How does Sup Forums argue with the left? im recently redpilled and am looking for advice on the matter.
How does Sup Forums argue with the left? im recently redpilled and am looking for advice on the matter
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talk in a funny accent
Sup Forums is the left.
This is all satire, friend.
Tell them about muslims hate gays
Literally every position he has is easily defeated. Name one.
Well, going around telling people you are "redpilled" should save them the time of having to bother listening to you. Be sure you lead with that.
Read Evola and blow them away with your völkisch magic
appeals to emotion peppered with a sparing amount of facts
it varies from liberal to liberal because you have to appeal to their emotions specifically, whether it's anger or fear
you have to strategic about it because some of them are fairly intelligent, just deluded, and no one likes to be wrong. you have to know when to be gentle and understanding and when to crackdown on their faulty beliefs
"Remember in the Bush era when the dominant Republican party plugged their ears and hoisted their sanctimonious crap on a flag pole and preached 'America' knowing that they were immune to criticism or critical analysis because public opinion favored them so much? Well guess what happened when public opinion changed. I'm curious, when did you realize the ground you're standing on was no longer the ground you're standing on."
-Make a sound, logical argument.
-Use government statistics to back up your claims.
-When someone makes an outrageous claim, ask for proof.
-Speak clearly and confidently.
Most importantly,
-Don't let yourself get bullied by these people. Most of them are not arguing to come to a better understanding. They are arguing to make themselves feel good.
Find out what is important to them through listening and asking question. This will open them up to honest discussion. Then show clearly through historical examples that the proposed solution doesn't work and then going into the economic theory to explain why that is so and why it will always be so no matter how many times it is tried.
what about the ones that actually look at the facts and twist them into something entirely different? sorry, im pretty bad with words.
You can't force this meme
Nigga what
Sup Forums is the right
but it is still all satire
you dont. you fucking dont. or if you do, be ruthless. there can be no inbetween. if they're adults and liberals, dont give them a chance. im only a bit more considerate towards the young.
Hello, I am the Blue pill fairy. I've come to bring you back to the light side. Darth Trump is an imbecile. Vote for Master Shi..cough.. Master Hillary. You have wrapped yourself in this bubble called Sup Forums where proper debate using empirical evidence is unheard of. This "safe space" ,if you will, of yours has created an environment where bias and fallacy his nurtured and allowed to propagate. This paired with the cultish behaviour and strawman you've built for Master $h...Ahem.. Master Hillary is absurd. Please allow yourselves to have an open mind and not delve deeper into delusion.
ive no idea where to get said statistics, anything i search for shows other random stuff that has nothing to do with the topic. other than that ive got most of that down.
You don't argue with crazy people, you mock them. people being mocked will hurriedly abandon whatever crazy shit they believe so they are viewed as safe and part of the 'in-group.'
People have to convince themselves, which is why trying to appeal to their sense of logic never works. its why they hold such ridiculous views in the first place. they never think about them.
Then your basically screwed. Just state facts instead of argue
such as?
Use facts.
Mean, hateful facts.
thats... vague.
>Marxism 102
>Karl Marx was a retarded faggot and anyone who values his worthless ideas or life is also one (a retarded faggot)
You stop using the term recently redpilled
You get a job
You pay taxes
You have a family
You age 40 years
Now you know.
So what you are admitting is that you are too stupid to use properly use a search engine, yet somehow you think you'll be able to win arguments? Wew lad.
>Sup Forums is satire
we might as well just come out honest guys
funny joke there pal
We don't. You simply refuse to hire them and give them any money.
no, ive won arguments before, just shit at words.
that's why you need to be sparing in your use of facts. liberals do tend to be fairly analytical and are adept at finding ways to justify just about anything that confirms their deluded worldview, hence why their mental gymnastics become more and more elaborate as the years go on.
liberals are vulnerable to emotional appeals, however, since many of them tie their sense of self worth to their beliefs. if you get them to doubt themselves, they will start to doubt their beliefs. and that's when they become more susceptible to facts and less eager to deliberately misconstrue them.
it helps to know the language of the liberal and how to deconstruct it in ways that give you an opportunity for emotional appeal. for example, liberals claim to love the poor, so when a liberal argues for gun control, you can accuse them of being classist because they are disenfranchising the poor who are traditionally the biggest victims of criminal violence. you can also accuse them of being rape apologists when you ask them why they want gays, women, and transsexuals to be defenseless.
pretty much if you can make a liberal believe that s/he is:
or whatever -ist you can imagine
then you can figure out a way to make them think harder about their beliefs. most liberal positions are contradictory in some way, you just have to find the contradictions and then play them off one another. it's rare that you can remove them of their delusions entirely, but by playing their emotions and sense of self-worth you can at least start them down the path toward questioning
>How does Sup Forums argue with the left?
I don't because no matter what you throw at them they're not going to change their mind, I'm not going to spend my life arguing on Facebook with people who don't know anything but John Oliver talking points.
Now if someone comes to me in real life with the unbiased data and wants to debate if it's something we want to accept as a society I will gladly oblige since that is actually fun. I've gotten very heated with several of my friends but we enjoyed the debate so we didn't just go block each other on facebook, I like Trump, they don't, it's not going to ruin our lives
Left.. right.. It's all the same.
Look, if you want to better argue, but also stay based, then learn from Descartes. Systematic doubt goes a long way; spending all these years on Sup Forums, it helps me sift through the bullshit that people post. Left and right and dialectics. One fella says "The white race is dying"; the left sees it as a good thing, the right sees it as a bad thing. It's all about perspective. No word is ever wrong. I could say the stupidest things like "Immigration is good" or "My wife's son", but not everyone is going to disagree with me. It's taken on a philosophical form; people no longer take evidence into consideration; in fact, humanity has never looked at the evidence; pol is proof that hivemindedness runs on both sides of the spectrum.
Learn to be doubtful.
The Marxists didn't get where they are now by stating facts; they simply said "What is race" or "What is nation". Honor doesn't like to be questioned; when you question someone's identity, or their core beliefs, it doesn't matter if the question is stupid, it's all about how they react. Look at it this way; cheeseburgers are tasty; if someone comes up to me and says "Why are you eating a burger?" id tell them that it's fucking tasty. But then if another person says "Why are you eating a burger", I wouldn't want to repeat myself, and I don't want to look like I'm losing my cool, otherwise the question would get to me. If a 7th person asks me "Why are you eating a burger", it'd make me insecure; suddenly, eating a burger is like abnormal. Being constantly questioned is WHY one view wins over the other. The thing with the Trump campaign, is that when someone says "Why are you voting for that racist?", our people have the gall to say "Why the fuck not?", reframing the question to make Trump look like the good guy.
hm, never thought of it that way. but why would i stoop down to their level? i mean, that is what the "feminists" do.
If they are simply uninformed they have a chance to be saved.
But the ones that refuse the truth even as they witness it firsthand are already beyond saving.
Dont bother with them, its a waste of time.
You appeal to emotions.
so just make them question why they believe their own thing? thats what im getting from this.
extremely easily