Libby's crying

Gersh Kuntzman explains how shooting an AR-15 for the first time gave him PTSD.

Fucking pussy


I think this faggot is far too eager to mention PTSD

Don't these people understand how feminine they sound?

Kuntzman > kike surname translation: Cunt Man

I think he mixes it with excitement. He probably doesn't even know what to do with it.

Jesus what a pussy

>be me
>fire a break action shotgun for the first time
>have a rush of adrenaline and euphoria
>shoot away my entire ammo stock in one day
>release my inner burger

These guys are fucking pussies.


Fucking jew kill them all.


I am a homosexual 5'4'' manlet fuccboi. I love to wear girls clothes at home. I say this to emphasize, really emphasize how insanely wimpy this guy is. I take my AR to the range at least a few times a month. Nothing feels better than the kick from that baby all day. How can a man, a """"straight"""" middle-aged man be such an unbelievable pussy? Holy shit. I'm baffled.

hahahaha what a fag

>temporary PTSD

So this is argument against guns?
This is argument for stop being a pussy.

What an absolute faggot


the smell of destruction?
the smell of a jew

((((I once knocked over a broom while reaching for a light switch in the dark.

It made a loud noise and startled me terribly. This resulted in PTSD.))))

God what a insufferable feminine little faggot bitch.

Tbqh familam, I was a little skitzy when firing a gun for the first time too. I was uneased by the fact that anyone could theoretically turn the gun on you and kill you in an instance. However, once you realize 99.99% of people are sane human beings, and once you get used to how the guns work, it's fun as shit. Idk what this fag is talking about, tho. AR-15's have such low recoil due to its design, especially in comparison to a .45 pistol or a .357 magnum.


>the brass shell casings disorientated me as they flew past my face

Left handed people can never be trusted

You think he actually shot a gun? Hell no, it's click bait and all of you fell for it. You are playing right into the liberal fucker's hands so he can go back to his soap box to say how inhuman the right and 2a supporters are. You fucking bunch of idiots. Your best bet was to ignore this shit and you failed.

>temporary ptsd
This is like when fuckwits say they have ocd when a pencil is crooked. I'd like to give that faggot a limp, then he can cry about trauma.

Maybe that was his intention, but all he did was showcase how anti-guns are a bunch of limpwristed effeminate cucks.

>these incredibly easy to use baby killing weapons of mass destruction are actually difficult to use and nearly killed me because I'm a pussy

Again, it's comments like these that are playing into their hands. What we needed to do is dehumanize them instead. For an example, a moment of silence was called for the deaths in Orlando. Instead of doing so, the left began their chant, asking "where is the bill" and ignoring the lives lost that day to push an agenda.

fuck you. Then the left blames us for not doing anything while simultaneously getting whatever they want politically while we sit on our hands. This whole "lets be quiet because its 'spectful" dribble is retarded shit.

Sadly they wear that as a badge of honor. I fear for this country some times. A few weekends ago I had to coax my friends into shooting my M1 from the shoulder. They were scared of the 30 06 recoil. It hurt my heart a little. Got to blow up some tannerite with it afterwards so that pretty much fixed everything. Got a little carried away with a rapid fire string and clipped my buddies horse watering trough so that ended up being a little pricey, but oh well. Also I don't have to read his shitty click bait to tell this guy is a huge trolling faggot. It's sad that there are people ignorant enough to believe it.

I didn't know cockroaches could operate a shotgun.

>temporary ptsd


>tfw right handed left dominant eye

Why's he have an American and German flag both?

because he's probably a german american with some respect for his roots

His roots are fucking American.

I'm ~3/4 German by heritage but I have absolutely no associating with Germany due to that.

Even most people who's great grandparents or whatever the fuck didn't come from Germany. They came from Austria-Hungary or Prussia or some horse shit.

That's stupid. Germany is made of shithole now. It may not be one now, but unless its people change to chemistry going on there, there's not going to be anything left to take pride in. The fact that it carries the entire EU on its back like a coked up sherpa doesn't change anything.

i now have temporary PTSD from this post

I'll bet he thinks the reason soldiers have PTSD is that they were exposed to loud sounds, kek.

And yet, every year, thousands of 18 year old women who join the military manage to fire them without crying about it.

Imagine that.

This. We're Americans, not Germans, or English. That's who we were, and we're better off for the change. Anyone who says otherwise is a Eurocentric, cocksucking jackass with no appreciation for america, american culture, or american history.

One year military conscription would get rid of 90% of society faggotry.

>shell casings
>flying past his face

I'm not sure what it is but I think this guy might be lying.

Never said anything about being quiet, fool. It's about taking plays from their own books to turn it against them. By calling them sissys, girly, or anything that signifies feminity as a bad thing will play right into their hands. When they accuse us of being inhumane by supporting 2a after a tragedy, we play it back by showing people how they are using the tragedy to push agendas rather than morn. When they tell us that being investigated by the FBI should remove our rights, why shouldn't they apply to their candidate? Why should we continue to revoke the rights of citizens by not allowing due process and be put on a secretive list that deny us our rights? That's what we should do rather than make fools of ourselves by calling someone a pushy to play right into their agenda, you half witted dipshit.

Noice. Someone please tweet this at this faggot. Give him some perspective.

His reaction is like the reaction of a female. This is what you get when you try to feminize a culture. Grown fucking men talking about how loud, horrifying, and hard it was to fire a gun.

1) most clowns on this board have never shot an AR
2) if he's shooting for the first time in an indoor range, and shooting an AR, it is absolutely deafening and the muzzle shock wave reverbs around the whole stall. For first time shooter it is freaky.

I've taken enough newbies to the range that this is a typical reaction. If any of you were actually shooters you would know.


Half of the horror probably came from realizing that he was engaging in a lower-middle-class pastime.

The whole time he was thinking about getting back to his mac laptop and letting everyone know how "scary" AR15's are.

Meanwhile he's trying to rush out his other piece on why refugees are a fantastic idea.

(((this faggot)))

Children shoot AR-15 rifles and larger calibers without being bruised. What a fucking pussy.

men like this would have kept america free for like less than 5 minutes

Cool story Jacques.

6,000,000% kike

I have a seven year old daughter who can shoot my AR with no problems. That jew should kill himself

You can't bea an expert at its own game. You're asking for the left to care when its shamed, which makes you a useful idiot. Shame does not work on the shameless. Do you think BLM or SJWs can be shamed out of their behavior after what you've seen? Are you literally fucking retarded? These people know what they're doing is shameful. Some, especially black people, even tacitly understand that what their doing is wrong, but don't care, because they know they have something to gain, and don't care about the consequences to anyone else. The worst ones do it knowing that their left leaning constituents will lie and defend them from persecution. In their minds, nothing is against the rules if perpetrated against whites or perceived conservatives, because they are inhuman. They're more than willing to humiliate themselves in a menagerie of ways to prove and prostrate themselves to their ideological masters. Remember "freebleeding"? You are an idiot.

>the smell of sulfur and destruction made my little white boiclitty stand at attention, not that anyone could see it


What else would they use to genocide armenians?

needs to be put down to end his suffering.

>dont they know how unmanly they sound

It's a virtue to these people.

Right there with thinking burned gunpowder stinks of sulfur.
