Can any burgers tell me what Minnesota is like?
I feel like this could be the best state in America.
Can any burgers tell me what Minnesota is like?
I feel like this could be the best state in America.
>best state
Pick one. Also pic related due to it being best state for freedoms
Cold dark winter wasteland who's peak temperature is 15 degrees Celsius in the summer and who's only population consists of people who just can't afford to leave.
Did I help you ausbro?
Alaska is the best state.
Its unironically the Sweden of the United Sates. It comes with the Somalian immigrant rapes and everything
Blacks from from other cities head there for their generous welfare benifits too
Best US states by region
New England: Absolute liberal shithole full of chock full of neo liberal cucks with a hardon for big government and big black cock.
Midwest: Flyover country, nothing to see there but miles upon miles of corn and the occasional meth lab under someone's barn.
South: The Carolina's in general, based bathroom laws, only states that have not succumbed to queers in some form or another.
South West: Texas and Arizona, California is a liberal infested festering pisshole laden with aids.
Pacific North West: Oregon, plain and simple
Any questions?
It's actually pretty great, the Somali's come out to prowl at night though.
>1 post by this ID
Alaska is better than Oregon
>Midwest: Flyover country, nothing to see there but miles upon miles of corn and the occasional meth lab under someone's barn.
>I have never left California and this is what Mr Sheckleberg says in the NY Times, so it must be true!
Pittsburgh and Nashville are the best cities in the entire country you faggot
>New England: Absolute liberal shithole full of chock full of neo liberal cucks with a hardon for big government and big black cock.
the first half is true
the other half is false, people here hate niggers, especially the sand kind.
I'm inclined to agree with you but Alaska is to cold and barren to make half of it habitable.
Name two other cities in Alaska with a population over 75,000 other than Anchorage
Sorry about my shitty grammar by the way.
I'll stay in Camp Verde. My state has been over run with filth and growth but I don't feel at home or the same anywhere else, I don't know where the fuck to go if I did.
Muh guns
I think niggers and lakes when i think of that state
Both of the states wherein those cities lie are not the Midwest.
Midwestern states are: Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, The Dakotas, Minnesota, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and maybe Kansas
I'm live in the middle of fucking nowhere outside of Fairbanks in the middle of the state. It's cold, but it's totally habitable if you are not a bitch boi and can deal with hauling water and pooping in an outhouse at -50F
It's like Sweden, but in America.
I live here. It is one of the most based states in the union due to its high german, irish, and norwegian heritage.
Is also rather wealthy and has anti semitic background. Catholic good old boys still control much of the state.
It is also SJW'd in its own right. Somali immigrants dumped on us and the twin cities (especially minneapolis) is lib central.
It was -20ish this winter and 90+ this last week, so theres that
iunno, i've been to most other regions in the US and this one is probably the best. Some parts of the Carolinas/Virginia aren't bad either. The south and southwest are pretty shit other than that. Sdakota and Wyoming are pretty based throughout. North of NY the northeast is pretty great.
The cold keeps out the riff raff too. Anchorage is a shit hole. We jokingly call it Los Anchorage. Pretty much anywhere else is awesome tho
Everything east is shit to me.
Different kind of people in my experience, everyone out West is like minded in their distrust of government.
I'll stay a desert lander. Don't you want people protecting the homefront near the border? I'm doing my part.
Sounds like a cool place, That Tim Treadwell guy can't be wrong.