Are they harmful?
What do you think about gender roles?
Are women that easily influenced?
fuck Sup Forums
>1 Post By This ID
Aggressive women are universally ostracized for their behavior. It is socially unacceptable for a woman to push for something she wants.
So yes, it is harmful. Just not in a violent sense.
I literally just posted you faggot. Stop ruining threads with your forced meme.
>1 Post By This ID
Gender roles are a product of our biology, and evolution, and are amplified by culture. Leftists seem to think the opposite is the case. Traditional gender roles have proven to be the most effective way of ensuring the next generation lives long enough to make babies of their own, and so for that are very helpful.
I think universal is a bit too broad. I only respect dominant women. Then again I guess me being bi might affect that. I can see women as more than a fuckhole.
rate me
Gender roles are a social construct influenced by biology.
Reality is it harmful?
>all 1 post by this ID
IDs are thread specific.
>kind in the female column and cruel in the male column
>not aggressive
wow, i bet you go out a lot.
Most gender roles happen pretty naturally, there's no need to enforce or destroy them. Individually everyone is a bit mixed
I definitely have some male qualities to a T and I'm sure it's the same way for everyone. It's more about manner than cookie-cutter personality traits. Just don't act like a faggot or a bull dyke.
>1 post by this ID
fuck off shill
>1 post by this ID
shill pls go