Japan makes based Trump 2016 vid.
Japan makes based Trump 2016 vid.
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They're making fun of him you cuck
With all the Shillary shilling, it seems pretty obvious who's behind this. The DNC threw a pile of money at a no-talent hack to try to MEME WITH THE BIG BOYS... but predictacly, they just look like somebody's grandma on Facebook.
It's NOT Japanese,
it's NOT made by someone who legitimately supports Trump,
they write rude words like "CUNT" in katakana phonetics,
and most of all,
it's NOT aesthetically-pleasing because it's 100% INAUTHENTIC.
We should spread it all over the web to get the weeb vote.
Terrible. No Japanese person would consider the video to be "Japanese" - even the anime-ish drawings look like they were drawn by a Chinese cartoonist.
It goes without saying that the girl in the video isn't Japanese.
One has to wonder if the Americans who make these "Japanese commercials" have ever actually seen a Japanese commercial, or if they just base it on the Mr. Sparkle episode of the Simpsons.
He said he would make anime real and he did the absolute mad man
Doesn't even look Japanese and it's obviously against Trump...
Why did he bother having the wall built if he was going to blow up the planet?
I don't know about that. I think he's neutral. Mike Diva isn't a SJW. Just look at his commercial for the Ghettoe Lunchablez
There's a general. Sage if replying don't post images.
He destroys the world to make it great again
Is this really what you choose to do when you get free time at the Air Force base
mildly enjoyable.
I can't tell if this is promoting or satirizing him.
Why not both? Much like Trump, the video is both serious and saterizing itself. We live in a post-ironic world user.
Well they can't rape the locals anymore, what do you expect them to do?
Nice meme. It was made by an American to look wacky and "A E S T H E T I C"
Like anyone gives a fuck.
All I know is that Trump is a japanese nazi that has access to gundam technology for high rise walls that can blow up the earth.
>Japan makes
Description says otherwise
yes, it's anti-Trump made by a bunch of retards that don't even realize how it will backfire.
Trump supports don't care about swatikas and Nazi imagery, in fact, here on Sup Forums we embrace it.
Also, a real evil leader wouldn't build a giant army and a wall and then go and blow up a planet with a giant robot. That's retarded. He would want to rule it himself. Liberals not making any sense once again.
oh well. A useful idiot make a cool video and now we can enjoy it a pro-Trump propaganda Thanks, Mike.
Mika Diva is a 4channer you moron.
Modify this shit better.
Sup Forums in general doesn't have much to do with Sup Forums
Since when was everybody who uses Sup Forums a Trump supporter? Sup Forums Sup Forums and /k/ are the only right wing boards
its by kazoo kid. its meant for lsd.
I'm a Trump missile now.
grope girls in train?
pissing contests with Yakuza?
play Pachinko?
train under a tiny japanese old man to become the world's strongest?
thy arent japs.
Lol all the Bernfag internet meme power shifted to Trump and now he's reaching the final form
>disgusting tranny makes a shitty vaporwave 90s aesthetic video with trump images
no thanks
>1 post by this ID
>90s aesthetic
this was made by one of those vaporwave faggots
not japan
Thanks for the free meme Mikey Boy!
Sup Forums , Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /fit/ , Sup Forums 80 %of this site is pro trump you fucker you should go to reddit if u want a fuckin leftie safebox
what did he mean by this
Unfortunately, I think this is making fun of him.
At 0:45, the word at the bottom of the screen カントsays 'cunt' (or Kant, like the philosopher, but I doubt they meant that)
>1 post by this id
This is like the 30th time we've had this thread fuck off
do people actually think Japan knows what vaporwave is? i'm sure only a very select niche of internet users might even know it, like the guy who produces this stuff (just wanted to post this awesome song actually):
also why argue whether it's pro or anti Trump? it doesn't have top be either, just a visually pleasing video, or it can be pro Trump but still self deprecating/post ironic
>Japanese Commercial
You can't even tell if Trump parodies are supporting him or not. All those super deluxe-type videos try to make fun of him, but just highlight the things his supporters love about him.
It's actually fascinating. I'll watching a satire video where they make Trump look like an arrogant, smug, obnoxious, jackass. And I'll say "haha awesome", then realize it was supposed to make him look bad.
Just highlights how differently Trump makes people feel from one another. I'd like to see a psychology/sociology study and see the co-relational behavior between Trump supporters and haters.
yeah, I don't think he's really pro or anti trump, I think he's just using trump's cult of personality as a sprinboard for shits and giggles
this is the best shit I've ever seen.
holy fuck, Japan.
Send this to him. I wanna see his reaction.
i hate that this retro shit is a normie meme
Not an argument.
I'd say that alphas loving it, and betas hating it.
A friend linked this to me on facebook because she knew I was a major league Trumptard. Even typical libtards love this stuff.