Risk continuation thread
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nice try, JIDF Hillary thread slider shill
Attack All Forces trying to attack Me
Fill all of Italy.
Fixed bonus.
Annex Syria, Afghanistan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
Attack Bulgaria in Romania
Take Spain
Now I see the reason of the tripcodes
I must sleep.
Cede my lands like this:
Germany swiss austria czech etc to scorpion
France to orange
Poland and shit to soviet
Take Egypt.
Cede it to me senpai
I annexed Syria and Afghanistan here. Either took all of Saudi Arabia or most of it, I'm assuming most until I know for sure.
good night buddy
Thank you, kind sir.
Nice dubs by the way
You annex all of Saudi Arabia and Afgha... two spills that I give you in Pakistan.
So, are you Portuguese or Betelguese?
I think i should cede all my land just to spite the alliance in Europe
I mean to cede my land to the Mongols
Truly, I have ascended from the two dimensional plane to a higher realm!
Am from Betelgeuse Five, just here to enjoy the summer
bold move, I respect you for that
Now here I got dubs...
Fuck you, numbers.
>4 number straights
want to become my vassal?
I can't tell if your begin sarcastic or serious
I conquered them. The only one that can vassalize them is myself.
>Stranger Get
Fuck the worlds off
completely serious
Conquer Kashmir, Cyprus, Jordan, Lebanon and Israel. All of them are temperate, no climate penalty.
All the Spainage
Girls, Girls. Please.
Don't fight for me *wink*
Conquer Italy and then Croatia and Bos&Her
All of Kashmir, Cyprus and Jordan and some of Lebanon are mine.
Soviet Union: trade agreement and non-aggression pact? Y/N?
Cede all my land to the Mongols.I can't do anything against the Union
fill the 3 tiles left in western ukraine, keep attacking Bulgaria
Spills go to Crete and Cyprus.
shit man I didn't want to make you leave. I was only honoring my alliance
дa comrade
Take Algeria, but leave Tunisia untouched.
>spills go to Crete and Cyprus
I already took Cyprus. Was that an invasion?
hooray for three-way alliance!
Just Crete and Greece then.
This thread is crazy,
Can you conquer a bit of Tunisia and cede a territory to me so I can get a foothold on Africa?
Sure, I'll get on that next.
How much territory would sextuplets bring?
Today, the universe is against me
Well I failed but at least I got 7d palis.
Well that's fine its just your Bonus is 34 and mine is 12 the only way i could beat you is if i rolled trips three times in a row and you only rolling singles while i'am rolling trips.
off by 2
Off by 3
Off by 3
The Mongol Empire inherit lands in war with the Soviets Union.
Someone has to screencap this thread.
Fill out Bosnia. Fortify the entire border in Europe.
Fill that small island next to Sardinia.
Reinforce borders near Mongol Empire.
Did I fortify all of your lands or what? You have some crazy spills.
Reinforce borders near Mongol Empire
if spills reinforce the line after that one
Wait, could you cede me that bottom part of Spain near Morocco?
Take Spain and move down to Morocco
Fortify any of my territories that share any border with any other state. Excess to conquer Lebanon, Israel and Somalia.
There's no way out of there though. What do you need it for?
Take Niger.
Oh boy
Because Fuck me
You can always make a way out.
I could cede Tunisia if you want?
That works.
wait you got left out mexibro. you were supposed to be reborn
Cede Tunisia to Scorpiongirl
The hellish dick!
Sorry i didn't get to make you my vassal i died too soon
The universe is chucking me
blaze it
Take Corsica
now this is just ridiculous
reinforce my shit up sempai
You know it!
Annex all that remains of Pakistan, India and the Arabian peninsula.
Bless you for doing this OP, running a game with gets this insanely high must be a chore.
Continue filling Morocco. Spill Spain
Take rest of Niger.
Conquer Tunisia and spill into Algeria and then Libya.
Updated bonus.
A few excess territories after all of that. Send them into Israel.
Do you mean to declare war?
could you cede me Corsica, after all, it is French, and I just gave you Tunisia?
OP could you pls use another color for my garrison? I can't tell what is reinforced or not
Also thank you for doing this many updates
All these gets
>Just Can't Get Enough starts playing
Sure, cede Corsica to The Northmen.