>A Gambian asylum seeker has been jailed for life after being found guilty of murdering an American au-pair he met on a couch-surfing website in Austria.
So far, so common.

The American was also voluntarily teaching German (she was studying German in Vienna) to rapefugees. Such good human being. ;_;

>Austrian police have claimed he may have acted out of jealousy after finding Ms Mann lying next to a 15-year-old Afghan boy.

>Ms Mann had offered Abdou I a place to stay through a couch surfing website after he was threatened with deportation by authorities. The pair allegedly started a sexual relationship a short while later.
Aw, ain't that nice.
He was deported to Italy and snuck back into Austria illegaly. Upright rapefugee, innit?

Plus, she was having multiple sexual relations with several other rapefugees, too. Strong independent womyn who don't need no man.

>The day before she was killed, Abdou I found her after a party in her flat lying next to a teenager from Afghanistan. According to DNA evidence, Ms Mann had had sexual contact with both men.
So she fucked a minor rapefugee? Really makes you think.

>He had insisted that he was either in Switzerland or Milan at the time of the murder but could not remember exactly which one.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sounds like nothing of value was lost

>Europe is cucked!
>It's actually americans who are behind it
Why am I not surprised?

Poor Lego woman


this is the best news i've heard all day!

Look how cool she is with her weird haircut, alcoholism and "pitty poor me" attitude. Dumb bitch got what she deserved. That's the truth.


>Au pair

Just fucking call them nannies.

Lol sand niggers are going to sand nigger
>current year
>one post

just kek my shit up

Somebody has to do it, and we're already screwed, so whatever!

she was more than a nanny, she loved them boys.

One less dumb whore, boo hoo.

This is old as fuck but still makes me smile.

The verdict was yesterday, and the detail about her fucking minor rapefugees and sheltering illegal invaders wasn't revealed before, afaik.

They said she was found in a pool of blood.

The story is fishy, the fugee is trying to cover up a rape, it was not consentual.

Then there's been a second case identical as this one because there many posts about how a hoe cucked a shitskin with an underaged afghan boy.

But yeah, veredicts take long so I guess that part is new.

Yesterday was the second day in court, and the first day was back in April. Maybe that's what you meant.

This is what I meant. Reached the news in february. Not as old as I thought.
Guess there's been so many rapes I lost track of it.

Toll status : paid

no, it's the same.
that's when he was arrested.

interesting that the fling with the minor was known back then already.

never heard about it in the local media. sorry.


there is already a thread you fuckwit

just give me every disease you got senpai

>>A Gambian asylum seeker has been jailed for life
Wish he had just been deported. Would have been a fate worse than ending in a Western European jail.


So he just has to find another 1000 $ for roach-smugglers and get in Germoney or Sweden again?

Put a branding on his face or something.

Also didn't we start building a centralized data base with fingerprints from ficki ficki?


>centralized data base with fingerprints from ficki ficki
Only for legal migrants (students & honest taxpayers), scum can't be checked on the border because it would be RACIS'

and reward his crime with going scot-free?
nah, I hope he gets racewar'd in prison. Probably not, considering the majority of inmates are mudslimes already.



they have to be checked once they want free shit (which was the sole reason for them to come here in the first place) though, don't they?

but not with fingerprints as that would be RACIS and MUH PRIVACEE and there's no pan-european database anyway.

the best about this are your comments OP, keep up the good work

>as that would be RACIS and MUH PRIVACEE
Actually not a concern in Germany since we treat our citizens like criminals anyway. You can't get a passport without providing two (I think it was two at least) of your fingerprints anymore either.

We definitely should have a Europe-wide data base though. Would also be morally justifiable for immigrants, since for them it is a voluntary decision. Contrary to people who were born here they made the conscious decision to move to Europe and thus accepted everything it entails.

wot m8? you're know that the migrants are filed and photographed, right? they take fingerprints and everything.

they take fingerprints and take pictures at asylum centers Sepp. At least here in Germany.