>Sup Forums will have to rely on gay, jews, and gay jews to meme their candidate into office.
Sup Forums will have to rely on gay, jews, and gay jews to meme their candidate into office
Sup Forums is zionist occupied territory. Fuck off antisemite.
Pretty much this.
Thanks to the young adult alt-right invading Sup Forums it is pretty shit. Can't wait to BTFO them in November and I can enjoy the good old Sup Forums bantz again.
fuck off. you know its true. Trump is basically making the alt-right into the new left
>1 Post By This ID
check again, faggot
I agree. Enough fag enabling. Gas the kikes. Take back Sup Forums now!
> their candidate
fuck off I'm a #CruzMissile
Well they do know how to fuck in the ass, which has been our goal with the dnc
I come here for happenings not for ideology
>it's a "stormcucks are butthurt that the embodiment of everything they hate is more effective at getting what they want than they are" episode
gay jew here! ready 2 help!
Honestly guys, I'm pretty sure Milo is a Jew pawn sent in order to force acceptance of gays within the conservative voting base.
This recent attack is only allowing him to further his agenda
It's easy when you can hide behind the faggot kike angle.
Pulse night club was called that because the people there fucked anyone with a pulse.
The muslims just then shot everyone with a pulse there.
alt-right faggots are useful in bringing youth to the right
now it's your job to educate,don't just cry about it
counter pro-faggot shit with real arguments ,don't drive them away like autistic retards
He's not American so why is he getting involved?
We need an entry point into our narrative. Milo directs people towards us. And to be honest he has done more for our cause than anyone here.
You guys hate him because he's gay? That's it? Sounds pretty r-selected to me
>gaynigger jews from outerspace
Don't forget me
Do you notice you have a different ID in every thread?
It's just shills trying to divide and conquer the "alt-right".