Fuck off mods, you let shills stay up yet delete people discussing truth and bringing double standards to light?
Fuck off mods, you let shills stay up yet delete people discussing truth and bringing double standards to light?
Other urls found in this thread:
how can you hate nigs when they're like 11 in your country you cunt
I don't want them here, burger.
>how can you hate nigs when they're like 11 in your country you cunt
Are you fucking kidding me?
Oh sorry, I meant 12.
Shouldn't you homos be worried more about emus
fuck off and die, faggot
Take this board back from the shills
They are trying to weaken our resolve since we are the foundation of the Trump meme factory.
>I've never seen shit in my kitchen but I know I don't want it there
They've literally gone into a permanent state of pre-tuesday shilling overdrive since that gay shooting.
You've got to wonder how much they're throwing into this anti-Trump campaign now.
>reeeee how can you hate black people if you don't live in a ghetto
Even Trump fucking fell for it by talking about gun control
the media really does have 100% dominance of the world now.
remake deleted threads but add that the previous thread was deleted and if you can't make anymore after the second due to banning then ask someone else to take up the torch.
they will either ban us all or allow what we want.
All dat racisism
Kim hing nee chong eat dog anus changaranga chang? Is it really you?
How many fine upstanding citizens of African descent do you run into in that frozen wasteland of yours?
>90%+ white country thinks it understands niggers
Fucking naive Euro idiots
Well memed, brother!
America's problems stem from capitalism and gun fetishism, not skin color
And the overwhelming majority of people engaging in runbeer still continues to be ethnic Finns despite a meme video
Look at the little commissioner in training.
Here's what my high school was like.
>capitalism and gun fetishism
you're so fucking retarded it hurts
Lmao, that picture of that nig looks like a screenshot of some videogame
Notice what happened to the black vote after the welfare state/"Great society" was implemented.
Look at the damaging effect of dat capitalism.
>majority of people engaging in runbeer still continues to be ethnic Finns
Oh wow a 90% ethnic group commits most the crime
wow that totally changes everything you fucking faggot, I guess that completely changes the disparity in racial crime rates.
Someone never grew up in a heterogeneous community. Honestly it's not even like I hate mexicans or blacks. Just stop coming here fucking illegally and being so fucking god damn violent (respectively).
Oh and just look at the discrepancies caused by poverty and sshheeeiiittttt
Damn I want me a Finnish girl to breed strong white children with.
how can you not hate them after broswing pol ?
God the Zimmerman trial seems like a life time ago,those were good times.
how do I get a righteous finnish qt?
soo hot
You don't even understand what you're arguing
Pointing to the poorest groups committing crimes when social security is lacking is not proving me wrong
>It's not the negro, it's poverty that causes the crime
Poor whites don't commit a fraction of the crime. I know cause I am one.
that's because you're NEET who doesn't leave the house
>It's not race, it's poverty
Oh, the everlasting meme. That's why black people in good positions, like the military, travelling overseas still rape and murder.
I wonder how come poor negroes in the US are constantly killing each other and playing games like knockout whitey while broke whites rarely engage in this kind of behaviour.
I wonder how come immigrants living the welfare life in the West not having to work for shit to get all kinds of affirmative actions still rape and murder while natives beg on the streets.
Don't worry, the dune coons will come for your country eventually.
probably something to do with this.
For when I fuck up the link, it's a thread in /qa/ demanding action of the forum sliding here. How's a mod to know what's sliding and what is just funposting?
Another user pointed out that these are euro time mods. You cant really blame them when it's illegal for them to be politically incorrect. They shouldn't be mods though.
every dindu is one too much
Thread theme.
Thread theme.
Fite me irl cunt
I approve, my good britbrother. Today you are not Muhammad.
Suck my dick you westie faggot.
>different last names
goddammit you turboniggers
There's literally maybe 50 black people in the whole of New Zealand
goddamn nigs
What dick you filthy jafa?
And out of them I've only meet two African Americans and they were both military.
One was a US Marine chimping out trying to fight some one (I know he was a marine because he made sure everyone knew)
das make racists
Disproven time and again, see white appalachians in the US for a quick example.
Small price to pay for what her ancestors did
oi mate shillin from my car is hard work, leave auckland alone
God damn I need more of these
>shillin from my car is hard work
Why don't you just move to Wellington famalam? I hear refugees are welcome there.
post self def 1 plox
>that last comment
Bet cuntface didn't reply to that!
How can they be brothers if they have different last names?
Well.. I guess that's that
Different baby dadies?
In the black community? That's pretty unheard of to be honest.
you're joking right?
Well, maybe it has to do something with the warrant canary?
nigger lover
Obama doesn't only fuck up the USA.
Was that not apparent?
How can guys like you hate here so much when you spend so much time on Reddit
Since you still haven't realised and I feel sorry for you I'm going to spell it out for you
This guy was being sarcastic
Sorry I thought you were New Zealand
You're opinions discarded
that's adorable
I "Pray" they aren't banning because they don't agree with the subject.
>Im pretty sure for the most part.....they are better then that.
>If not there are consequences for being reddit fags editing high value topics....because they disagree with the political statement
>Pew pew pew
That news story WAS buried quickly. Happened a few years ago.
Sad thing is that we live in the town this happened in, and not a single person understands their nature. They all just believe they were "bad kids".
Kill all niggets.
Thats mine
So's this...
>Argentina isn't on this list
Gee, I wonder if this graph was made by a nigger who wanted to be a white man?
My man!!! I've been pimping that shit over Sup Forums for a bit now
Stolen and renamed "Pentagon Papers" lol
all fucking niggers must fucking hang
My dad actually fled from a life in Appalachian poverty when he was a young man, and so I can confirm this is largely bullshit.
People get murdered all the time in Appalachia, the reason the crime statistics are so low is because its such an extreme poverty hellhole there is literally no police force in those areas.
When Cletus murders Bubba in the woods, the authorities will never get involved in the first place because those people are so off the fucking grid the authorities probably don't even know these crimes are happening in the first place, let alone the fact that they probably don't even know those people fucking exist in the first place.
>Different last names
Wait thats mine too. This is getting weird.
So is this...
Im feeling pretty prolific about my memeing right now
Who remembers this guy? Good times, good times...
pls care to explain by writing a better OP
t. lying ted
>Svencuck thinks he can tell me about my family and country
Why are you even here? Don't you have asylcenter to go fuck some refugees at?
That's a nice shoop
The shills who are sliding are the same people who created EnoughTrumpSpam on reddit. They know our memes very well. They are organizing an op under the guise of anonymous. this is so fucked.
also here is there site. i can't archive it today because I think they block well known scrapers.
it's pretty fucking gross.
kek pictures bro
>Oct 31, 2012