to three, and who precisely on account of his spiritual imbecility does not deserve to be punished so harshly as Christianity promises to punish him.

Churchians seem to think there's some separate way outside of Jesus to get to heaven for Jews.

Psalm 14:1
Romans 1

I wonder why these verses exists

Nope, the bible says differently
John 6:37
John 14
Col 2:14

That's an Evangelical thing I think. I know we Orthodox don't believe that.

6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

I've read it once back-to-back and I wasn't impressed. It was slightly more coherent experience than the Quran though.

What about the historical and archaeological evidence? That's what I'm really concerned about

People who don't read their Bibles can't understand biblical doctrine

Yes, and baptized

Evangelical just means you believe in the bible right? So wouldn't anyone who believes the bible believe you must believe believe in Jesus in order to get into Heaven?

Yes, and baptized

The book is a horrible read. It'd be half the size if you take out, "x begot y, y begot z, z was a fag" etc, etc.

What about the jews inside of Israel?

For historical evidence I will give you three sources:

Inspiring philosophy
Cold case Christianity

Biblical prophecy OT
Isaiah 53
Psalm 22
Messianic promise

I don't think evidence will convert you, only the Holy Spirit can, but I hope this will lead you down the right path :)

Sup Forums is a Kek (peace be upon him) board.

Evangelical in our modern vocabulary is a term for a select group of socially conservative protestants, mostly baptists and pentecostals, they believe that that modern state of Israel is what God promised to the Jews so America was literally created to protect Israel. Their theology has been subverted and the nature of it rejects the divinity of Christ so they are either heretics or Judaizers that shouldn't be considered real Christians.

You don't see a problem with using the bible to justify the bible because you're soft headed and your fruity little cult has made you soft headed.

It's made you weak and told you that being weak is being strong.

Red pill? Yeah, no. It's blue as blue can get.

If your struggling with sin, you need to read Romans 6-8, were not supposed to sin, but we struggle, but read your Bible, put your trust in Christ, and he will guide you on your walk. And help you overcome your sin

I've never heard of that before, I always thought evangelical was just the name for bible literalists

It takes time. Don't beat yourself up over it. He knows your heart. Allow the Spirit to change your thinking to the point where sin is no longer desirable.
Read Galatians 5 for more info on the fruit of the Spirit.

>nailed to a cross

do unto others as you would have them do unto you. its the ultimate anti-jew pill.

If it makes you feel better, the bible tells us to strike down with a sword those who preach other gods in our cities

What about the whole Jesus Christ thing?

Okay put your trust in Christ, or stand before a just and holy God, and answer for your sins

>is the bible the ultimate redpill


i'm getting closer and closer to never again logging on

Well it is a traditional word, in the Orthodox Church we often refer to St. Luke as St. Luke the Evangelist. Evangelical now is just a code word for Christian Zionist.


Every proper christian knows that there is no salvation outside Christ. When you look at all those retarded evangelical and charismatic movements constantly going againts the Word of God, you notice that they are all american or atleast have origin in there. When you combine stupid population that lives according to television and does not read books with huge amount of jews and their gold, you can quess the results.

What? A watered-down, so-many-times-translated mish-mash of Iron Age paganism (Egyptian, Sumerian, Greek, Zoroastrian, Mithraic, and so on) as to be unrecognizable to its origins and any original meaning lost in translation? You mean that book? Come on, man.

On okay, I've never heard of that definition of evangelical maybe it's an American thing

These are good definitions. Evangelical Christianity is plagued with politics which will have no place in the coming Kingdom

Thanks for the vid bro/sis

Are you still pushing that 19th century garbage?

How would the fact that it's been translated so many times mean it's lost it's meaning? Wouldn't that end up with a better translation because errors are fixed or better translations are used?

Hey I'm a fundamentalist, what's the problem?

Yes, but you know what would make the Bible even more red?

If you should that waste of paper up your ass.

Thanks. Will check them out. I'm a Christian just struggling with sin

Nothing, why would believing the bible be a bad thing?

If your struggling, and your saved, you need to read Romans 6

Lurk moar newfag
Religion threads have always been here

/n/'s Wednesday and Sunday church threads
/new/'s nightly ossuary threads
Sup Forums's Christian generals
During the Sup Forums harbor attack only brit/pol/ and the Christian generals fought back.

I suggest you go back to your safe space

OT is reasonably redpilled if you read between the lines, but otherwise it's insanity.

I know. But, some sins I like committing. Sometimes I like getting a little high after I finish my work. Catching a buzz

Would jesus have covered his head? It says in the bible it's shameful for a man to cover his hair in church

It wouldn't, it's the best thing a regenerate Christian can use to guide them through sanctification

The Jews have brainwashed American evangelicals into thinking the kikes are not preaching heresy and satanism in the Talmud. Jews are Christ killers and would do it all over again and don't ever forget it.

This documentary is a huge redpill about all this

Do you think God wants you to do that?

It is. Ted Cruz is one that's why he's so pro-Israel. He even walked out of a room full of Orthodox Christians after saying they hate America if they won't stand with Israel. But the evangelicals are the most powerful Christian lobby in America.

And many of them are voting for Trump :)

I want to walk in the spirit, and spread love. But the world is so full of hate it makes you appear weak to love people. They take advantage of it

Sometimes it may feel good yes but it doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. The bible says drunkards are not going to get into Heaven, I know weed or whatever drug it is is not alcohol but they have similar intoxicating effects so surely it's forbidden.
Also what reason is there to be high? If you want to relax go on your porch or balcony and enjoy the world god created

Love can also be tough, Sometimes love in honesty can be perceived as hate, but if you truly love, you will also be honest, just, yet forgiving

Useful idiots

counter bump you fucking faggot.

What about the times I smoke a little weed when I get off of work? I feel like it's a sin but I choose to do it for some reason

Salvation is through Jesus, but he also commands that we be aware and ready to give a defense, it's hard to do that if your drunk

Read between the lines? What do you mean

it's a 3,500 year old book written by primitive sandniggers

If it's causing you distress whether or not it's a sin why not try and stop? As I said the bible says drunkards can't go to heaven, if you're getting high regularly this would be a problem

Of course not lol. I do a lot of things he doesn't want me to do. But it's difficult

God wants you to be aware and always ready to give a defense for your faith, can you do that while you're high?


Get help then, every body has to deal with their sins, but we are commanded not to, so do what you need to do to quit

I quit smoking weed recently if you want some advice.

Also what do other christians here think about getting drunk but on occasion?

I drink only once a week and I NEVER get like blackout drunk. I just have a few beers occasionally. Thats fine right? The verse that says you cant get drunk seems to be saying dont let alcohol control your life. Its probably fine if you control yourself and drink occasionally right?

Don't get hammered
Don't cause a brother to struggle

It's hard because you've turned a habit of it, you need to have faith in Christ and he will be there to help you. I used to be a smoker but I quit, I've been clean for almost 5 years now, and this may be too personal but I'm also happy to say that I'll soon hopefully be free of pornography and masturbating, almost one week now and believe me this was hard, harder than quitting smoking. Just have faith, Jesus is there to help you through this but you have to be strong too

What do you mean by fundamentalist?

Pray constantly, associate with fellow believers, attend Christian meetings and meditate upon the word of God. Are you a part of a congregation?

Sure! God wants us to take a little wine for our health and because it makes us rejoice. Even Jesus's miracle involved turning water into fine wine. Just don't overdo it to a point where you're slurring, stumbling, and steeping yourself into immorality

Most times it makes me more spiritual but I'm still coherent and functional if needed

lol more like blue pill

I get even more spiritual while high. I love going down the rabbit hole stoned

This guy is a cuck. Christians don't need a pope when they have Jesus Christ himself lol

>Cucking yourself to your enemies
>Jesus was a faggot and said the Old Testament doesn't mean shit to Christians
>red pilled

Fuck that, if I had to follow some sand religion it would be Islam.

I think it depends on what your definition of a drunkard is, to some it's someone who gets drunk to others it's someone who gets drunk regularly.
There is nothing wrong with a beer and although I think total abstinence is ideal I don't think there's an issue with having a few drinks with friends on occasion.
It depends on the person too, if you find it hard to control yourself or you end up sinning it's better to avoid alcohol completely.

mark 10:17-22:
>guy: hey good teacher! what good thing do i need to do to get saved?
>Jesus: why do you call me good? only God is good. *
>[guy seems to ignore this completely]
>Jesus: you know the commandments: [He lists them]
>guy: i've obeyed all the commandments since my youth! *
>Jesus: alright, so sell all your stuff, give it to the poor and follow me [He commands]
>guy: ehhh, nah i'm rich, see ya

What's so bad about pot? I love talking religion high

I'm a YEC, but it's not mandatory to be a Christian

The Autographs were the inspired word of God without error.

And I am politically motivated based on my beliefs, I will vote on my Christian virtues