Why aren't you voting for Gary Johnson? He wants to get rid of income tax and supports the second amendment.
Why aren't you voting for Gary Johnson? He wants to get rid of income tax and supports the second amendment
He admires Bernie Sanders. Enough said.
So what? He'll be dead in a few years. Nobody cares about that kike
lol k
You are implying that him admiring Bernie the Cuck has nothing to do with how he thinks as a politician.
So the simple thought of him having admiration for a guy who fights for what he believes in makes him less of a politician?
What does that have to do with his stance on issues or his political prowess?
>Why aren't you voting for Gary Johnson
Pic related is why.
His way of empowering the people seems far smarter than Bernies. His track-record is also quite impressive. No doubt a good candidate, but sad that he entered this late. No chance in hell to make it.
because he threw out McAffee's gun and then tried to bribe the guy who found it to give it back to him.. and only offered like $100
the guys a scumbag
saged/hidden/bye faggot
Libertarians fight for less government. Bernie is the complete opposite. How does that not seem backwards to you?
You forgot to add:
>wants open borders
>cries about MUH RAYCISSUHM all the time
>is literally a male Hillary
under "Political Profile".
Because he wants open borders. Even a lot of libertarians I know aren't voting for him because of that simple fact. I don't even think a libertarian society could survive with open borders.
>open borders.
>trusting anything anybody says pre 9/11
come on man
I don't really see anything wrong with this.
>hurr durr muh illegal immigrants
I live in fucking Phoenix. You can't throw a rock without hitting a beaner. There's no point in building a wall because they're already IN THE FUCKING COUNTRY. Might as well enjoy the cheap labor.
>mfw $20 gets my whole yard clean
>mfw I don't give a fuck if it's illegal to use illegals
This is also completely disgusting. This is why I cannot vote for a true libertarian.
Bernie doesn't want more government, he wants more freedom and opportunity.
Open borders
>open borders
>They're already here! We can't do anything about that obviously!
Are you fucking retarded, user?
Him and his VP are gun grabbers.
No thanks.
>stealing another man's gun
What. That's subhuman.
What's with lolbertarians and not wanting borders?
Wouldn't internal de-regulation mean you'd want to have STRONG borders to ensure the freedoms within your country aren't abused by people who don't share your values?
It always puzzled me and nobody's ever explained.
I listened to him on JRE and he was really inarticulate.
It was Peterson's gun I believe actually and it was just a replica. Still a shit thing to do.
>supports the second amendment.
Doesn't he not tho? Don't actual libertarians fucking hate him cause he wanted to ban rifles or something?
It's his same stance on his website.
Amazing ATHEIST just released a video talking about how"stupid libertarians are" but then went on Gary Johnson's immigration stance and was pleasantly surprised he was for open borders.
Congratulations, you and bananaboy are one in the same.
You're part of the problem.
What's the problem?
>hey lets build a massive wall to keep them (in) out
Here's a crazy idea: instead of spending god knows how much building a massive fucking wall, why not just get rid of bennies to the unemployed?
That or just do what we should have done hundreds of years ago and actually take Mexico.
The one reason I would consider voting for him is his stance on term limits for senate and congress. I really wish Trump would support that.
Complete bullshit. How does a democratic socialist not require more government for his proposed plans? Your statement literally makes no sense at all.
You tell me, you're the one that seems to take offense to what I'm saying.
The problem is we have too many people, but nobody wants to try and fix THAT problem.
Because I'm not throwing my vote away so that cunt hillary can win
>dude Jews should have to make nazi cakes
he's literally the opposite of a libertarian and LP voters are retarded for getting him instead of Meme Man McAffee
it was Petersen's not McAffee's, but yeah he's a twat.
>>stealing another man's gun
even worse, it was a gift to him as congratulations for winning the nomination
Attention Libertarians/An-Caps.
>Attention Libertarians/An-Caps.
Our society has already passed the critical mass of degenerates. We cannot build our Utopia on top of our current foundation of shit.
>the LEECHES would massively riot and pillage, and state power would be needed to stop them
>the ELITE own too much, and their cartels will never let us be free or surrender their assets
We must unite, as American nationalists and expel the evil. Only AFTER the cleansing flame removes the cancerous growth upon our people, can we form a new society of justice and liberty.
>pic related
You stated that Bernie does not want more government. I disagreed.
Now that you're saying we have too many people I can agree with that. However, both Johnson and Bernie want open borders so I don't see how that would fix this problem.
I am though
I don't even care about Bernie or Johnson, whomever gets the presidency will do fuck all to fix our population problem so I literally could give a fat nigger shit who wins
He's changed his mind about borders since then. I think Jill Stein is for open borders though
I may have read your original post wrong but with how people bring up subjects here, it seemed like you were supporting Johnson.
The only candidate that would possibly have an impact on our overpopulation is Trump. Whether you like him or not, he is proposing that we bolden our law enforcement to remove people in this country that are here illegally (and there are a lot of them as I am sure you know).
>even worse, it was a gift to him as congratulations for winning the nomination
What even was the story here, because this is sounding scummier by the second.
>open borders
it's exactly what it sounds like. Johnson is just a massive dickhead
>Gary "23% Sales Tax" Johnson
he still has time to change his name to Arte Johnson
I feigned ignorance for attention, pretty common tactic around here from what I've gathered in the past few months.
But you're right, Trump is the only one that has a firm position that is inclined to, if nothing else, curve our population problem. But that's only in a few states, we still have far too many people domestically than our economy can sustain right now.
That's why Trump is a good option. You can't do anything about legal immigrants, except tightening future laws. You might as well provide them a low paying job by imposing tariffs on China and bringing some industry back. Same with Mexico
>Why aren't you voting for Gary Johnson?
Because he threw away the gun that Austin Peterson gave to him as a gift.
Everybody seems to be afraid of a Trump presidency because "He'll start WW3 by provoking China or Korea"
Remember the last time we imposed stiff tariffs on an Asian country?
Stop. He is still for open borders. Don't lie. Go to his website.
Because he's a retard who thinks "Mexican" is a race.
Mexico is paying for the wall, user. We're not.
>Why not just scrap the Welfare state
because the demographic shifts have consequences outside of welfare usage. If you're too dumb to see that, hang yourself.
People are simply afraid of the unknown... And that being that the current leftism has infected our culture even throughout the Bush administration and not knowing what a true right wing presidency would look like to them.
>it's exactly what it sounds like. Johnson is just a massive dickhead
>it's a replica meant to be a symbol
Because he can't win and Hillary mustn't win.
Trump 2016.
>wow really makes you think
This is his position because he supports destroying the welfare state. You don't have to employ them if you don't want to.
He's quite a weak little cuck. I want someone with a backbone.
At this point it is most likely too much people dependent on government assistance. There are quite a few states like Montana that have low population that could use some more attention, but they cannot be more leeches on our government.
No, they just occupy the same nation as you, commit crimes at higher rates, outvote you, etc.
Why do you autistic fucks treat immigration and demographics in a vacuum?
You realize we don't need to give people coming here to work the right to vote, correct?
Yep. Illegal immigration is not good for America.
Nothing against Johnnson but the Libertarian Party is done. lel
>growing in numbers
>Republican officials defecting to LP
>receiving more attention this election than previous elections
>polling higher than any point in history
wow the libertarian party is done XD
Ever notice Johnson voters on here will fight back everything you say, but when you mention open borders it's quiet as a mouse?
Because of le naked dancing man?
>his political prowess?
Fuck me. Johnson shills... can't you get a subreddit? This faggotry really belongs there.
This guy exists just to steal votes from trump.
Global capitalism and globalization isn't a bad thing, user.
China already has a shitload of tariffs and restrictions on foreign trade. The entire Great Firewall is designed to simply keep out American tech companies to protect the domestic Chinese Internet industry from competition, foreign cars are hugely tariffed, loads of protectionist regulations, etc. They have been ignoring their WTO obligations essentially from the very beginning. They already started the trade war; us refusing to shoot back is just stupid.
At least we finally tariffed their state-subsidized steel dumping before it destroyed our domestic production. Europe has not been quite so circumspect.
>Global capitalism and globalization isn't a bad thing, user.
>supports the second amendment.
no he doesn't his vp is anti guns
Under current law, their 5 kids end up getting it. So then you wait 18 years and you're outvoted. Take a long-term perspective.
>Bernie doesn't want more government, he wants more freedom and opportunity.
Spotted the Bernfag shilling to convince trump voters to vote for Gary Johnson.
>MFW you think Bernie Sanders is still going to become president.
Come on man. Time to rap it up and start sending out resumes.
Oh no, you called me a globalist! That means you won the argument!
>implying globalism is bad
>globalization isn't a bad thing
Alrighty. How is revoking sovereignty a good thing then?
>greater business efficiency
If you can't compete with 3rd world workers, you're either not trying hard enough or you're not smart enough, user. If I'm not allowed the right to hire WHOEVER I want in my company, how can I say I'm truly free?
>open borders
lmao no thanks, that alone is enough reason to never vote libertarian
He's not perfect, and the libertarian party has more than their fair share of lunatics, but his stance on balancing the budget, preserving civil liberties, ending the drug war, and imposing term limits on senators are good ideas. His immigration policies are a bit dumb but not compared to Trump's pants on head retarded """policy""" (and let's be honest, deporting 11 million people and building a border wall is expensive and retarded).
I don't have any expectation that he'll win, but he's frankly better all around than either Trump or Clinton and if he polls at 15% he'll be included in national debates.
I cannot in good conscience vote for a person with a lisp.
Open borders, hates guns. Can't support that, regardless of his economic policies.
He's the type of asshole who would happily import 6 million low-IQ subhumans to work in his slave factories while fucking over the blue-collar guys.
What about laws in countries that benefit hiring 3rd world workers over well qualified workers in existing nations? No matter how skilled you are or appealing, companies may end up hiring cheaper labour. Nothing you can do about it.
>imposing term limits on senators
Bye bye, Bernie!
Well that's the fault of those companies then. Why not start you own company where you hire based on skill? It would be a better business, and could out-compete the other ones in the industry.
Having 70% of hispanics, legal or otherwise, taking advantage of the welfare system is expensive as fuck too you moron.
Gary Johnson is a cuck
and to think I was considering voting for him again
Literally who
>non american opinions about a american presidential candidate
Did my opinion trigger you?
>Why not start you own company where you hire based on skill?
I will get there.
However, recent trends in regressive leftism has taken hold long before I was old enough to have impact to reverse it. So now I am working my way up and I have to deal with companies obsessed with hiring brown people over white because the left told them it is the right thing to do.
Now I can handle being fucked over, but however you look at minimal government, restricting retarded hiring trends like this has to be a thing to focus on. But I am not libertarian so that may be my bias.