Australia proves gun control works

Prove me wrong. Since the ban, things have not been perfect, but they have been a HELL of a lot better. Second of all, you cannot have free gun access when Muslims exist.

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>gun deaths
Let's see gun murders. And also total murders.

The issue isn't gun deaths. It is total deaths. When gun deaths go down, stabbings go up.

You are either a moron are trying to purposefully deceive people with your inane argument.

yea tell that to france and honduras, both renowned for gun control but huge levels of violence lately

also an island far away from the next landmass so it doesnt get a fucking say in gun control

Of course gun deaths go down when you take away guns. Choking deaths go down when you take away food.

The real question is, overall murder rate?


There is no such thing as a document that stands the test of time. Things change. Nobody is trying to take your guns, there just need to be common sense regulations. I am for criminal background checks, mental health checks, the requirement to take a six month course and pass an exam.

These are just small ideas, but even more than that can be done. The founding fathers did not know Muslims would be such a problem and they had no idea what an AR-15 was at the time.

number of guns in circulation now exceed that before the gun buyback

the gun death rate was in decline prior to the gun buyback

includes suicides

doesn't examine homicide + suicide rates utilising all means to determine a trend


I'm just gonna leave this here.

Then perhaps we stop letting more Muslims into our fucking countries?

>Nobody is trying to take your guns, there just need to be [guns taken]
of course shekelstein! not letting people trade guns with eachother is completely from taking them from people who hold them! totally different!

>Guns deaths
Welcome to Sup Forums, newfriend.

Same rate of decay m8.
If you drop a rock and then start sucking terrorist cock does the cocksucking makethe rock drop?

Australia doesn't share a border with Mexico

>the gun death rate was in decline prior to the gun buyback

Yes. This is just an example of government doing something to take credit for a trend already occurring.


Come on Leaf, you know full well that those subjective measures for gun ownership will be interpreted to mean the government can deny anyone their guns whenever and for whatever reason they want. You can't trust the government, period.

We've already amended the constitution 17 times since the Bill of Right. Saying that the constitution is outdated is a poor argument given the reality of the situation.

I hope you burgers get some gun control because the majority of the weapons brought to my country are from USA

Correlation= Causation amirite?
Things in the US are also much better than they were in the 90s, yet gun laws did not change.
OP I bet you've never touched a data set or took a statistics course in your life. You probably just shove moose antlers lubricated with maple syrup up your ass all day like every leaf.

they changed plenty ;)

Maybe you should worry more about your government taking citizens guns when they defend themselves from narcos.

Or you could pass more gun control laws because theyre clearly effective

Australia doesnt have any fucking land border you idiot.
Australia removed all the fucking guns from its country, now citizens pretty much cant fucking get them.
America shares hundreds of miles of land borders with fucking MEXICO and my extension latin america, one of the most violent, lawless places in the world, its a gun smugglers fuckign dream. Banning guns for citizens would do NOTHING as criminals could still EASILY aquire guns.

They fought the greatest military at the time you dumb fuck. The founding fathers would of dealt with these Muslims the same way they dealt with barbers in the 19th century.

How do criminals get guns if no guns are being manufactured? If you reduce supply eventually your average Joe cannot get a gun as easily.

The only statistic that has changed thanks to gun control is the method of suicide. Hanging overtook shooting.

That said we haven't had a double digit mass shooting by an autistic lone weirdo. Which is cool.

But we're also 90% white, so, like heavily armed Serbia and Switzerland, that helps.

All homicides have been on a consistent decline since the late 1960's.

Gun Ban was 1996.

Even the massacre had no effect on the continual downward spiral.

Gun ownership was actually on the decline at time. It has increased again in the last few years.

>America is isanely violent in the late 70's to early 90's

>Right after civil rights reforms

>large increse in black abortions in that period

>crime drops off rapidly after the early 90's when a lot of these abortions would have been turning into 15-20 year old black males

Why do liberals not advertise this more? It's pro choice with a positive social benefit.

Mexico proves it doesn't. Maybe gun control works in countries that don't have alot of violent minorities?

Because the welfare state removes disincentives to have unwanted children and if people knew that unwanted children were responsible for thousands of homicides a years it might turn public opinion against the welfare state.

Notice how the deaths were going down before the gun laws? Retard

There was a downward trend before their guns got taken away, and it continued going down at about the rate it was before. All this does is prove that gun control has literally no effect on gun deaths.

Japan proves anti-immigration works!

correlation =/= causation
there was a downward trend even before the ban retarded leafnigger

>only looking at gun violence and not all violence

That's how you can easily tell that someone is a retard

Proves nothing. The criminal Immigrants are causing shit in Melb and the police cant do shit since they'd be labeled racist. To be fair though Melbourne deserves it.

Also, your image is rubbish for your argument. It shows a steady decrease before and after the gun ban. It appears the gun ban had no real effect. Also gun deaths isn't what really matters, homicides do.




Take our liberals and fuck off.

Fucking syrup niggers, don't you still have a province on fire?!


survivng someone trying to stab you to death > surviving someone trying to shoot you to death

bladed weapons are also a cqc weapon, try taking out a room full of people with a knife. Then try to do it with a gun.

You're a moron for preferring to have lots of shooting to lots of stabbings, or arsons, or poisonings.

Their gun deaths went down but their Murder rate stayed the same for 6 years before going down as a result of their work against Rape which was the third highest rate in the world in 2000. When they worked against crime not guns, it plummeted buy nearly 50%. When they worked against guns, not crime, it stayed the same. You do the maths. Nobody thinks gun deaths won't go down if you ban guns, they just realise that Murderers are generally persistent little buggers and if the actual murder rate doesn't go down no lives were saved.

partial gun control =/= gun control, cletus. gun control is making it virtually impossible for a citizen to posess a firearm of any kind, not just the big ones.

Anyway, here's a source for your stats. Your line makes it look like homicide rates have stayed steady when in fact the rates have effectively halved in the past two decades:

It was already a downward trend. The US has collapsing violent crime rates all over and gun ownerships at an all time high. Increasing rates of prosperity plus technology, mainly hotspot policing and forensics, make crimes harder to get away with in general.

USA's graph looks the same, you faggot retard

Wow the fucking trend that is clearly visible before the ban continued afterwards! You stupid fuck!

>Gun control caused homicide to decrease
Where are your scatter plots, my Aussie friend?

Number of people also exceed that before the gun buyback.

Google "per capita"

Hate to burst your deluded little bubble but Switzerland has the highest death by firearm rate in Europe,

That assaults graph is great. It's like niggers go into regular scheduled hibernation in America.

>Gun deaths
Aussie education, everyone.

>use of knives to commit homicide has increased slightly
>use of firearms has decreased sharply
what's your point? We aren't talking about assaults either. Are you expanding the debate from just gun deaths to all deaths to all violent crime now?

Why is the USA such a shithole? Who in their right mind would choose to live there?

To be fair it's been widely discussed and firearm death rate is irrelevant even if your statistics are true, what matters are people's lives and that means what matters is homicide rate. That said Switzerland does not have the lowest homicide rate either, but it does have a low homicide rate so there's that.

All crime in the U.S. has also been in a consistent decline.

Good. The Australian gun ban seems to have been such an enormous success that violent crime was reduced even in Amerca.
Or, you know, maybe there is actually no correlation and violent crime has gone down in most of the western world since the early 90s, regardless of gun laws.

See the citations in pic Multiple studies found no link between Australian gun laws and the continued decline in homicide meanwhile we do see an observable replacement effect between gun homicide and knife homicide.

Give back guns.
We get a murder charge for defending our houses by force.




Australia is surrounded by water.

US has a continent of third world countries full of cartels below them who would sell guns if they were illegal in US.


Gee a pre exists trend continued at the same rate before and after. Actually proves the law changed nothing

It's called illegal importation, whether its parts or whole guns. Do you really think border security and customs have the time/resources to search every shipping container's contents for every cargo ship that docks in Australia?
Also did you really think that ALL the guns were handed back? You'd be very naive to think so.

Well these Chinks managed to go on a knife spree.

>gun deaths
Why not violent deaths?

>they wont notice if we include suicide on one side and remove it on the other to increase the delta

What are the chances that Trump drops the redpill during a debate that is the fact that the non-Hispanic white homicide murder rate in the US is on par with Europe and Australia

Australia is more violent now than it was 20 years ago. This if fact.

>but it could be worse
Irrelevant. The fact is, having Soviet-style gun laws did not make Australia a safer country.

>Second of all, you cannot have free gun access when Muslims exist.
This is kind of true, although the biggest problem the US has is gun-free zones. Such places are extremely irresponsible and people should avoid attending such venues.


I'm australian and live in a high crime area

Gun control does not work I have personally being the subject of gun violence

Shouldn't NZ be having tons of mass shootings since they have a bit looser laws compared to AUS? Oh wait they don't, interesting.

The real reason is, I have a right to own and bear fire arms. I like having this right. I do not want it taken away and none of these faggot ever will no matter how many crazy people use guns. The vast majority of Americans are law-abiding gun owners. And even if they weren't, our right still stands and they need to fuck off. Just because a few crazy people shoot up a few locations does not mean you get to strip MILLIONS of people of their rights. Passing gun control laws like this might very likely result in a revolution.


Australia doesn't have an insecure border, everything comes through ports. Weapons still get through, but not as many as the US would receive through Mexico.

So you like getting stabbed, I take it?
You shouldn't be worried about "gun deaths" but about all deaths resulting from homicide. And the Swiss have a really low homicide rate.

Yeah because a person who intends to use a firearm to commit criminal activities is your "average joe". And another thing shit Leaf, theres hundreds of millions of firearms in circulation. Theres no stopping the ride

>Even the massacre had no effect on the continual downward spiral.
Proof or just your recollection?

Don't forget that terminator cunt who killed 20+ people with an axe

>His first murder spree occurred near Mahagi, Belgian Congo in 1954, where he killed 21 people with an axe, before escaping and finally ending up in British Tanganyika Territory.[1]

>Apparently because of social misunderstandings with his boss,[2] Unek went on a second rampage which began in the early hours of February 11, 1957. Armed with a stolen police rifle, 50 rounds of ammunition, and an axe, he started killing people in the area of Malampaka, a village about 40 miles southeast of Mwanza.

>Within twelve hours, Unek shot dead ten men, eight women, and eight children, murdered five more men with the axe, stabbed another one, burned two women and a child, and strangled a 15-year-old girl, thus killing a total of 36 people.[3][4][5] He then changed out of his police uniform into clothes stolen from one of his victims and fled. Among the dead was reportedly his own wife, whom he killed in their hut before setting it on fire,[6] as well as the wife of a police sergeant.[7]

You can't ban rambo fucks like this piling up bodies because their boss pissed them off

That graph shows nothing
Sure the gun deaths are going down, but it was doing that even before the law was passed. It does nothing to prove your point

because we don't have guns australia has become a living hell.

So we have begun exterminating those that hold liberal views.

Criminals aren't allowed to have guns.. that's why no one in Australia does.

>australians dont have as many murders per capita because there are less guns!

ignores the fact that per gun owner, there are more gun related murders than in the U.S. despite having less guns.

sage thread m8

lets say you banned guns.
the gun deaths will go down.
but people will find a loophole...
knife deaths go up.
lets say you banned knives.
baseball bat deaths go up.
lets say you banned baseball bats...
hammer deaths go up.
see where this is heading?

opinion disregarded

My theory, that you should be attacking, is that when people start killing each other with knives instead of guns, less people die, because it's harder to kill multiple people with knives, because close quarters combat is a built in deterrent to a perpertrator of violent crime, and because it's easier to survive knife wounds than gun wounds.

Or this guy who was apparently possesed by a crusader from the 14th century


>Seifert had crafted all of his weapons about two months prior to the attack. The lance was made from a broomstick and a triangular scraper, while he used a pump bracket to create the mace. His flamethrower was made from an insecticide sprayer with a wire netting attached to the nozzle, and filled with a mixture of old motor oil and paint thinner.[15]

That too. I mainly only picked the sprees with higher casualties to illustrate a point about trying to kill a room full of people with a knife compared to a gun. It can still happen. Might take slightly longer but it can still happen.

You can still get larger sized knives. Any camping store, cosplay convention, flea market. Just need to prove you're 18+

If you take away all the nigger statistics the US has the least ammount of gun crime in any developed nation, and niggers dont buy guns they steal them.

Dont ban guns, ban niggers

Yeah but look a the violent crime rates since the gun laws were imposed.

Hint: they have gone up.

>and because it's easier to survive knife wounds than gun wounds.

This is total bullshit and you should feel bad, you're more likely to die from knife wounds in an emergency ward than gunshot wounds.

>i have never used, held, or understood a gun in my entire life
a gun doesent make you into some invincible superhuman. its merely a means to an end.
a trained knife user can kill an untrained gun user if within 10 meters or so

>You can still get larger sized knives.

You can buy them on ebay or online, I collect knives and bladed weapons. They're easy to get and there's a problem now with fucking african cunts walking around with machetes and samurai swords.

Please kill yourself. Even if gun control saved lives (it doesn't), it still wouldn't be worth surrendering them.

And I can't even defend myself with a weapon to level the playing field.

We aren't a country with the size and target that the US has, stop using us as an argument

We need common sense gun control.
>pic related

Go on. I'm waiting for you autists to debate these facts.

The US isn't anything special. Just because they're 10 times bigger than us doesn't mean a complete national civilian gun ban wouldn't reduce their gun deaths.

Only thing to debate is that I don't like the specific focus on women there. Men are killed far more often by firearms than women.

Hondurans can buy guns just not many people do that its a poor country if im not mistaken they are very expensive

Same slope. Whatever they did, it was an arithmetic adjustment. Didn't really do much, it was already going down.
