You know it's true.
You know it's true
You're right.
>1 Post By This ID
None of these people massacred fifty queers, so no, you're not right: you're a shameless liar.
LMAO nice one faamalaman
i dont get it
>current year
>having any posts by your ID ever
>speaking is the same murdering 49 people
>ban hate speech now
>being a peaceful Christian with staunch beliefs is the exact same as literally shooting and killing 50 people in the name of Allah
liberals are fucking crazy
The kikespam is shameless.
A registered democrat, environmentalist, self-hating faggot, wahhabi muslim sandnigger son of 1st generation muslim immigrants entered a gun-free zone created by liberals to kill liberal faggots while pledging allegence is ISIS in an act of muslim terrorist homophobia, later taken credit by ISIS, and the kike media bought-and-paid for by you shameless kikespam soros pawns are trying to make this another white male gun issues.
Un fucking believable.
I'm amazed at how the libkikes can selectively ignore when their special snowflakes start killing one another, and still make it an issue against white non-kikes.
Quads never lie.
Hi Michael Moore
Go look how many kikes donated to Hillary
Remember when Obama went on national television and told the American people that it was THEIR fault that the shooter pledged allegiance to ISIS and killed people?
Hillary's a fraud
Bernie is a Jew
Soon these kikes will control all of you
Unless something's done
They're gonna take your guns
It's either fight or run
No your Nicholas Cage
Except Rubio, he's one of the victims, just a gay latino qt who wants to dance with his bf.
wow really makes you think
I am now a #mateenmachine
It's been less than a day, and I'm already sick to death of this meme. It's like the "really makes you think" shit. Is this plebbit's attempt as meme magic? This forced shit is cancer; more like meme anti-magic.
really makes you think
>the narrative has ACTUALLY turned this into an LGBT issue rather than an Islam issue