Canadian hate thread
Canadian hate thread
they really are faggots
Not all of us, Some of us read the bible but you're right. Our government is trying very hard to destroy this country
Tbh i would rather have a beer with trudeau than with trump whos with me? Seriously trump seems like he would be too wound up trying to be the boss. Trudeau is fucking chill and doesnt give a fuck and just wants to have a good time like the rest of us jeez
Omfg desu works now! What about senpai?
>1 Post By This ID
Tf?..... >_>
god bless justin trudeau and god bless canada
Shit, what did we ever do to anyone... Ever.
>tfw leafs used to watch new episodes of Trailer Park Boys, smoking their medical marijuana, after a day of shooting their SVT soaked in syrup
End me plox
baka desu senpai
Friendly reminder that you've all been duped.
God damn this maple syrup people, they shitpost, and their flag is A FUCKIN LEAF, and they are USA hat and they something something
Nah I do not really give a fuck about them.
Canada is great. They make this board so much better.
That would be a literal false flag
dude can i suck off your dog
Chief Trudeau approves of this thread!
No shit it's a fucking psy op.
all the Sup Forums bots flock to this shit like moths to a flame.
I love each and every one of you :)
There is definitely some kind of dumbing down of the Canadian person going on here. Especially in Toronto which every says is a soulless city. Last summer they found drugs in the water supply but I think it's more to do with sports, beer, marxist indoctrination etc. combined with smartphones and shitty music people listen to.
Not me though.... and I'm not alone. We are the smallest minority but we are out there. The light will soon be seen.
>1 post by this ID