this woman is bringing in people to kill gays and jews.
She's literally a Nazi. Why doesn't pol support her?
this woman is bringing in people to kill gays and jews.
She's literally a Nazi. Why doesn't pol support her?
>Anonymous (ID: GpX0L83c) 06/16/16(Thu)03:19:18 No.77447770▶
> this woman is bringing in people to kill gays and jews.
> She's literally a Nazi. Why doesn't pol support her?
> 1 post by this ID
Because I'm Polish and we have a bad History with Nazis and Communists.
shill thread
nice try hillary
Because you're a shill in disguise.
Were you not australian, i would have thought you to be a shill. But you´re cool, roo.
Mostly because she is not bringing the muslims here to exterminate gays and jews, she is doing it to generate a large enough block of voters that are guaranteed to always vote democrat for the gibs.
And it rubs against my delicate nazi sensibilities when one party tries underhanded methods on seizing power.
because she's a woman and women make shitty leaders
Sup Forums is satire but you are a shill
Because she's bringing in a bunch of mudslime sand niggers you 'tard.
Because it'll be used as a pretense to enact more authoritarian domestic measures for our "safety". Anytime somebody whines about not feeling "safe", expect more of your rights to come under scrutiny.
This is a tactic common to Jews and women, both of whom are natural nation-wreckers.
H-hey, guys!
I know we've put a lot of work in rigging the debate polls for Hillary, creating epic memes ("Delete your account." xD That was my fav!), and overall giving her positive feedback to really let her know that she has her fingers on America's middle class pulse.
Who here is absolutely enthralled at the idea of the first woman president?! HISTORY is in the making. But, we need to have a serious conversation, Sup Forums. We all know we aren't just voting Hillary for her looks (hehe, love you, Hill! ;]). We are voting her because she will make America great.
She believes in gay marriage, helping minorities, and, best of all, COMMON SENSE GUN CONTROL.
We all know that places like the Donald and Reddit shill for Trump non-stop (absolutely repulsive if you ask me), but we really need to make sure Hillary takes the White House this election and ensures that we can continue seeing real progress. I know it will be hard to beat Obama, but have faith friends! I, for one, know she can do it!
Daily reminder: Sup Forums is an LGBTQ and feminist friendly board. Please refrain from making sexist comments about her. IF you wish to do so, we may have to censor your posts. Grow up if you can't debate her policies. Hate speech will not be tolerated and IP addresses who use hate speech will be logged and reported. This is especially important for any country in the EU. Please, it's 2016. Be respectful of your fellow human beings and Sup Forumsitical correctness friends. I've also been doing my part to report any suspicious activity to the NSA or CIA as well. I've been tipping them off about disgusting toxic, racist shitholes like Reddit for awhile now and encourage you to do the same. Thank you.
Now, say it with me!
I don't know why people say all the shitposting and low quality is coming from Canada. I see far more bottom-tier garbage come out of Australia and New Zealand.
>Sup Forums literally arguing with bots
Wow Kek blessed Hilldawg with the victory! Amirite guize xD
You know Trump is going to lose, right?
Because the ID was australian, and out of all the shills here, we believe they are the ones that do it just for fun.
Kinda makes a response actually worth typing out.
>bringing in people to kill gays and jews
That's more like building robotic ovens to roam the streets attacking everyone, Jew and German alike.
No she is nothing like Hitler, something much worse.
I don't want merkel the second
>let foreigners destroy your country and it's inhabitants
>this somehow relates to nazism
yea nah
GpX0L83c (1)
Fuck off shill. Globalists are importing muslims to destabilize western countries. Do you think it's a coincidence that western countries have come to support everything muslims stand against while simultaneously radicalizing muslims in their own countries via war? Only to import hundreds of thousands of radicalized military aged males into their homelands?
> fascism
> not authoritarian
so many fedoras around here
Fascism is authoritarian. I never said I was fascist, nor did I imply all forms of authorianism were bad.