Is it good Sup Forums?
Is it good Sup Forums?
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I guess you could say I really like her body of work
this is the trashiest thing i've ever seen. i wonder what this cumdumpster's parents would think if they saw this.
>Masturbating to Rilery Reid
she's cute, who is she?
there's something... wrong with her voice. like she's constantly high on something
>not knowing who Riley Reid is
Why is she saying "nigga" so much? I don't like this.
>good nutritious nut
she's not racist, her coworkers are black
That's the mental illness, user.
It doesn't matter, a white girl shouldn't be allowed to use the word.
what a hoe
??? Can't be worse than watching her take 6 black dicks at once in every hole
The irony of shitty people telling other shitty people what they can and cannot say is not lost on me.
>Sampling her own moans
The "what"'s in the background completely capture my emotion right now
Nice virtue signalling. There's no way you actually care about it that much lol.
I'm black and I think it's wrong
you don't see famous white rappers use the word
I'm white and I don't think it's wrong.
You wouldn't use that word in a black neighborhood
it really isn't. Freedom of speech exists for reason. People should be allowed to say whatever the hell they want, regardless of race. The only reason why it is a bad word is because people think it's a bad word. It's just a word. It does no harm at all. If you're so thin skinned you get offended by words, that's your problem.
Why does she keep saying "nigga"? Doesn't even sound right. Anyway, this is worse than the average female rapper. Not fucking with it.
>not masturbating to Riley Reid
You're no fun, m8.
Yeah probably not, because black people would assault me for wrong-speak.
put your trip back on krager
Then why don't white rappers use the word?
because they're all liberal cucks with white guilt. also they wanna sell their music and because white people saying nigger isn't marketable to the masses, they avoid saying it. music, especially pop music, is a product first and an art second.
Yeah because I understand the correlation between American blacks and violent crime
I hope she becomes a famous renowned musician. That way there will be an entire generation of kids who grow up hearing her music and seeing her on tv and film, in commercials and magazine ads, just to get older and discover she was in porn. I mean think about it, how many artists do you wish did porn? Imagine if one day you got online and discovered a library of Hayley Williams scenes?
they do. lil wyte, paul wall, the list goes on..
kind of funny i guess
her rap skills are more offensive than her porn vids
>Eat me out, nigga
>Eat me out, nigga
How do we get El-P to apologize for saying nigga?
What did she mean by this?
Fuck you dude, i have to masturbate now because of your post...
Thanks a lot motherfucker
Nobody who says nigga like that should be rapping
This song deserves to stay on this board for a little longer
>boring derivitave music
>basic white girl rapping about nothing special
>why are we looking at her studio?
>white people saying nigga
>boring ass outfit
you sound like a miserable fucking person, just finding things to complain about.
she's pretty qt desu
too bad she's a whore
>HER studio
why not call a cringe thread a cringe thread ?
It sounds horrible
She belongs in crunkcore
>white people saying nigger isn't marketable too the masses
Think about why that is for a second, BOZO
Because the masses are ignorant and emotionally driven, not logically driven
Unironically better than most contemporary hip-hop that gets spammed here.
whoops accidentally posted this here, sorry folks
White rappers who call themselves nigga in songs are doing it in an attempt to make up for their limited skill and vocabulary. It's pretty pathetic and obvious