Do summerfags somehow think if OP doesn't post in his own thread he's a shill trying to slide their shitty generals, or do they unironically not realize that IDs have been thread-specific since February last year?
Strawpolls related:
1 post by this ID
>inb4 1 post by this ID
I swear, this board gets worse by the hour. Shills, Redditards, Trumpists, shitposters galore. I'm starting to wish we could ban Americans.
>two posts by this ID
Its learning!
reddit is a shithole
Sup Forums
8ch (pl)
lain is cancer
voat is lefty
>I'm the only one who has been here longer than 1-2 years
To the loo.
That is why a shill can create dozens of different threads with different IDs and they never have to respond back to one of their slide threads without having to switch proxies.
I'm sure most of Sup Forums hasn't spent more than that on Sup Forums, but a lot of oldfags are still here.
We create our own version of reddit. Each subreddit equivalent has its own topic but its rules do not get enfored by biased mods, rather admins that enforce global rules and the specific guidelines about what content is allowed in that subreddit. Upvote/downvoted get replaces by a single button that represents "discussion". Posts are higher based upon discussion, comments in a thread ad +1 discussion, replies to a comment ad +1 discussion. This way minority opinions can't be forced out.
go in the loo pajeet, stop shitting in the street
a lot of you dumb assholes seem to miss the fact that people didn't normally say "1 post by this ID" until an obvious b8 thread was 250 replies in
now you have summerfags acting like it's some kind of meme
>new memes can't be created
sounds like Sup Forums brah
Or the fact there was an influx of shitposting threads today, much more than usual, right after the DNC """"leak"""""
Yeah, Sup Forums was really fucking awful today.
>b8 thread got 250 replies
Sup Forums's been like that for a long time user.
Also, link?
You can be sure there's atleast a handful of bored autists NEETs spamming slidethreads just to make people think we're actually being slid. Either for their own amusement or to bring attention to the DNC threads. The Streisand effect is real.
>implying we should allow forced memes
This board has become unbearable due to this
>I'm starting to wish we could ban Americans.
Why don't you start your own board in Finland then?
You guys can post reindeer porn and your favorite Lordi videos.
You can shitpost about who the best angry bird is.
Ya know? Really get to the important stuff.
I don't doubt it, we started shilling ourselves. But hopefully it will show summerfags how to identify and to ignore bait threads.....
I doubt it though, it's the same every summer.
It's dying down at the moment, but they'll be back tomorrow
>Why don't you start your own board in Finland then?
>What is ylilauta
Cancer in electrical form.
>reddit is a shithole
You just answered your own question, pajeet
>being this easily rustled
Lurk moar fglt
1 post by this ID
really makes you think huh?