Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
Well what? Fuck off
>paid shills
Paid what now? I'm unemployed!
Op is suffering from miracleofchiledenial
No shit capitalism kills, this is why I turned into communist
exactly cunt
now go back to posting anti gun threads
soon you will save up enough for a pack of hotpockets, that will really annoy mummy trying to stop you from being morbidly obese won't it?
1 free helicopter ride for you.
Oh boy it's this shit again. Daily reminder pic related (expect for the /r9k/ stuff, they're fucking retarded if they believe any of that stuff they wrote about it).
>implying i'm not a truNEET myself
Replace all the "innocents" with violent commies, Muslims or niggers
The difference between that and the commie version is that all the commie countries had brutal dictators but only a smaller subset of capitalist countries have had brutal dictators.
dunno.. Pre 1989 socialist states were literally the definition of atheist conservatism. Pedos, sjw's, race-baitors and what the west now considers to be leftist intelectualists would be take to concentration camps and/or shot
its better to fool and kill other people rather than be poor for the rest of your life, communist faggots.
If capitalism doesn't work why are the only successful countries capitalist?
Top. Fucking. Kek. Just a bunch of terrorists and rebel scum armed and ready to kill in the name of Marxism.
yeah, my uncle was on MIR and was arrested. He probably killed some people because he had some guns at my grandfather's home. He funny thing is that he was freed and he is currently living in Australia.
good times indeed
>4 posts by this ID
yep user, so answer the question
>Killing commies and mudshits
>A bad thing
pick one.
Also, captialism has been tried, its called the West, you fuckwit.
you need to define successful
>niggers and commies
Pick one and only one
Pinochet saved Chile, but he was a Fascist.
High GDP and HDI.
Marxism deserves death.
saged and hidden