Brit/pol/: Blue skies over a foreign land Edition

EU referendum poll:
Remain: 44% (+1)
Leave: 49% (+1)
(ICM, online / 10 - 13 Jun)

EU referendum poll:
Remain: 39% (-3)
Leave: 46% (+3)
(YouGov, online / 12 - 13 Jun)

EU referendum poll:
Remain: 40% (-1)
Leave: 47% (+4)
(via TNS, online)

EU referendum poll:
Remain: 45% (+3)
Leave: 50% (+5)
(ICM, phone / 10 - 13 Jun)

EU referendum poll:
Remain: 47%
Leave: 53%
(ICM, both online and phone / 10 - 13 June)









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>one post


No Pole is going to pay more to fly to UK now. Brits just became the plumbers of Europe (not UE).

Keep a close eye!

A professional forum troller is only one thread away!

New polls at half 12 today

No, you don't undersand, he has a contract by 2019. Brexit won't happen overnight, even transferring positions inside the parliament will take a year.

Nigel Farage will keep his job.

About the pension - maybe not, but that's another case anyway.

Your hero is a fraud. Tell me, he seems to care about fishermen a lot, how come he has been a part of the fisheries committee and has never once even tried to argue the case for Britain?

And dont go "but its useless". If he didn't even try its not a case of it being useless, its a case of him not trying. If he tried and failed, then its useless.

Listening to Boris Johnson - I can MAYBE understand. But actually liking Farage and thinking he has a plan, makes sense, knows what he is doing and cares about Britain - that I cannot understand.

Come on at least have consistency, he's attended ONE of the meetings. Not none.


New polls when?

TNS (telephone, 14-15 Jun)
Remain 51%
Leave 45%
Undecided 4%

Junker, m8, your proxy fell off.

>That flag

Fuck off Juncker

I have never seen Farage ever in the last 4 years in any fisheries meeting.

Maybe he went into one, they give free water and used to give coffee and tea (even milk in the afternoon) in the previous term, I used to sneak into the regional development committee to drink tea peacefully since there was almost no one there anyway.

Reminder, pic is what the EU wants:

Save our Karens and British Waifus.

Britain NO

Why are Brexit supporters so racist?

>They give free water
You have to pay for water in Europe? What the fuck?

He doesn't recognise the authority of the EU

Not that hard to get your thick skull around

>fisheries committee

Does not decide EU fisheries policy. That is done by national governments. The EU parliament has no power whatsoever.

Who dis? She got Dutch writing as a tat, I want her babies

Bottles of water la, bottles.

Mfw questiontime has Bob geldof on tonight.

I don't think I can bare to watch

So how does it make sense to get paid to work in the fisheries committee, never even show up and then claim what the committee did is bad for Britain?

He may have a good position in not liking the EU, sure, but he has no competence, no plan and no idea. Nor has he done anything ti prove me otherwise.

Still, nothing special.


In Paris was like 3-4 euros for a small bottle of water (0,5L)

>new ipsos poll at 12:30 who successfully predicted the scottish referendum
Hold me.

You should have bombed them.

They deserve to be bombed for such a crime.

>You have to pay for water in Europe? What the fuck?

Yes user. Surprisingly mummy does actually have to pay the water bill even here.

And how the hell is this relevant to anything, you autist? Farage isn't even an MP.

what does the writing say?

He who dares wins, right Rodney?


Geldof has got to be a Leave plant.

How many bongs until next poll?

But thats wrong, the parliament has codecision - on some issues it had equal power to governments.

Which is ridiculous in itself, as parliament is largely incompetent and a farce. Which is also one of your arguments, isnt it?

Doesnt your argument of its bad influencr fall if you say it has no influence?

Choose lad, either Farage is a lazy bum with no idea or parliament is not actually dangerously incompetent and a clear sign of the crap of the EU.

where can i see it?

half twelve apparently, which is about 3 and a half hours since you're in a wackyland time zone

>If you don't physically attend something you don't support it
You're actually a fucking moron.

Brit became Korwin Mikke tier. Hitler dindunuffin huh lads?

He is an MEP.

On the fisheries committee.

That has codecision on fisheries.

Iirc there were a record 8000 amendments to the fisheries policy.

I might be able to dig them up, how confident are you though that you will find Farage's name there?

What are its powers?

All well and good in title, but in practice if it can't change anything then attendance is rather pointless

I'm still waiting to hear how that's in any way, shape or form relevant to his stances.

Sorry was this the anti democratic organisation that hasn't published accounts in the last twenty years?

Eat shit and die.

>where can i see it?
Their site has already crashed so Twitter will have to do:

>The unelected EU Parliament has as much power as the elected British Parliament

You just fell for the bait.

But it's nothing big. Him adding 'it's free' suggests that water costs as much as a chocolate in Euroland.

It's useless for him to be part of because all the other members will disagree with him trying to make a good deal for Britain and British fishers. Also, the EU parl. will dismiss his ideas.

How confident are you that we will Remain?

>1600s, the English: "Lets go and colonise India!"
> "We need a plan", decried the doubters.
> "Just send a few ships, it'll be fine."
> India colonised

The British don't need details right now, the details come after a decision.

Codecison on certain legislation.

Basically the Commission drafts legislation and usually the national governments talk it over and decide.

Sometimes, as was in fisheries, parliament takes an equal role and Council debates with them on an equal ground after the member states agree among themselves.

It is a dangerous precedent that gives an incompetent and democratically unaccountable parliament retarded amounts of power.

It also means Farage is a lazy incompetent bum.

He was probably doing greater work, like securing a referendum by pressuring the UK government, and saving our nation by getting us out of the failed political project that is the EU.

Anyway, when is the next 1.5M boatniggers due in, and should Greece be getting another bail-out about now?

>The Spectator Podcast: The Spectator back Brexit

>It's useless for him to be part of because all the other members will disagree with him trying to make a good deal for Britain and British fishers. Also, the EU parl. will dismiss his ideas.

Has he tried?

If yes, I agree and withdraw.

If no, you are wrong.

2 new polls due later today boys - Survation and Ipsos Mori

Whoa, I've never seen an EU flag on here before.

Yes, he went to one meeting to see what it's all about then he left because he realised it was just a sham.

Funny coincidence, eh?

From what I've read thats basically nothing more than advising, and can be told to fuck off entirely at will.

Don't blame him for not turning up.

>usually the national governments talk it over and decide
>talk it over

All the power rests with national governments. The EU fisheries committees can do absolutely nothing without prior approval from member states. The EU fisheries committees are literally just people sitting around chatting about fish.

You are a nasty little prick.

Not one EU fuck head has achieved half what Farage has. Your desperate shilling is losing you votes and your pretentious and patronising tone is just foremost of many reasons your beloved fuck up of a suits national bukkake will soon crumble.

It doesn't stop with Brexit soon. Anglos coming to fuck your shit up. get prepped eurocuck.



>banning of drift nets when ours are smaller
>destroyed local fishing industries to allow Spain in
>quota hopping continuing despite - surprise, surprise - empty promises of reform
>giving Spain a massive % in subsidies so they were able to expand and modernise unfairly

How was it good again for us specifically? Fuck your fishing commisson

where do you go to find where & when all the polls will be coming out?

So he has done nothing substantial and still has no idea or competence beyond "leave the EU"?

To answer your second question - soon, Turkey is already backing out of the agreement. As soon as october comes and we cant give them visas, we get 3 million "boatniggers" immediately.

And Greece wont get anything more, they have completely crashed and even Germany have realized it. Now Germany has raised its hands and is refusing to clean its mess. Waiting for Greece to suffocate and die.


>Have to grovel to get a deal

Or we can just leave

>So he has done nothing substantial


Is it happening?

>alan johnson
nothing credible has ever come out of this mans mouth concerning the EU

Did he try to do anything?

Submit an amendment, draft a report?

>from what I've heard

From what I've heard your mother is a prostitute.

Fortunately i have cold hard proof that codecision gives parliament actual power.

By codecison unless parliament agrees on legislation it CANNOT PASS.

Why are you arguing this, it literally supports your side.

>Turkey is already backing out of the agreement

The migrant agreement is an irrelevance. Turkey do not meet any of the criteria in terms of human rights, a free press or the treatment of women and gays. Turkey are far worse than they were in 2004, the EU are still about to let Turkey in.

The EU want the cheap labour. Albanians, Turks, Kosovans and Serbs can provide that.

>So he has done nothing substantial

Yes, except being the one sole reason Brexit even made it this far.

Eat a dick, Schultz.

Fuck the EU, we're leaving.

>From what I've heard your mother is a prostitute.


how come "leave" looks like what I had picture british people to look, while leave looks like people who don't belong there

really makes you think... huh

>consistently try to explain things
>never even tried to campaign for remain
>even said I'm ok with leave
>get endlessly insulted and shit

Yeh, what a nasty little prick I am, huh?

It's annoying because he seems like a fairly reasonable bloke in general, but he talks utter shite on the EU

wtf that id



>Did he try to do anything?

He's been campaigning for the fishing industry for years you pleb.
The eu paliament is a shit show and don't make any laws.

Just strawman my shit senpai.

Our Nige, the Pussy slayer .

>from what I've heard

Why are you greentexting something I didn't say?

I said read. Not hearsay.

Regardless, sorry that I touched a nerve of your shitty institution enough to call my mother a whore, really convinced me there.

Its the direction the polls are going yes .Don't know if its one of the polls that is scheduled to come out today tho .been posted today tho so it looks up to date

The agreement hides another informal agreement - Turkey has 3 million refugees ready to be sent into the EU. As long as we are good little lapdogs, they die off slowly in Turkey. When we tell Turkey to fuck off, they are unleashed.

The agreement is symbolic of this.

Nicky Morgan
Alan Johnson
Bob Geldof

Louise Mensch
>Wew lad
Tom Harris
>Scottish and Labour for Leave. You can't harry the Harris
Ruth Lea
>One of the most intelligent women in the UK

Which town or city is it in? Will the audience be as based as last week?

They won't pay your denbts

>Submit an amendment, draft a report?
No, he spoke up about the sham, which is the EU, and the charlatans and panjandrums which are the eurocrats.
Why would he do submit a report to the EU about the EU being a sham and a horrid prank? Idiot.

Would you submit a report about a department of the USSR to Stalin? No, because you'd get shot.

Suspicious of early polls since the BGM fake the other day

I'm convinced, you got my vote!



(I think they got something wrong, the source seems official, I'm not too sure of the swings, but fuck it WE WON)

What's hilarious about the so-called "Brexit" is that if the UK wants to get out and have access to the common market like Norway they will have to accept the immigration laws of the EU just like Norway does. Norway pays almost the same amount of money per capita to the EU as the UK does. If the UK votes out they will still have to pay the EU and accept their rules while not having any say on what happens in Europe.

You are talking about fine details and minutiae of things we don't want to be a part of.

Get your head round the big picture. We're leaving now fuck off.

Heavily missing the point, which was just

But since you read:

Nope, it's the real deal

>Turkey has 3 million refugees ready to be sent into the EU

And 20 million Kurds with valid asylum claims, who can all enter the EU without a visa on July 1st.

where do you live? how do you get that flag?

>Almost the same per capita
if we paid what Norway does per capita we'd only pay £6bn instead of £10bn

>he spoke

My point exactly.

>you'd get shot

Are you...are you saying Farage would get shot if he tried to defend British fisheries in the EU?

Nice. The one thing I know about Yorkshiremen is that they are cynical, stubborn and don't like being threatened.

I'm sure the scare campaign from the last few weeks has turned them all into leavers.

>The European Parliament may approve or reject a legislative proposal, or propose amendments to it. The Council is not legally obliged to take account of Parliament's opinion but in line with the case-law of the Court of Justice, it must not take a decision without having received it.

Maybe I'm just a pleb at this, but that certainly sounds a lot to me like "can be told to fuck off at will"