Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

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Slide thread senpai

fuck off

Whoah when you think about it.....

He'd just bounce back anyway

Pull him up and then 'mire his digit strength. No thumbs involved, holy shit.

>1 post by this ID
nice try, shill

>1 Post By This ID

piss in his mouth

this is it, I'm now a voting for the #hill

Help him up and ask him for a job.

I wouldn't be so close to the God Emperor, only in my wettest dreams

huh, really makes you think...


This would never happen because trump is so strong he would pull himself up.

Help him for our nation


Extendo grab his wallet

Call for help since I can't do a single pullup

Yes I'm pathetic I know

I'd help him, and hopefully be gifted millions of dollars for saving his life

Help him up, I'm not going to just let someone die because I don't like their political stance.
That'd make me a leftist

I'd sage the thread.

Build a wall. Keep building up in increments of 10 feet until it was tall enough for him to stand on. Make Mexico pay for it.


A pullup.

I would pull him up, then passionately make sweet love to I'm right there on the roof.

Wait for the Russian daredevil to do more crazy shit

I wouldn't be up there, I get bad vertigo

I found the culprit.

really makes you think


tell him to give me money or ill let him drop

no pity for zionists


>1 post by this id

I probably don't have the necessary strength to pull him up. Forgive me.

In a place so developed how is this allowed?

>Look me in the eyes you son of a bitch and make me a commander in the right wing death squads.

Shit myself because he climbed all the way up that building to deport me

I'd look for some help. I'm a pretty strong guy, but it's hard to get leverage in that position.

Suffer in life

Save him so he can save America and the world.

I actually know exactly what I'd do:

Can't stump.

Search yourself pal. The counter only counts your posts in a single thread.your ID is unique to only one thread newfag

trump is finished.

Based Viking.

holy shit you actually shilled for yourself