i stand with rand edition
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keoghs are nice desu
they probably just throw the shamrock label on them when sending it abroad
irish rorke is too scared to answer
you're a criminal too
>there is someone in this thread right now that has facebook open in another tab
Just sod off you fucking normie twat.
tricolour curse
i should specify thief then
so you're sitting down?
great post
hate nerds
yeah, it says the field it was grown in, the variety, and who cooked them on the back
kind of corny, but it's not like I'll be buying them regularly
Not a weeb at all but did watch a good japanese zombie movie about a weeb in a zombie apocalypse and it was a good film.
it's called I am a Hero. Disclaimer to all weebs that might be reading this. Anime is shit and you're all autistic.
landlords are leeches
not even close, britaboo
Were they nice atleast?
that french lad is actully quite violent. i reckon he might nit be french, and i reckon he might be a little on the, er.. on the 'brown' side, you know, if you know what I mean..
Just watched zulu
I think I'm a rorke now
only nerds believe squatting is wrong
they also believe squats looks like drug holes like in their ghettos, since the so called nerds are also yanks most of the time
yes really. basically homeless parasites unlawfully occupying shit that doesn't belong to them. except no more from leftists i guess.
i saw the vids of sam hyde and crew squatting and it looked pretty grim
plenty of pipes going into your ma tonight
and your sister, she loves the black pipes
asked my dad about Zulu, told me he's seen it at least 30 times
was not aware my dad was a gigarorke
landlords provide a service
Watched the 2011 remake when the nignogs won.
one of these poster is liam lol
your bedroom looks like a homeless spot
they are scum. maybe if they had jobs they could pay for housing themselves.
my name's not liam dickhead
post gorgeous girls, boys
it's real incel hours
going 70mm imax
best be worth it
the french poster is a real spade
>n-no u-u!!!!!!
Woeful post.
alri liam
I want a moustache and pith helmet now 2bh
Fuck off back to Poland
i knew some people that used to squat in an abandoned hospital they were all sound and left when they were asked to
you can pull one example and me another, your argument isnt shit?
but you DO live in that hahahahahahahahahahahaahahhaahha no mate no hahahahahahaha
thinking about putting flyers around campus offering personal computer science tutoring, thoughts on this gimmick? lots of qts who go into computer science aren't very good at it, and the university tutoring positions pay complete shit
yeah, they're like really mild sour cream and onion chips. the potato part is pretty good
>I want a moustache and pith helmet
Would love to visit late 19th century colonies 2bh
voulez vous un punch? non? silencez-vouz bouche, idiote
fuck off arrogant student
should i read the bible
could put you to sleep without even trying
I went to a squat party in an abandoned cinema once. When I got there is was actually really cool, they had the projector on playing trippy shit, really loud music. me and the people i was with danced for a while, mixed. there were some PROPER pikeys there. anyway, me and my mate went to go and see if we could find a fire extinguisher to nick, and we came across a room with a note on the door saying PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB CHILDREN INSIDE. bear in mind this is at a fucking rave. I thought this must be rubbish, so I opened the door, and there were about 30 kids, babies all asleep, music thudding, and there were a couple of pikey looking mothers in there.
Needless to say my high was ruined for the whole night and I left immediately and didn;t stay out long after that. Poor fucking kids
Baby Boomer Woes
fucking lol
landlords contribute absolutely nothing and live off the earnings of people that are actually working but can't afford their own home
how is being rich and being able to buy and rent houses a service to anyone?
Nobody cares about your shitty personal anecdote you likely made up. They are literal lawbreakers and usually anarchist hippie scum to boot. Off yourself you twat.
squatting is ok when you're young and free not when you have a kid
>I crash a plane a week, so a flight plan like that won't catch me out
did a squat with the ex-gf once
she had a wee, I had a poo
If it's so easy then what's stopping you doing it?
>wah wah wah wah im a yank look at me im the yank
fuck off on /cum/ mate no one cares about your opinion you virgin nerd
my lats literally feel like some sort of iron/granite hybrid superstructure
fear me
>landlords contribute absolutely nothing
maybe some do
that kind of landlord shouldn't be rented from obviously, what's the point?
>squabbling over minor retrograde concerns about no-longer existent 'squatters rights' in cities that are literally nothing other than muslim migrant caliphates/refugee camps/future caliphates
If you hate landlords so much then don't rent their property
Honestly all the other irish posters except for me are embarrassing
Say happy birthday to this future king!
Why does everyone love Jeremy corbyn now?
Should I vote labour?
It's a service that benefits themselves. If you have a problem with that then you're welcome to move to North Korea
which one are you
still a bit weird that he has brown eyes when neither of his parents do
brilliant argument mate. continue obsessively posting about liam every single day like you always do you pathetic runt.
Nah youre the worst youre such a thick stupid shite you think youre great
fuck off leftypol
the good one
fuck up
Oh here we go
Corbyn will be too old to run by 2022
fuck off virgin nerd hahahahah virgin nerd
howling at this lefty runt
rude thread
>TV3 keeps shilling the Diana doco
ah yes fuck RIGHT off
Hazza and Charles are the only decent royals
Which is worse, thinking that video games are art or that television is art?
Gonna get a phone on (((contract)))
Never done it before bit nervous, might be a bit much for me x
not understanding the difference between film, cinema, flicks and kino
*heems everyone in this thread*
not really its genetically possible and demonstrable
eyecolour is polygenic so basic mendellian genetics don't actually apply
Why didn't Yanks elect him instead?
both can be art
autismoyank has never been kissed haha
sick to death of zuckerberg
hope corbyn fucking dies
Because he was a shitty imitation of his father
Is he /our guy/?
thinking that art means anything besides just being a marketing buzzword is probably the worst
imagine being this lower middle class
autismoyank is 30 years old and unemployed, virgin, no one loves him