well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
Do we get the permission to wipe the slate clean first?
Also you are obviously confusing conservatives with libertarians.
Filled with niggers, everyone would complain that conservatives and lolberterians killed all the "diverse" niggers and turned Somalia into paradise.
It's in Africa.
I got nothing, color me stumped
Full of niggers
Sage this shit
there is a racial difference here. all white african countries prospered before they let the native negroes take over
white americans would do great if they annihiliated all the somalis
>le somalia maymay
Somalia is a failed communist state. It fell apart when Siad Barre was deposed and it has been slowly picked at by vultures ever since. It's only recently that it's been slowly able to start getting its shit together. Now if only Gulf countries and Asia could stop raiding its coastlines to steal fish...
Somalia has taxes and gun laws, and arguably controlled capitalism(like they have any real economy anyway).