This makes me want to fucking die

this makes me want to fucking die.

>1 cuck 2 cuck red cuck swede cuck

i dont give a shit, really makes u think doesnt it

Be grateful at least you had something :(

Nuclear fire across all the land at this point would be a blessing.

It's the long, slow, humiliating, slip into decline and erosion that is the real curse.

Dat ID tho
>One post by McNoot

>1 post by this id
Stop replying it you fucks!!!
shills slidding it!!!


>not understanding how the count system works

Newfags are a plague.

>1 post by this ID
1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID

....b-but its true

>1 post by McNoot

There are 7 other posts in this thread that currently have "1 Post by this ID"
Including 2 people ironically condemning such a thing as shilling.

Trolls were truly more elegant back in the oldfag days...

I have a lot of swedish friends because they were exchange students at my university and not live right next to me in the US while they finish school.
Last summer I went to sweden to stay with one of them for a week and meet the parents and all that shit.

The people in Stockholm and Gothenburg are absolutely delusional when it comes to these things. they still honestly believe multiculturalism is the best thing for Sweden. The only places you'll hear some since is the smaller rural cities.

I dont know whether it makes me more mad or sad... but they are hopeless.

but if they manage to succed?

I know I am pessimistic too, but perhaps they are up to something

The most horrifying realization is, that it is already too late. Germany, Sweden, Netherlands etc. are never going to be the same again. If there is no mass deportation or genocide on a scale the world has never seen, then the new reality is: No-Go Areas, Islam as a part of daily life, constant threats of terror attacks, women can't leave the house alone at night.
That is never going to go away, we already imported too many to reverse it.

The UK is going to shit as well

Surely this will all boil over at some point, or will we just wither away and die?

this. I feel for you germanbro
they wont. Sweden is lost to the dogs
Could Brexit save you guys?

>1 post by this ID
You really thought your shill work would work on here?

i am fucking McNoot


>marry girl'
>call Abdul in a week
>"she cheated on me my man, tried to make it work, does the good book say anything about this?"
>yfw they haul her away


Lol, cuck.

Why would a Swede go for a walking trash bag?

Mate, you have no clue ;/