Recently I've been hearing from a lot of people that they "read an article"(saw it on kike-book) that Omar Mateen was...

Recently I've been hearing from a lot of people that they "read an article"(saw it on kike-book) that Omar Mateen was actually gay himself. They say he frequented the Pulse nightclub, had gay tendencies and was using gay dating apps prior to the shooting.

I really just don't buy it. I think he was simply casing gays for a while before committing to the shooting. Like finding a good location for it, studying gay people closely for a while to determine whether or not he actually wanted to murder a crowd of them and building up an agenda.

What do you think Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

>1 post by this ID

its liberals pushing the agenda that "homophobic" people are closeted gays

He went there for three years. That's a long time to case the joint.

His ex-wife was asked if he was gay and she said "I don't know." Whose ex-wife would actually say this?

Contrary to Sup Forums's belief that he didn't have a Jack'd profile, the company merely said they couldn't confirm nor deny he had one. That's not proof one way or the other.

A former classmate of his said that Omar asked him out on a date.

It's not a case of Islam against gays, it was just a confused closeted gay man who couldn't deal with his feelings!
This is all the NRA's fault! A man in his state of emotional distress shouldn't have access to weapons!

Oh, and

>studying gay people closely for a while to determine whether or not he actually wanted to murder a crowd of them

There's literally no reason to do this. At all.

If he was a faggot, it says a great deal about the mental instability of homosexuals.

State you are posting from?

The Orlando gunman's wife feared he was going to attack a gay nightclub overnight Saturday and pleaded with him not to do anything violent — but failed to warn police after he left, NBC News has learned.

Omar Mateen's wife, Noor Zahi Salman, told the FBI that her husband assured her he was simply going to see friends, although she believed he was actually planning to unleash terror at the Pulse nightclub, a two-hour drive north from their home in Port St. Lucie.

Noor apparently had an inkling about her husband's sinister plot after she told the FBI she once drove him to Pulse because he wanted to scope it out.

In addition, she said she was with him when he bought ammunition and a holster, several officials familiar with the case said.
He told police negotiators during the three-hour siege that he admired the leader of ISIS, as well as the brothers who bombed the 2013 Boston Marathon and a fellow Floridian who became a suicide bomber for the Nusra Front in Syria.

Doesn't his newest wife admit to driving him to the club to scope it out?


And if he wasn't gay, it says a great deal about the mental instability of...heterosexuals?

>It's not a case of Islam against gays, it was just a confused closeted gay man

These two aren't mutually exclusive at all. They can both be so.

>1 post by this ID
ignore and hide shill threads

No one cares, you're from France...

Go back to not being allowed to have a paternity test you cuck


Well he now has his 72 virgins (gender not specified).

Psh, typical bigoted reply from a redneck who's too cowardly to look at the facts head on.
It's okay, you'll soon realize you're on the wrong side of history.

you're all cancer

1 post by this ID

You idiots

>repressed homosexual
>Islam forbids homosexuality
>dad probably gave him shit for it
>felt ashamed
>wanted to redeem himself
>gets super religious and fanatical to cleanse himself of homosexuality
>killing gays for ISIS was the way to go to make himself feel better so he could redeem himself for Allah

Rare meat for me

>no proof that he was homosexual except for hearsay

>Islam forbids homosexuality
Then why do they fuck all those boys in the ass?

>I really just don't buy it. I think he was simply casing gays for a while before committing to the shooting. Like finding a good location for it, studying gay people closely for a while to determine whether or not he actually wanted to murder a crowd of them and building up an agenda.
this is the thing about mass shooters. they always plan it in advance. there's no such thing as the guy who "suddenly snaps", that's a fucking myth.

this dude planned it, you called it as it is OP.

anyone have that screencap of the Muslim guy saying

>If they can't fuck the asses of boys whose asses can they fuck?

he's clearly a fag

he had gay dating account apps for literally years and asked at least one dude out in college.

so basically this:
it's not like we haven't seen the same thing happen with people who just become non-violent antigay campaigners.

>had gay dating apps
>except they're all gone
>with no proof of them existing
>except for hearsay

How long ago did this happen how we know so much

That's not a state

>no records of Mateen on jack'd

Nah you're the idiot.

>be Islamic
>hate western values and homosexuality
>with help, devise an undercover operation that will allow Muslim terrorists to commit acts of terrorism without Islam being outed as the sole cause
>use taqiyya constantly and build a false cover for yourself by frequenting gay bars, posting social media pictures of yourself looking like a flaming homo, and generally spread the implication that you're just a confused Muslim who can't reconcile his religious beliefs with his sexuality
>perform your act of terrorism
>watch as authorities follow your fake ass cover and paper trail to the conclusions that you fabricated
>watch as everyone blames anyone BUT Islam for this terrorist attack
>taqiyya wins again

Welcome to Islam.

who the fuck cares, a lot of muslim guys hookup with other guys because their culture is fucked up beyond all repair

we don't have a terrorist problem in the world today, we have a muslim one

the sooner we acknowledge that fact, the sooner we can actually start doing something about it

so long as we continue to remain in a quandary about who our true enemies are, we shall surely continue to victimise our true friends

Connecticut but i'm afraid it's not relevant to the topic Carlos. The wall just got 4 feet higher.

This the narrative being pushed.
Nothing to do with Islam, etc

>he frequented the Pulse
Sounds more likely he was studying the place.


If it were true, it would be reported by credible news sources, and there would at least be a screenshot of his profile out by now

Can someone explain this 1 post shit to me?

>1 post by this ID
You can't shill here you kike

Jack'd has no record of Mateen

>inb4 pastebin
My phones about to die gotta post fast

Of course you are right op.

But the Left prefers the tortured crazy queer narrative to the facts.

Which is that he was directly following the ISIL and Al-Queada instructions to become an individual Mujahideen in the west.

So yeah, he got comfy before he killed.

Omar was a plant by Hillary - She needed to further put the spotlight on gun control and distract the public from her criminal case. She also wanted to bait trump into something stupid - trump doesn't need bait though.

Is it so surprising to general pop that Islam hates gays? Really?
What is the penalty for homosex under sharia?
What does wiki say about LGBT laws by nation?
>Dude it's 2016 LMAO and gays are still stoned to death.
The Marxists and their hordes of useful idiots will defend Islam and continue their campaign against gun owning white males.

he gay af, user.

How/when did this meme start? Was it in the last couple hours or something?

get out newfag

on 8gigs you can see how many posts have been made by the same ID by hovering over it.

Shills never reply twice

I'm not even a leftist and this makes the most sense so far. Dude seems tortured. That act seems tortured. If you didn't have any personal feelings about it beyond God Is Great/Death To The Infidels, why not just blow up the place? Dude wanted to personally pick off gay people with a gun. Seems very gay.

So if i post twice I'm confirmed not a shill?

I know about the hovering thing, obviously. Thank you for the explanation.

browse 8gigs for a bit and you will understand.

because he was a shit-skin and probably knew he was too dumb to build a bomb without prematurely blowing himself up. Probably figured an assault rifle was the best way to get it done

Survivors also said that he at one point during the shooting called for black people to leave the club because "they've suffered enough". He wouldn't have been able to fit a bomb into his plan with this agenda.

i dont have that but i have this and your post reminded me of it

>amerifat with no concept of irony


Oh FUCK! I actually didn't think he was gay but look closely at the photo...

>Rectangular timepiece with small band worn on his RIGHT wrist
>Bracelet on his left that is also vaguely gay looking

Honestly that's a pretty damning piece of evidence.

It's possible he could just not know that only fucking total queers wear their watches on the right wrist, being that he seems unacquainted with Western culture... but still...

>assault rifle

A mix of both these theories is correct.

You should know that ISIS recruits get buggered by there commanders as an act of initiation.

How do you scope out a gay bar for months without interacting with gay people?

Why are muslims not allowed to be closet homos?

Is this supposed to be some kind of argument? Because it isnt

Black people to leave because they have suffered enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sound like a SJW libtard lollololololollllllololollooooooooooololololoklololololololololololllllloooooooloololollolololololololololololoolololoooooolllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At first I didn't buy it, but I'm starting to believe it now. What with the statements of his ex wife about his secret club life he hid, and also the statement of a community college buddy who said Omar asked him once if he was gay and he said no, and Omar replied
>Oh well if you were, you would be my type

I bet he was a queer and bought into the lie of Islam, and thought what he did was the only way he would be saved. Ironically he's going to burn in hell, despite his attempts to get salvation, because he not only committed murder but he did not accept Jesus Christ and instead he embraced Satan's prophet Muhammad. I bet the look on his face when he was greeted with hell fire was priceless.

I guess it might be small comfort to him that he will be accompanied by the false prophet Muhammad in hell. Have fun roasting down there dude.

You can hold your cursor over the poster's ID, and it will tell you how many posts that user has made.

When you see a thread of about 20 replies, but only 1 post from the OP, it's safe to say it's a bot/shill/troll/spam/etc.

When you do it as a first reply, though, you're probably Australian.

Why do people care how many posts someone has made, all this pointing out of how many posts someone makes is
>shit posting



Not everyone has a static IP... what idiots.

Why does his sexual preference matter? He still pledged to ISIS and ventilated a fuck ton of people.

It's pretty easy, my Ameriburger. There has been a lot of cointelpro style attacks on pol over the last few years, and increasing over the past four months or so. Generally, when an user makes a thread, they are invested in it to see that it's a topic of interest and to discuss with other anons what is on op's mind. It's quite odd for someone to start a thread, and never reply as sooner or later, an user is going to ask OP a question regarding the topic.

So...if a thread is started and the OP has only posted once, it is safe to say that it is a bot/shill thread meant to slide important topics.

>This shill mad Sup Forums doesn't cater to its efforts

Keep posting thos gun grabber and how can Whites even compete memes. I'm sure you vacuum the idiots out of the good threads.