Will Milo and the "alt-right" movement divide Sup Forums and eventually lead to its demise?
Will Milo and the "alt-right" movement divide Sup Forums and eventually lead to its demise?
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I believe so.
The alt right doesn't agree on anything
some of us hate enabling gays, some welcome it.
Doomed to fail, enjoy your degenerate world
Milo and the alt-right are stepping stones. There is no solid philosophy for civilization until you get to traditionalism. Everything before then is critique.
I dont care about gays, but the blatant worshipping of a fucking muslim made me really wonder exactly how many here share the same views of islamists. Whats the point in being a right winger if you act just like the ones you are supposed to hate.
>following a literal faggot
give it time and you retards will find a "based muzzie" to follow then before you know it, you'll be defending all shitskins
>make America black again
>make America black again
>make America black again
Nationalism+tolerating homos is better than globalism
The alt-right is pro-gay and pro-multiculturalism. They are overrunning this board. They're difficult to redpill, because they insist they already are redpilled, despite denying the evidence that blacks are biologically less intelligent and more violent.
Milo is so hot I want so suck his dick argh
>alt-right is pro multiculturalism
Did you watch Milo's speech today? He literally said "the problem isnt radical Islam, it's Islsm"
Our race is our nation. What you advocate isn't nationalism, it's multiculturalism in a fabulous new dress.
The alt-right is just a reactionary force of former libertarians, red pilled former liberals and other people sick of the chokehold that cuckservatives have had over the right wing.
It's basically a neo-nationalist philosophy that is a reaction by white people against non-whites.
Look at the polls about approval for Trump. He only rates favorably among whites.
94% of blacks, 88% of latinos and 80% of other nonwhites despise him.
what muslim worship are you referring to? Thanks
Marxists are generally anti-religious.
So because the alt-right doesn't fit perfectly into your ideology, you'll refuse to support it, to the benefit of Clinton and the full-on globalists? Am I understanding you correctly?
Please, enough with this guy. He is whatever makes him edgy and controversial. He takes black dick up the ass, are you fucking serious? He doesn't share our principles or values, obviously. This meme needs to die.
we aren't sjw, we know accomplishing our goals is more important than ideological purity
The fact that so many people on Sup Forums idolize a fag who regularly fucks black fags simply because he angers feminists (as if that was hard to do) is such a fucking joke.
The alt-right are very vocal anti-racists. They're the old libertarians that insist they're redpilled, without ever accepting even the most basic redpilled truth, that the races are different and race is more than skin deep.
Already happened. See Angry Foreigner (Swedish youtuber). Pretty popular on Sup Forums
no. because Sup Forums is like Sup Forums
It's' a shithole you can't kill. Even if Milo did kill it. Sup Forums over on big brother is strong enough to survive it.
Are you not opposed to Islam? What exactly are you advocating?
No, that's not correct, you stupid fucking nigger. Stop addressing arguments I never made. I said that the alt-right is not redpilled.
i agree with a lot of what he says, but yeh i cant get passed his massive faggotry. neither can luberals though.
You gotta post sources kangaroo fucker
And the Shills finally divulge their plot.
I for one will not capitulate to Sjw demands
If the alt right pissed somebody off this much then they have done something great.
Fuck off you faggot. We are on to you now.
i dont get the milo meme or the alt right meme
i dont know what either of these things mean
they are annoying though
You're just complaining about irrelevant bullshit then
We have 2 choices in November
its a bunch of fatherless closet queers who like him, sadly this demographic makes up a large number of Sup Forums
they try to imitate what they believe is a father figure, even if that role model is a blacked faggot
The alt-right is pro-gay and pro-multiculturalism.
Just because they're anti-islam doesn't make them redpilled. Any sane feminist should be anti-islam. Marxists were anti-islam. Anti-islam doesn't mean shit.
I don't really care anymore at this point. Alt-rights are still better than liberals.
>divide Sup Forums
>we were ever united to begin with
>you don't need a big glass of nice cold industrial strength bleach
reminder that this term was created specifically for the purpose of shaming conservatives that aren't neocon zionists
anyone who doesn't stay on the "moderate" end is automatically a racist nazi bigot alt-right misogynist that votes for trump and masturbates to anime
Stop changing the subject.
The alt-right is not redpilled.
no such thing as alt righters
its libertarians or nationalism
>in b4 politico kikes
>94 percent of blacks said they see him unfavorably, as do 89 percent of Hispanics and 88 percent of all other non-whites.
So it's even worse than I said.
The 'alt-right' is a massive blanket of disagreeing peoples, website and ideologies. The only common ground is that mass immigration is killing society, cultural marxism/multiculturalism is a cancer and political correctness has overstepped to being the tyranny supporting the killing of society.
The 'inmates' of the movement all hate eachother, but they hate the opposition so much more.
>We have 2 choices in November
Who /merry for Gary/ here?
This. It used to be Based Kike Shapiro, now it's Based Faggot Milo. The next one will be a nigger or a muslim.
Altright is just trendy because it's edgy and trump memes
I'm not saying they are
Im saying its a waste of time to fight over it because the real enemy is 100 times worse
why are there no BLACKED.COM milo edits?
look at this
>The only common ground is that mass immigration is killing society,
Milo would disagree with you on that. He loves mass immigration as long as it filters out the radicals.
Most Milo shitters are probably reddit dropouts. I've seen a steady rise in his popularity the last month, which coincides with summerfags.
>voting 3rd party
>changing anything
at least one Donald wins the election, National Socialism threads will start popping up more often, as Sup Forums loves to be contrarian.
Kill yourself, multiculturalist scum.
Alt right is made up term to refer to the group of people who enjoy agitating thin skinned sjws and shit. Sup Forums has never been united.
This. The Alt-Right is just a catch-all for all the enemies of the regressive left. That the regressive left has so many enemies from such different corners, is perhaps a strength, and not a weakness.
Like it or not, there are very few 'red-pilled' persons, but there are many disaffected liberals, nationalists, and libertarians, who all for their own reasons will fight mass immigration, Islam, multiculturalism/diversity, etc.
As far as I'm concerned, faggots aren't an existential threat to the western world, Mudslimes are. The enemy of my enemies are my friends.
Enjoy your alt-right mascot, Pol. Hahahhahaha
>voting /R/ or /D/
>changing anything
>Sup Forums is a hivemind meme
Not every person here shares the same political beliefs.
Yup. By the time Trumps second term rolls around I can see this place being a Marxist playground.
Alt-right is just reasonable liberals that are trying to disassociate themselves with the SJW. They still retain the liberal values of racial integration, homosexuality, trans-rights and immigration.
The alt-right is not Sup Forums.
Not a multi-culturalust
I just prefer Trump over Hillary
Not sure why this is didficult for you to understand
Btw if there is a viable white nationalist candidate let me know because I'd cote for him
This. The "alt-right" is pretty much everyone on the internet that thinks it's fun to trigger liberals, which most people do, but they are huge pussies afraid of having actualy political opinions. It's pretty much the "meme only" group.
Fuckin typos
>current year
>using shitty skewed statistic
Keep on truckin koala rapist
You want a bunch of niggers and spics to like your movement? Those stats are wonderful.
Milo is pro christianity though
>2 posts with huge time difference
You know what to do Sup Forums, slide.
This is the ultimate truth. The left and the right have reversed, previously the "big tent" of the left was constantly infighting but now they've all been brought to heel under the globalist PC domination.
Now you have Republicans who love Israel and NatSoc people who want to nuke Israel basically on the same side to try and rid the world of Soros-like Jews and Islam.
The alt-right is already starting to fragment, it won't be around much longer.
It was never a cohesive movement in the first place, simply a collection of people that are fervently anti-leftist but also unsatisfied with the status quo of the right
was pol ever a united natsoc board? i dont think so. alt right is just a meme for westerners to try and fight anti-nationalism, mass immigration and PC. some people on pol are angry because alt righters like a gay guy, and they will retreat to their safe spaces (like stormfront), but thats it. nothing can kill pol.
Fuck off swedecuck
Most dedicated, serious Sup Forumsacks already left to double chan a while ago and tried to distance themselves as much as possible from the (((alt-right))) people. Shitposters, shills, "Sup Forums is satire" kind of faggots remained here for the most part. It's only going to get worse since elections always bring fresh new cancer.