Baby's father tells the judge that he wants no action taken against the rapist. Catches him on the outside and cuts off his hands
Now he will never be able to poo in the loo
Baby's father tells the judge that he wants no action taken against the rapist. Catches him on the outside and cuts off his hands
Now he will never be able to poo in the loo
He'll poo but he cannot wipe ever.
We need more people like that father in America.
Smart and ethical. Very based.
really makes you think
before you judge the man you have to ask yourself this: what would you do if you lived in a country with a caste system where women would reject you? I'm not saying what this guy did was right but you have to realize that some men in India do get quite frustrated sexually and may unfairly lash out. we should not entirely blame this guy since sex is actually a basic human need. have some sympathy.
>implying he did in the first place
Yeah, this guy is right. Rape is great and natural in New Zealand.
Btw, was there an Old Zealand?
>gentler Australia taking a crack at shitposting
You'll never be Australia.
Are you talking about the man or the baby?
Stick to the sheep or you'll get your hands cut off
what was the baby wearing?
was it asking for it
They should jump on the new hip thing and go gay.
Wtf is wrong with you, do you not have enough dangerous animals over at your island?
Weak bantz
>sex is actually a basic human need. have some sympathy.
Then he should have used his hands like a normal person when he still had the choice.
Fucking based punjab father.
God gave you two hands and you still choose to break the law because your dick didn't get wet.
Kek. This website is full of shitskin rape. Check this out. Muslim rapes 5 year old daughter to death.
They actually have 0
They are devoid of predators when it comes to the animal kingdom
bet that pussy was tight and worth it
So you're saying it was a sexual emergency?
>what would you do if you lived in a country with a caste system where women would reject you?
You are talking to Sup Forums here m8
There are a lot of eternal virgins on this website.
Zealand is an island in Denmark
I was a kissless virgin who didn't come into contact with women at 17, I just was a fap machine instead of a rapist.
Straya that would have worked somewhere else but come on man kv's are a thing here.
We have sharks and maori. We also have introduced threats like boar and Pacific islanders.
It's named after Zeeland, which is part of the Netherlands
This. When the goverment can't grant justice the people should take care of it.
No judge would've given this detritus a fair sentence, but that man did.
So your saying if i have no luck dating i am free to rape because it's basic need right?
it already is a thing in germany, step up
are indians even human ?
They're Abbo tier shit-skins
Shit post of year