So what is exactly made leftoddlers so fearful all of a sudden that they are quadrupling their efforts at taking over Sup Forums?
So what is exactly made leftoddlers so fearful all of a sudden that they are quadrupling their efforts at taking over...
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I think it's the fact that hillary's shit keeps getting leaked by russia
their faggotry
You know Trump is going to lose, right?
The leak is the only thing I can think of. Can't wait for that Bernie stuff to come out.
Slide threads really started piling on after Orlando and haven't slowed down since. They probably don't want the obvious radical Islam issue being discussed too much.
>So what is exactly made leftoddlers so fearful all of a sudden that they are quadrupling their efforts at taking over Sup Forums?
Yes Pol, why does Squealer squeal Sup Forums? So confusing.
It's summer so all the college kiddies can shitpost 24/7. People will say it is something more subversive, but this has gone like clockwork for the 10 years I have been in this shithole.
And, yes, that does mean shills/trolls would increase as much as anything else.
He's going to win and it's obvious. There has been an almost mystical and prophetic aura surrounding him during these elections. Its prophecy
stop posting this everywhere nigger
I first noticed it when Trump tweeted that he's meeting with the NRA. Then suddenly the whole board was being spammed with "Trump wants to take your guns! He betrayed you!"
As always they believe their appeals to emotion are stronger following a mass murder and as always they are wrong.
A huge massacre by a (wow what a surprise) Muslim triggered them hard
>radical Islam
>Afghan bender shooting up his boyfriends
Pick one. As an Afghan he almost certainly got scuttled as a boy by his uncle or father.
... this is what Trump attemted
its the reason why the whole thing backfiered
>not radical Islam
>Afghan bender shooting up his boyfriends
The Orlando gunman's wife feared he was going to attack a gay nightclub overnight Saturday and pleaded with him not to do anything violent — but failed to warn police after he left, NBC News has learned.
Omar Mateen's wife, Noor Zahi Salman, told the FBI that her husband assured her he was simply going to see friends, although she believed he was actually planning to unleash terror at the Pulse nightclub, a two-hour drive north from their home in Port St. Lucie.
Noor apparently had an inkling about her husband's sinister plot after she told the FBI she once drove him to Pulse because he wanted to scope it out.
In addition, she said she was with him when he bought ammunition and a holster, several officials familiar with the case said.
He told police negotiators during the three-hour siege that he admired the leader of ISIS, as well as the brothers who bombed the 2013 Boston Marathon and a fellow Floridian who became a suicide bomber for the Nusra Front in Syria.
Jack'd claims to have no record of Mateen ever using the site
I say Jesus all the time, I am not religious.
The man was a bender. He went to the nightclub full of his gay chums. Powered by a mixture of lust, humiliation and hatred he shot up the place.
He was not an Islamist. He was a semi-closeted goatfucker.
Packy detected. He said in the 911 call he was doing it for ISIS.
>He said in the 911 call he was doing it for ISIS.
>He told police negotiators during the three-hour siege that he admired the leader of ISIS
A futile attempt to try and whitewash his faggotry. His family would rather know him as a terrorist than as a homosexual.
>telling you wife you are going to a gay club
>to see "his friends"
Not credible, is it? The man was a regular at the queer den. His wife obviously knew he was a faggot. What was he going to tell he police?
>I am gay
>I got arsefucked by my dad like a good Afghan
>I got a taste for it
>I now enjoy taking it up the shitter voluntarily
>my marriage is a sham
>my wife knows I a faggot
>"...but the mean people at the queer den keep sucking other cocks too!"
>"I thought they loved me!"
The fact that Trump actually has a serious chance at winning, despite certain parties' best attempts at convince people otherwise.
>A futile attempt to try and whitewash his faggotry.
Holy shit, the packy has telepathy. Tell me more about other people's deepest thoughts, oh astroturfing wise one.
>deepest thoughts
>Muslim gay club regular
There are no deep thoughts involved. People go to gay clubs to get sucked off.
>wife claims to have driven him there to scope out the building
>his wife also claims they scoped out other venues like Disneyland
>this much projection
Wew lad
Did you know new Bloomberg polls show Hillary Clinton has a 12-point lead over Donald Trump nationally? What fantasy world are you living in
Idk man but im doing my part by shit posting
This shit post again
It's all thanks to Omar "Don't Eat Ass During My Holy Fast" Mateen. Basically, they are going into overdrive with the damage control.
>scope out the building
Scope what out? The man was a regular. He knew the location outside and knew the layout inside. Who takes their housebound wife to a faggot venue, and a genuine fleshpot at that?
Answer, a faggot. He probably wanted her to come in with him and take it up the shitter as well.
These are reddit counter-raids in response to r/The_Donald posts being almost every single link on the front page of r/all for about three days straight.
You wanna fight in the meme wars kid you've gotta get your hands dirty in enemy territory.