So Sup Forums supports Gavin McInnes and Milo Yiannopoulus, two egotistical faggots who want to fuck each other.
>Pic comes from Roosh V's Twitter feed
So Sup Forums supports Gavin McInnes and Milo Yiannopoulus, two egotistical faggots who want to fuck each other.
>Pic comes from Roosh V's Twitter feed
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it was to make islamists angry, you cuck.
Milo and Gavin have done far more to advanced the alt right movement then any of you homophobic right wingers ever will
They are legends of the alt right
Will the shilling ever end?
It was to prove a point.
Fuck off Hillary bot
Sage if replying, don't post images.
Milo and Gavin are sexy fuckers anyway. Liberals are starting to turn on their gay minorities.
It makes me mad when Sup Forums doesn't appreciate all that Milo has done for them just because hes gay
Milo is the face of Sup Forums
Liberals are clinically retarded
More retarded liberals.
I would disagree, he's not "the face of pol" but he's helped the "cultural libertarian" movement quite a bit.
More dumb liberals
Sup Forums is not the alt-right
Sup Forums respects them but we are something different and this moment in the picture was awkward and dumb
this is one of the worst "raids" i've seen in a long time. seriously is this the material you bring trying to trigger us? the milo meme has been circulating a lot longer than you've been sucking hillarys sagging tits faggot
>le face of le alt right
not even the alt right knows what the alt right is about
>Sup Forums is not the alt-right
You obviously have no idea what you are talking about
Sup Forums created the alt right.......
Milo = Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>alt right
I got tons of screencapped liberals fun times
This. We are not the 'alt right', we don't operate under any label. I do enjoy some of their work on occasion, but they are a separate entity even though they steal our content sometimes.
>except he actually flew to the middle east a number of times
That can not be real
Facebook also promotes violence
Oh it is liberals have taken cuck as a badge of honor in that group its hilarious
Lolbertarians. Not gonna get your utopia without an ethnostate. Accept than need an authoritarian nationalist government to stop demographic decline.
Whoa, what the fuck?
...That's some perfect looking hair!
not a libertarian, im a registered republican, have been since 2007.
go tend to your refugees canacuck
27, straight. wife and 2 kids. Not crazy about gavin, but milo is the fuckin man. That guys cool as shit. Would party with.
Look, retard, Sup Forums does not want to exterminate all gays, we're neither that radical nor delusional, nobody cared for gays in the 50s, cause they hid. Is there such a big deal to dressing appropriate outside, not faggoting up in public and having a wife with kids? Be a fag all you want, nobody cares as long as you're not one of those flamboyant suck dicks on the street types.
So yes, if a fag helps our cause, our agenda, we will embrace him, dumbass.
You can rip on this fag all you want, but he's doing more good and exerting more balls (literally/figuratively) than all you shitposters combined. Watching them kiss in lieu of current events was a glorious moment.
Sup Forums is not the alt-right. But everytime the media says alt-right it is Sup Forums
this, we're more extreme than what they portray as the alt right, better educated on the subjects.
Is Milo balding?
Feeling triggered lad?
>Pakistan (ignoring that it's actually Afghanistan)
>A place that practices a completely different form of Islam than ISIS
>>>>>>>A political figure who he has ties to
>Registered democrat
>Pledged support for Hillary in a tweet
>No he must be a Trump supporter
I don't like that these people exist. It makes me so sad.
As long they fuck in a private place, and have based world views why not suport then?
What do you think we are?
Dirty muslins or something like that?
Milo is cool
Gavin should off himself
Why do liberals lie?