”into music”

>”into music”
>doesn’t play an instrument
>doesn’t produce
>not even a basic knowledge of theory

haha, user has emoji for a face :)

how embarassing XD

>"into movies"
>has never directed a feature film

Maybe one just likes listening to it?

>"into eating food"
>isn't a chef

>"into porn"
>doesnt fuck

>into music
>plays an instrument (poorly)
>produces (poorly)
>has a basic knowledge of theory (poorly)

>yeah im into politics
>isnt even a president

nice false equivalence, reddit

>into movies
>doesn't know framing techniques or why a scene gives off a certain sensation
>into eating food
>doesn't know how to prepare food or what flavors match up and how do they match up
>yeah I'm into politics
>doesn't know what realpolitik is, nor has read The Prince, Plato's Republic nor Aristotle's Politics

>basic knowledge of theory
even the bare minimum would show you somewhat actually care about music

>into movies
>hasn't won an oscar

>yeah I'm into sports
>doesn't have an Olympic medal

you dont need any of that you pretentious mongoloid

>into child porn
>but not a pedophile

that's just an example of quality bait

No, you don't, but why are you proud of not knowing stuff about something you like?

>all these people comparing playing an instrument to being a president/actor/athlete
Fucking lol, it really doesn't take much to learn a few chords and play your favourite song. Even that's better than nothing.


How is it false equivalence? Knowing three chords doesn't make you more of a music fan than anyone, sorry.

yeah it does

I thinkmusic is the only form of media you have to participate in to truly understand.

>I wrote a novel at 12 or took a creative writing class in high school so I know more about literature than Harold Bloom

This is what underachievers actually believe.

>into music
>playing guitar for 8 years
>sax for an year
>can handle montage and mastering
>no interest in digital audio syntesis
>basic knowledge of formal theory, advanced knowledge of sound principles and aesthetics of sound art and performance art

since i'm into free improv and noise I haven't yet taken a look of formal theory,
i hope i'm doing good.

You sound like you’re into music senpai, nice.

Harold Bloom has written over 40 books and he has studied literature in depth - in this case, this is analogous to... learning theory.

>Harold Bloom has written over 40 books

Of which only one was fiction and considered by him a failed experiment.

>he has studied literature in depth - in this case, this is analogous to... learning theory.

He studied literary criticism, not the same as writing or literary theory.

Just going to leave a thread I made a while ago here...

So is the suggestion here that someone who enjoys music but doesn't know anything about theory doesn't actually enjoy music?

you all are pretentious shitheads
it doesn't matter if you "understand" the music
if it sounds good listen

Some of the best musicians I know only listen to pop or entry-level metal, listening is different from playing

It's like saying you can't appreciate art if you don't know how to paint or engrave.

i think that if you can play, produce, and know theory, you could have a deeper appreciation for how certain music is made, but if you don't you can still admire the sounds/lyrics

No, it’s that your opinions on music are valueless if you know northing about it other than having listened to it. I listen and enjoy jazz but i don’t know shit about jazz or jazz theory so i can’t be meaningfully critical of it

opinions on music are always worthless lol