Fuck this honey pot bullshit

I'm tired of shitposting and not making a difference.
I'm tired of threads expiring and going through the motions day after day.
I'm tired of the same old arguments about non-issues.
In this containment board we have been chastised and reviled as "alternative" or "third position" and our voices labeled under the umbrella term of extremism and swept under a rug.
Meanwhile this site is monitored by the very forces we seek to dismantle and overthrow (peacefully, I might add).
The absolute most disgusting thing I have ever witnessed though is the admiration of fascism you delusional idiots have.
You're afraid to take a stand, afraid to take charge of your own lives so you need a charismatic figure in your lives because your father was never around or he's too inept to do the job.
Whether it be Hitler, Ron Paul or Trump, you've attached to a father figure that couldn't give a fuck about you, yet you mold your life in their ideologies in some vain attempt to find belonging without realizing you're being used for an agenda not in your interest.
You take a stand against authoritative neo-liberalism only to champion an even more repugnant social disease in the form of fascism and a racialized one at that.
Unable to realize your own freedom, you place the utmost faith in a billionaire real estate mogul who does what he does for shits and giggles.
When the shackles of tyranny are around your throat and wrists, remember that is was your own lack of patriotic spirit and lust for freedom that made you a slave to the system, whether that system be ruled by globalists or nationalists.

also trump looks like a retarded faggot

opinion disregarded

well that's just like, your opinion, man

>I'm tired of shitposting and not making a difference.

you guys suck

See you tomorrow.

Wew lad.
We're playing 3d chess while you're trying to play the enemies game and win.
It's impossible to beat the liberals at activism and all that gay shit. If we try to be activists and get into a fight we get arrested and they dont because of the political climate. Because of this we changed the game to something we're good at: online posting. Do you think Trump would've gotten any of the support he got if the political climate wasn't fractured? Do you think he'd have gotten any support if we didn't repeatedly post his comments on subjects across multiple platforms?

I only care about the 14 words, stop projecting


oh a shill who cant stand not being the center of attention . a special snow flake who sought to sell himself to who ever would pay for it cries when he realizes he is just a whore with some worn out holes

go back to tumblr and know that we are slowly taking even tumblr over. what we do not annex will be destroyed. twitter is dying at the speed of light and reddit had a drop off in web traffic already before they gave up

Maybe just stop freaking out. What a mess..

Wow, this has really left me to consider the implications of this situation

bump for importance.


Quad dubs! Oh my gawd my first time getting quad dubs!

>we seek to dismantle and overthrow (peacefully, I might add)
>You support a candidate up for election

Pick one to criticise, cunt

I love you and you're right

this board has been fucked and shitted for the last 2 - 4 months.

(You) (you) and (you) need to shut the fuck up.


you are a shit person and a fuck writer. go suck your own dick.

>Because of this we changed the game to something we're good at: online posting.
Holy fuck I cringed.

Unplug and get a fucking life buddy.

>Sup Forums is life

Dude are you not just jacking off in your underwear like literally everyone here?
None of us even HAVE jobs.
We shitpost because racial hatred is a huge turn on.

>1 post by this id

Based leaf

Some people on Sup Forums are just what I like to call "Meme racists", they just say shit to get reactions.

Then there are true Mongoloids who are actual stormfags. And when the get a (You) with a compliment on their ideologies they get a rush of ecstacy and feel like they are in the majority . Mostly everyone on Sup Forums is a Meme Racist and do shit for keks because the Internet has given them the opportunity to make spectacles of people.

Then there are people like you Op that feal disenfranchised, Unheard. But remember Op Every dog gets its day

I'm tired of shitposting and not making a difference.
I'm tired of threads expiring and going through the motions day after day.
I'm tired of the same old arguments about non-issues.
In this containment board we have been chastised and reviled as "alternative" or "third position" and our voices labeled under the umbrella term of extremism and swept under a rug.
Meanwhile this site is monitored by the very forces we seek to dismantle and overthrow (peacefully, I might add).
The absolute most disgusting thing I have ever witnessed though is the admiration of socialism you delusional idiots have.
You're afraid to take a stand, afraid to take charge of your own lives so you need a charismatic figure in your lives because your father was never around or he's too inept to do the job.
Whether it be Stalin, Obama or Sanders, you've attached to a father figure that couldn't give a fuck about you, yet you mold your life in their ideologies in some vain attempt to find belonging without realizing you're being used for an agenda not in your interest.
You take a stand against authoritative neo-conservatism only to champion an even more repugnant social disease in the form of socialism and a radicalized one at that.
Unable to realize your own freedom, you place the utmost faith in a failed politician who does what he does for shits and giggles.
When the shackles of tyranny are around your throat and wrists, remember that is was your own lack of patriotic spirit and lust for freedom that made you a slave to the system, whether that system be ruled by globalists or nationalists.

>You're afraid to take a stand, afraid to take charge of your own lives so you need a charismatic figure in your lives because your father was never around or he's too inept to do the job.

I don't think I am afraid, I just think I've made a bad decision in my current university program and should have gone into computer science instead. My father was around and is still around thank God, but I'll admit that being the son of immigrants my father didn't get the chance to get educated because he was fleeing war, and has been a manual worker all his life. I truly want change for the better in my life, I just became a bit cynical and bitter at the thought of the future.

Deep down I want it to become better, but I know that no matter what we do it will only get worse from here on out. I don't feel like I should contribute to society in any way because this society in my eyes (since I took the redpill, memes aside).

I understand the point of view of NEETs who say they checked out completely of society. I wish society was more nationalistic and people had a bigger sense of appartenance instead of being concerned with feel-good politics and hedonism.

The degeneracy of society makes me want to stay away from it. Ideally I would find a nice woman, and start a family, I still have hope and that's what's motivating me. I understand now why young Muslims flee the West to join ISIS, they have no sense of belonging here.


>Whether it be Hitler, Ron Paul or Trump, you've attached to a father figure that couldn't give a fuck about you, yet you mold your life in their ideologies in some vain attempt to find belonging without realizing you're being used for an agenda not in your interest.

I like Trump, and I think he is a great person. Why is he a great man? Because he is a successful and respected generous businessman who raised an amazing family.

Which in my opinion is something we should all aspire to do, after all God said to be fruitful and multiply. Whatever the agenda is, I don't mind it. I would like to see Trump become president because his propositions are amazing and would like to see them accomplished.




then come help

You're operating under the false pretense that theres anything wrong with racism and can never seem to come up with an argument as to why racism is a bad thing.


* * SHILL UPDATE * * *

Many posters have been creating "ANTI-SHILL" threads in order to combat the recent perceived mass influx of shills on this board. These anti-shill threads have been called as being the true SHILL threads.

BE WARNED: these anti-anti-shill threads are in fact the true SHILL threads. They are a false flag perpetrated by those who started the original shill rumors to make Sup Forums believe that they are under attack by shills in order to distract them from the true shill attack, whose sinister motives remain unknown.

How to identify the TRUE shills:
1) They make threads complaining about the anti-shill threads.
2) They spam "1 post by this ID" everywhere despite the OP having replied multiple times.
3) They make threads complaining about the anti-anti-anti-shill threads or any odd-numbered anti-shill threads.


Say what you want about Hitler and Trump but don't you talk shit about Pappy Paul

Calling him a fag makes gay dudes look bad.

>>successful and respected generous businessman

>quote person
>quote adjectives to make them seem false

> Supreme Overlord Paul
> Fascist
Pick one

>making a difference
Go back to TEDx faggot, no one makes a fucking difference, doesn't matter who you are