is this guy white?
Is this guy white?
He's slavic or finnish I'd guess.
Is this guy ?
he black
don't know but he could use a nose job
would be cute after
hes actually part asian
So I was right, he's a fin.
no trudeau
the guy is the picture is french
Well what is the first faggot? White or slavic?
trudeau is part asian
the guy in op is french
damnit you kids always make this look so damned easy with your graphic design degrees
show dick.
um, yeah, kind of obviously
are you retarded?
Yes....yes I am.
my degree is in creative writing (don't laugh, bro)
I learned Photoshop (and IT) on my own
it was a very quick/dirty edit but not all that bad
we're all laughing
fuck your degree
>creative writing
what exactly do you do, not trying to insult you senpai
his nose is a tad niggardly...might have something in the pile far back idk
>what exactly do you do
Not much. Look at the shit-tier writing that passes for entertainment today and shake my head.
Write a lot of good sci-fi for the drawer while bullshit like JJ Abrams is sold to people who think Pixar films are entertaining.
He is white, slavic. Maybe russian.