I don't get it. Why would a libertarian anarcho-capitalist support Trump...

I don't get it. Why would a libertarian anarcho-capitalist support Trump, so much so as to make a website in full support of him complete with an hour and a half long video debunking lies? Wouldn't the protectionist and "elite" Donald Trump be the last thing a libertarian supports? Or is he just riding on the Trump train to get more kids to deFOO?

>1 post by this ID

>1 post by this ID

>1 post by this ID

What's that mean I don't get it. Don't you get a new Id in each thread?


Are we being raided, lads?

it's already been 8 minutes and OP still hasnt even contributed to his own thread.
Confirmed slide thread, remember to sage

>1 pupper by this lil barker

shill OPs dont reply to folks in their thread or post more than once, they just spam create threads to distract and move along to the next diversion

they hella ass lame
sage this shit

I see. Thanks I'll look out for that. Already saged.

I want to kidnap stef and force him to smoke DMT at gunpoint

It's because Trump hopped on to the degeneracy train, all the filthy degenerate half-pilled hedonsists who badly wanted to inflitrate Sup Forums with their "Respekt muh dick faggotry" like the above lolbertraitorian kike Stefan saw this as an opportunity to make Nazism as their homosexual safe space

>1 post by this ID
nice try shill for Hill

Hillary has is not running out of money any time soon

Stefan Molyneux is a confirmed racist who hates Mexicans. He's only recently come out because Trump has made it acceptable and the racists are the ones giving him money to say dumb shit.

Trump is by far the most libertarian candidate besides paul and the actual libertarian candidates.(actually he's close to johnson in terms of libertarianism). you've just been lied to by the mass media into believing that he is a facist.

is that right?


I'm here, the memeage just turned me off.
I don't believe he's a fascist at all, just that he's nowhere near anarcho-capitalist. He may be the most libertarian candidate but that's not sayig much.

he's anarcho-capatalist because he's struggling with the NAP, whenever someone actually challenges him on specific positions or policies he just talks over him and throws red herrings

>Canada being the PC police of pol

Why does the worst country on this website have to be next to us on the map?

> "I support the free movement of people"
> "Immigration and open borders is just a government program!"

How can an anarchist support borders? Molyneux just uses that as a defense shield so nobody can counter argue him while he still maintains the superior moral argument. It's bullshit he can't have it both ways.

>anyone not right wing or pro capitalism is a shill

You spastics are delusional

Right around the time of his transformation, I was trolling the fuck out of his comments section (which I know he reads) with numerous comments full of redpills.

I tried to choose times to leave comments when I saw he was active. I usually replied to top comments and active discussions, which I knew he would be most likely to read.

I don't know whether I was the one that did it, but many of the arguments he makes in his videos are the same ones I put in my comments.

For example I argued that the concept of "white flight" involved lower IQ non-whites streaming into an area and voting in a redistributionist government to feed off the production of whites. This subsequently caused the whites to flee and the government to collapse. It's a pattern we see in Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore....etc.

A little while later Stefan started making videos talking about how non-whites are "chasers". I'm sure he read my comment, because that was an original argument that isn't widely circulated in the alt-right or elsewhere.

I've been saying for a long time that the alt-right needs to take it's comment war to Jewtube. The comments are largely unmoderated, there is a tremendously large, young audience, and there is practically no character limit. You can make huge strides and redpill shitloads of people.

open borders in a welfare state is applying force against him because his taxes go up to pay for increased welfare

Normal people aren't going to go to YT to watch the blather of some balding right winger unless they're already right wing.

But that's just the point, he didn't used to be right wing, he was a liberty fag
Now he's dropping redpills every week on his audience of 100k, it's spectacular

You can do this with other people as well, anyone who makes political commentary. Hell, you could even do it on a gaming video if there are political discussions in the comments.

he saw how impractical and fantastical much of Liberterianism is. Saw Trump as the only pragmatic option to fight leftism and corruption and switched sides. Funny how Libertarians hates a billionaire capitalist that fights against Government unlike the other 100 other billionaires "capitalists" who are in bed with the government and hates Trump. Thus Molyneux refused to devolve into a cuck by not being a #NeverTrump faggot and enabling a Shillary Presidency that will ultimately close any last hope of a Libertarian dream


Not an argument.
Memes aside, your post really wasn't an argument.

He's waking up, like many other an-caps/libertarians, and learning the truth.

We cannot build our Utopia on a foundation of shit. We must be cleansed by fire.

>remove the elite
>remove the leeches
>The old political spectrum is a lie
>pic related

>Funny how Libertarians hates a billionaire capitalist that fights against Government

No offense but if you think libertarians hate Trump for that you just didn't understand anything. Trump isn't fighting against government, it's fighting in favor of his own government, a government which will require a lot of intervention and tariffs hurting the free market.

He's the only option to stop lib cucks but that doesn't make him a good candidate for libertarians.

He is a philosopher and values the truth. We should look up to philosophers.

>He is a philosopher

wew mate

Stefan is a realist.

He understands that libertarian values and principals cannot be upheld in a country polluted with low-IQ hispanics and niggers.


>it's fighting in favor of his own government
If you believe that you may be retarded.
He has the best tax plan.

>le globalism
Just stop you filthy kike. It doesn't work.

Libertarians are retarded for only two reasons.
Muh borders and muh free trade with other countries.

fuck off you shitposting cunt

He discovered a libertarian society is only possible with Europeans and East Asians.

Also, Islam and feminism are both threatening our free way of living.

I like his current events videos a lot more than his peaceful parenting and deFOO shit. and I'm happy he's changing.

You know Trump is going to lose, right?

How did you even arrive at that conclusion? Please explain.

this shit isn't going to work either if we have a bunch of violent white kids even without islam and feminism


There's literally nothing wrong with peaceful parenting as an approach to parenting. He has done a lot of good in convincing people that two parents are needed to raise a a child, and one of them should stay home. Yelling at and hitting your kids is for negros.

I think he's pretty much tried to make the defoo thing go away, and yes, it's absolutely ridiculous to ostracize family members that aren't anarcho-capitalists.

>He has the best tax plan.
Not enough expense cuts, therefore it's just not viable. Taxes cuts without expense cuts are A grade populism.

>Muh borders and muh free trade with other countries.

About borders, please do everyone a favor and read Hoppe before you keep spewing bullshit, libertarians are in favor of every fucking thing being private property, don't you guys have doors and walls around your private property? Because here we do. Libertarians have the best plan against uncontrolled immigration, putting a wall that nobody will give a shit about after 3 weeks while government hoards all land to do absolutely nothing with it and giving them welfare if they manage to cross through any other point or underground tunnel is an immigration plan? Lmao.

And about free trade, If what you claim is true, it will be so easy for you to list countries that were successful under autarchy. I'll be waiting here.


>remove the elite
communist detected

So when Stefan defooed from his mother, he took her soul?

Because a MUSLIM gave him fash fever.

maybe he was paid, after all its his job

Shit. I dunno.. Maybe he knows that Trump is the most likely candidate that resembles the closest to him that can win and destroy the current political system so next time a third party can actually have a chance at winning.

Libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism have never been tried, but the left still treats them as these destructive and genocidal ideologies. This is the same left that bends over backwards to excuse socialist failures and crimes with muh not real socialism meme.

Eventually, all libertarians and ancaps opt for the political path that will most effectively BTFO leftists, be it physically (Chile) or psychologically (imagine the butthurt a Trump presidency would cause).

As for me, I just want to watch the world burn