How do you explain this? The media bias in favor of white people is so obvious even trump can see it. Why is everybody demonized but not white people?
Explain yourselves, shitlords
Um Because we built this country
Its literally the opposite in the media though
White person acting like an animal = mentally troubled
POC acting like an animal = business as usual
really makes you think hmm
You're from Canada, what are you even talking about?
Is this is why the MSM in America managed to turn a massacre done by a muslim, who is a democrat into the a issue about christian homophobia and guns?
Is this is King Nigger avoids saying anything about Islam and muslims? :^)
The difference is, is that it's in their nature. Whites doing that stuff isn't normal.
any shooter = kikes want to ban all guns and demonize white, non-kike gun owners
no shooting = kikes still want to ban all guns and demonize white non-kikes
>Why is everybody demonized but not white people?
because whites don't commit crime at higher rates than the other groups
Muslim Shooter = Ban Guns
Black Shooter = Media Blackout
White Shooter =
take down all confederate flags
stop selling confederate flags on amazon
cancel all tv shows using the confederate flag
dig up all confederate graves
>mentally trouble lone wolf
more like misogynistic white supremacist white pig
ban confederate flag cakes at walmart
Call me when there's a white shooter shouting "praise Jesus" as he goes on his rampage and says Christianity inspired him to do it.
I hope this redpills people on to how fucking dishonest the kike media is. Like the shilling of "delete your twitter". It's amazing how the kikes act like christians are evil when the """worst""" that happened was a mom-and-pop bakery getting sued for $200,000 by a fat kike lesbian couple with a kike judge, and here a self-hating faggot Wahhabi muslim democrat environmentalist sandnigger kills 50 fags in a liberal gun-free zone.
Absolutely fucking amazing. The most blatant shilling I have ever seen.
what's wrong with villainizing niggers and mudshits?
Then explain to me why before the race of the orlando shooter was revealed, every fucking libcuck was calling out white people saying it was their fault. Then they shut the fuck up real fast when it was a muslim
what are you talking about, the media demonizes white males every chance it gets.
remember to sage all shill threads.
reply to my post OP
>black shooter = dindu nuffin
>Muslim shooter = dindu nuffin
> white shooter = we need stricter gun laws!
>Zimmerman trial
>Treat him as white
>Oh you can't trust an ALL WHITE jury
>Why is everybody demonized but not white people?
Because everybody except white people are demons. You don't demonize them if you are just describing them.
One shooter = all gun owners guilty
Gay shooter commits worst mass shooting in US history = he was driven to murder because society makes people closeted!
And plenty of white shooters are demonized by the media. Plenty of "angry white males" are demonized by the media. Plenty of white males are demonized by the media.
Wow, if they are that terrible then no one would be buying them.
The reaction of the groups.
For instance, instead of universal condemnation, like we see from whites when there is a white shooter, we see celebration all over twitter in arabic.
That's why.
I'd like to see her explain why so many people on twitter say that the shooter was "anudda crazy white dude with a gun"
Oh look it's another kike.
If it has been a Jew or a Sikh or a Hindu or a Buddhist or a Christian I wouldn't not blame their entire religion
If it was a memeber of the same the religion as the memeber of the Islamic state, or of the religion that killed more than 3000 on September the 11th, or carried out the 7/7 London bombings, or killed 130 people in Paris, or 50 people in Orlando or any other almost infinite list of atrocities, and then the said perpetrators directly site the teachings of their religion as the motivation for the attack, then I think it is fair if I attribute the common denominator in all those attacks as a contributing factor
I know m8.
It has been surreal to see you media turn this into another gun control debate and to see them blaming christians and right wingers.
Thank fucking god we have the internet, or else the entire narrative would be controled by these fucking kikes.
Easy. Whites are naturally less violent and those that do commit mass violence usually have a mental issue.
>muslim shooter = it's whitey's fault
>black shooter = it's whitey's fault
These retards think Confederate flags cause shootings.
Why is she dismissing the authenticity of the Nuremberg trials
Because white people are naturally less violent, so when they lash out it's normal for us to believe there's something wrong
Whereas Muslims and niggers are savages who hate us and their violence is a biological and cultural reality
I don't reply to racists. Just because you're white doesn't mean you're an angel. White people are responsible for slavery and the biggest genocide of all... Native Americans
Has anyone tweeted this to her?
Why are you demonizing white people you fucking kike
>constant killings in the name of Islam
>not the fault of religion
Well most white shooters are nuts and don't call into 911 pledging allegiance to Odin and Mother Evropa so there's that
The entire religion is guilty because the koran states that the kuffar must be subjugated through ambush, war, and violence.
Honestly if you see any anti-white racism it is 100% coming from a Jew.
Muslim Shooter = Not all muslims
Black Shooter = He was a gud boy
White Shooter = 90% of mass shooters are white maless
It almost seems like liberals overreact and get outraged over the smallest petty shit (omg that christian won't sell dykes cakes) and completely zone out the biggest horrible shit (gay muslim commits worst mass shooting in us history).
There were even retards blaming Christians for the Orlando shooting.
There are even retards trying to let men-who-have-sex-with men donate blood again. That's the demographic with the highest rate of HIV. Why do these retards want to infect the blood supply with HIV again? It's what killed Isaac Asimov. It's what killed Arthur Ashe.
The Muslim shooter even donated blood!
Liberals are about as delusional as Muslims. And liberals are filled with about just as much hate.
White wing homophobia rhetoric caused this. If it weren't for right wingers demonizing gays he might have been able to accept his own sexuality, instead the rhetoric caused him to hate himself and other gays by extension leading to his decision to kill.
>muslim shooter = entire religion guilty
Because this is a mass phenomenon and the Quran literally calls for violence. Look at the state of the Islamist countries and tell me that it's just "isolated incidents"
>Black shooter = entire race guilty
Because statistics show that their is an extremely high prevalence of this from black people, whether you like it or not.
>White shooter = mentally troubled lone wolf
Because they're much less prevelant as a percentage of the white population than the two former examples, usually they ARE mentally troubled, and usually they ARE alone.
one drop rule, no shooter has been completely white
the one drop rule doesn't matter if you're a shit skin because your ugly and your ancestors haven't done anything great
we do it with statistics.the largest group in america is white people. rounded down 60% of the population not counting hispanics. black people are 13.2%
and muslims are 0.9% of those that have a religion which doesnt count atheist which are a large portion of the population about 22% according to a pew study about 1/5 which when looking at younger generations only grows to 3/5
thanks to crime rate statistics provided by the fbi you can google on your own the picture becomes clearer. black men commit murder at higher rates than whites and muslims are killing way to many people for not even being 1% of the population
for reference a link to muslim concentration in americas population. this doesnt have the atheist specific data you need to google that one
Muslim shooter= white peoples fault
black shooter: white peoples fault
White shooter: patriarchy
We can play that game too Kohn.
>How do you explain this?
Sometimes people lie on the internet.
Firing an AR 15 is fucking awesome!
It's like driving a luxury car. Very smooth and comparatively quiet, super accurate. All around fun experience.
Fucking dumb whiny bitch.
There are more slaves today in the world than at any time in human history, and it's not white people doing it.
Also, African chiefs sold blacks to slave buyers.
And Native Americans mostly died due to infectious diseases.
And all people are racist. Whites just happen to be the least racist of all races.
The video is funny but hey I give him props for trying.
Fact: Gun control supporters have an irrational fear of guns.
Of course.
Yeah I guess the kkk was made up of blacks lmao. The way you white racists try to explain away facts is downright hilarious.
>Black shooter
Since when?
I haven't seen a black shooter since the naval yard and nobody blamed black people for that.
Because it happens so seldom that it is shocking.
>I don't reply to racists
facts aren't racist
whites have lower rates of crime than other races despite their proportion
kill yourself
What exactly does this prove? Violence is wrong no matter who does it
White shooter = all white people are guilty. Ban guns.
Muslim shooter = all white people are guilty. Ban guns.
Black shooter = cops are racists.
Are you being sarcastic, or are you explaining their retarded logic?
People who come out are treated like gods in America. They are literally celebrated and worshipped.
blacks commit 50% of crime
muslims commit 50% of terrorism
Yeah that's because of the institutionalized racism that prevents media from reporting the TRUTH. Whites are never arrested as much as they should be, yet black people get years in jail for weed. Of course white statistics look good, that's my whole point!
Nice try cuck.
The anti-gay rhetoric within Muslim sentiment today is as it was 50 years ago when hating gays was acceptable in America.
We don't ever hear about it from leftist media because they actively ignore and bury it.
nice try shill, to bad you let one of your tell tale signs shine through, try actually responding with a counter argument instead of autism and sarcasm next time and you may have more luck
I don't think shooting up bars was ever acceptable in America
Not in republican controlled Florida. Gay people are treated just like Jews were in the 40s in right winger states
on rock n roll
Of course you call names and ignore the points when the truth stares you in the face. Typical right winger racist tactic
>>Why is everybody demonized but not white people?
Lol, that's rich, OP
Here's my response
I'm glad you're taking the time to actually reply with shitposts instead of leaving a BTFO and disappearing.
Why waste your time like this?
When a white person shoots something up what is he supporting? Nothing. Well usually and if he is supporting an associate and their ideals then you blame them as well.
Muslim shooters support ISIS 95% of the time
When a black person shoots something up it's usually gang related and gangs usually come from ghetto areas which have high quantities of what race? Black, Exactly.
It's like lefties are intentionally blind to this shit just to suit their agenda. Either that or they are incredibly stupid.
Pic related
You must be consuming some obscure media outlet I'm not. Both whites and gun owners are categorically condemned.
Literally everybody does this when the person doing something bad is outside their group.
How dare you use the term "white" you racist bigot. should i just refer to african-americans as "blacks"? The proper term is european-american you god damn non-cis-gendered commie. go party at a gay club you kike.
wow, this really made me think, im totally a #cruzmissile now
Whites are much less racist than blacks.
And blacks people mostly shoot other black people. How many people does the KKK kill these days? Blacks are killing their own.
And a lot of whites have white guilt. There is no such thing as "black guilt" or "Hispanic guilt."
And yeah, the KKK exists, but anti-white rhetoric is fueling white nationalism:
It was SJWs that led to the number of active KKK chapters in the US more than doubling between 2014 and 2015.
It's almost as if everything liberals do backfires on them. They rant and rave about white males, tell whites to check their privilege, repeat privilege theory bullshit which came from Peggy McIntosh's 1988 essay "Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack", and they haven't solved anything.
Liberal identity politics forces people to think that someone's identity matters (race, gender, orientation, etc) instead of following what MLK said and look at the content of someone's character.
Ever heard of Chicago?
People could quibble over single shootings vs mass shootings.
But why not look at all gun deaths in America and look at the race of the shooter and the race of the victims?
Do you see a lot of white or Christian men shooting up various locations?
Didn't think so. Radical Islam has no equivalent in today's Christianity.
I would rather condemn an entire religion or race, than let one more enter this country and have them harm citizens.
The person you replied to never mentioned Muslims. What does that have to do with anything?
East Asians commit less crime than whites
Open homosexuals couldn't even enter America until 1990.
What's ridiculous is where were all these pro-gay people in 1990? In 2000? Even in 2010?
It really is just virtue signalling. "Look how good I am! I'm such a tolerant person! Lets all hold a vigil in a another city! Lets light up the Eiffel tower!"
Oh shit nevermind I'm just retarded
cool image brah
over 100m now
Will you stop posting this fucking thing in every godamn thread? It derails all discussion about OP. Make a seperate thread for it ( even though there have been shitloads).
If conservatives would have had their way, there wouldn't even be gay bars.
Liberals letting gay bars exist allowed Orlando to happen.
It's like Asians rounding up dolphins to slaughter them. Liberals created a place to concentrate gays for Muslims to slaughter.
and saged
Florida is super gay.
Maybe Orlando isn't as gay as Miami, but yeah.
And if gays were really mistreated in Florida, they wouldn't even let gay bars exist.
if most people thought that they should hold all blacks responsible for one black murderer- all black people would be dead. this was a dumb accusation, but then again, look at that haircut.
Can you stop responding to these god damn threads, you retard.
>Christopher Dorner, Oregon shooter, News team shooter = lone black shooters with mental issues
>Virginia Tech shooter = lone Asian shooter with mental issues
>South Carolina shooter = white supremacist nazi KKK
cucks gonna cuck